
Mister 3

After getting some rest and eating some food, Toshiro felt his strength returning. The combined effects of the nourishment and the Black Flash had fully regenerated his wounds. Feeling refreshed, he set off to reunite with his crew.

As he approached the ship, Toshiro was taken aback by the sight before him. The crew was nowhere to be seen. Instead, the area was littered with candles, wax sculptures, and strange wax markings.

"Oh? Is it Mister 3?" Toshiro muttered to himself, scratching his head in mild confusion. Recognizing the work of the wax artist, he knew something was amiss. He made his way into his cabin to change out of his torn clothes, slipping into a fresh set of attire.

After getting ready, Toshiro set out to search the forest, trying to recall the specific location from the show where Mister 3 had made his move. His memory served him well, and he soon found the spot where his crewmates were trapped.

There, he saw Nami, Vivi, and Sanji stuck in wax, struggling to escape. The sight made him sigh in frustration. "You can't even leave for a second, ugh, how useless," Toshiro muttered to himself, shaking his head.

With a determined stride, he walked towards Mister 3, who was overseeing his handiwork with a smug expression.

"Well, well, look who decided to join the party," Mister 3 said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Captain Toshiro, wasn't it? You're just in time to see your crew turned into wax statues."

"Is that so? Then go ahead," Toshiro responded, calmly putting his hands in his pockets.

"As I expected if you didn't want them to di—wait, what??" Mister 3 said, clearly confused by Toshiro's nonchalant response.

Toshiro's cold gaze never wavered as he stared down Mister 3. "You seem to misunderstand," he said, his voice emotionless. "If I wanted to kill you, you'd already be dead. It's from my extreme generosity that I'm letting you make a clown of yourself before you die."

A smirk formed on Toshiro's face, complete disdain evident in his eyes.

In all his life, Mister 3 had never encountered someone as arrogantly confident as Toshiro.

"Who do you think you are? Acting this arrogant, you seem to not understand the world we live in," Mister 3 shouted, his frustration mounting.

Toshiro's smirk widened slightly. "I understand the world perfectly. It's you who seems to be deluded about your place in it."

Mister 3's anger boiled over. "We'll see how long that arrogance lasts!" he yelled, attempting to bind Toshiro in globs of wax and harden them upon contact. However, Toshiro easily dodged the attacks, having already predicted Mister 3's moves.

Frustrated, Galdino crafted a spear out of wax and lunged at Toshiro with a series of swift attacks. Toshiro, his hand casually in his pocket, dodged the attacks with ease and blocked with his other hand. His movements were fluid and effortless, showing no signs of strain.

"Is that all you've got?" Toshiro taunted, his expression still cold and emotionless.

Mister 3's attacks became more frantic as he realized Toshiro was toying with him. "Why won't you just stand still and fight properly?" he shouted, his desperation growing.

Toshiro sighed. "You're not even worth the effort."

With a sudden burst of speed, Toshiro closed the distance between them. His movements were a blur, a testament to his incredible agility and prowess. He summoned Dismantle, the slashing energy manifesting as a brilliant, ethereal blade that cut through Mister 3's wax spear like it was nothing more than air.

The spear shattered, fragments of wax scattering in all directions. Before Mister 3 could even begin to comprehend what had happened, Toshiro had already landed a powerful punch to his gut. The impact was tremendous, sending waves of pain through Mister 3's body and forcing him to stagger backward, gasping for breath.

Desperation etched across his face, Galdino, also known as Mister 3, resorted to his last line of defense. Summoning all the power of his Devil Fruit, he created a massive, imposing wax mech suit. The structure was intricate and formidable, towering over Toshiro with an intimidating presence. The wax gleamed in the light, its surface smooth and deceptively solid. With a roar of determination, Galdino charged at Toshiro, the mech's heavy footfalls causing the ground to tremble with each step.

Toshiro, unfazed by the imposing figure before him, moved with calculated precision. As the mech's massive fist hurtled toward him, he swiftly leaned to the side, dodging the punch with grace and ease. The air whooshed past him, the force of the missed blow evident. In one fluid motion, he slipped his hand into the mech's stomach, his fingers finding the core of the wax creation.

"Cleave," he whispered, his voice steady and confident.

Energy surged from his hand, a brilliant light that seemed to cut through the very fabric of reality. The wax mech suit stood no chance. The energy sliced through it effortlessly, the once-imposing structure crumbling as if it were made of nothing more than brittle paper. The intricate designs and reinforced sections disintegrated in an instant, fragments of wax raining down around them.

Galdino, now exposed and vulnerable, stood in the wreckage of his creation, shock and disbelief etched across his face. His eyes widened as he met Toshiro's gaze, a look of utter confusion and fear overtaking him.

Suddenly, the world seemed to flip upside down. Galdino's eyes darted around in bewilderment. "Huh? What?" he stammered, trying to make sense of the disorienting view. Then it hit him—the sensation of weightlessness, the realization that he was no longer standing on solid ground.

"Ahhh... I'm dead," Galdino muttered, his voice a mixture of resignation and surprise as his head spun through the air. His body, separated cleanly from his head, collapsed to the ground, leaving Toshiro standing amidst the debris, victorious and unscathed.

"Kuro, where were you?" Toshiro asked without turning his head, sensing Kuro's arrival with his Observation Haki.

"I was going to end him myself as I'm prepared, but it seems you did everything by yourself," Kuro replied, adjusting his glasses with a casual flick. He held a gas bottle in his hand, its purpose a mystery. Who knows where the hell he got it?

"Anyway," Toshiro said, looking at the tied crew members encased in wax. He raised his finger, energy crackling at the tip.

Nami, Sanji, and Vivi's eyes widened in fear, thinking Toshiro was about to kill them. But instead, with a swift, precise motion, he simply removed their restraints. The wax bindings fell away, shattering into harmless fragments.

"What made you think I was going to kill you?" Toshiro asked, confused.

"No one can know and understand what's in your head," Nami replied, her voice tinged with caution.

"You don't look like a nice guy," Vivi added, looking down, her voice barely above a whisper.

"No comment," Sanji said as he started smoking, the tension easing from his shoulders.

Toshiro looked at them, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "I suppose I need to work on my image," he said dryly.

Kuro chuckled softly, shaking his head. "You? A nice guy? That's a stretch."

"Hmm?" Toshiro, with his strong senses, heard a phone ringing. Ignoring everyone else, he disappeared, reappearing in front of the phone in an instant and lifting it to his ear.

"How is your progress, Mister 3?" a soft and nice female voice asked.

"It's going all well, Ms. All Sunday," Toshiro replied, imitating Galdino's voice.


"Hmm?... Can I ask who you are?" the female voice asked cautiously.

"I'm your lost father. I abandoned you because i did not want to pay child support. I'm sorry," Toshiro said jokingly, his tone completely serious.

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before the voice responded, sounding both puzzled and slightly amused. "Is that so? Well, it's good to hear from you, Father. I hope you're ready to deal with the consequences of that decision."

Toshiro smirked, hanging up the phone. He returned back to the others, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Let's move. We still have a lot ahead of us."

(Note: I've started a new fanfic titled Reincarnated as Uraume in the Heian Era. Check it out in my profile and leave a heart on you way there❤️❤️)
