
Amelia's Potential

The shock on the faces made Leila a little amused. It was almost like she had agreed to give up her organs or something of similar importance. If they knew that an apprenticeship never existed in the first place, they would not be so surprised.

She never intended to follow or learn from Edgar Farrel, so it did not matter if she symbolically sacrificed the valued opportunity. This course of action was perfect for confusing people about her motives.

Keeping everyone on their toes was probably the best strategy for handling the Campbells. Their preconceived notions about her made it easy to keep them guessing. As long as they were uncertain about her intentions and interests in coming to Lake City, they were more likely to reveal their secrets. 

A confused enemy was an easy one to eliminate. 

"What?" Holly shouted. "What do you mean by that?"

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