
I hate you, Ilkar Skivarion

Eiravyne couldn't go back to sleep. Usually, she could manage to doze off again after the burn nightmare, but this time was different.

Ilkar was inside the nightmare. His presence made her feel a suffocating mix of fear and confusion.

It was as if he had intruded into her most private torment, his golden eyes cold and unyielding even in the dream.

She sat up in bed, trembling, her heart pounding wildly.

The very thought of him invading her nightmares terrified her, leaving her more shaken than ever.

What did it mean? Why was he there? The lines between reality and the dream blurred, making her feel trapped in a waking nightmare.

She barely managed to stand, her legs weak and shaky.

She started to walk in circles inside her room, trying to shake off the lingering dread.

Seeing Ilkar in her nightmare felt like a mistake, an intrusion that left her deeply unsettled.

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