
Love Rival

The air in the train became oppressive as Leila looked angrily at Renaud. Even the powerful yin-yang master could not withstand the wrath of a woman scorned by his careless words.

"I did not mean to offend," Renaud realised he sounded insulting and tried to explain. "I meant it is a very hidden shop with a lot of rules. I did not think you would be familiar with it. Even people from Ghost City don't know it." 

Leila felt a strange shift in the air around Renaud for the first time. He was no longer a part of his surroundings, blending perfectly. It was almost as if he fell out of sync with nature, a dissonant note in a piece of music. 

"So, you can lie, just not well," Leila's stretched into a smile that exposed sharp little fangs, and her eyes twinkled. The wolf façade over her face also seemed to smile with narrowed eyes. 

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