

Settling into a meditative position, Ling Tian took out the herbs he had painstakingly collected during his explorations.

These herbs were essential ingredients for refining peak Qi Refining pills, which would significantly boost his cultivation.

He also had a substantial amount of refined beast blood, which he planned to use to enhance his physical strength through a special absorption method.

He began by setting up a small alchemical furnace, focusing his mind, and channeling his Qi to ignite the flame.

The process of pill refinement required utmost precision and control.

Ling Tian meticulously added each herb, carefully monitoring the temperature and adjusting the flame as needed.

The aroma of potent medicinal herbs filled the air, a testament to the quality of the ingredients he had gathered.

As the pills took shape, Ling Tian could feel the dense spiritual energy contained within them.

Once the refinement was complete, he carefully extracted the pills from the furnace, each one radiating a powerful aura.

These peak Qi Refining pills would provide the boost he needed to break through to the next level.

Next, he prepared the refined beast's blood, pouring it into a specially crafted large basin.

The blood gleamed with a rich, dark hue, pulsating with raw power.

Ling Tian knew that bathing in the beast's blood would allow his body to absorb the potent vitality through his pores, pushing his Strength Awakening realm to new heights.

He began by consuming one of the Qi Refining pills, feeling the surge of spiritual energy as it coursed through his meridians.

Then, without delay, he stepped into the basin of beast blood.

The liquid was warm and thick, enveloping his body as he settled into a meditative stance within it.

As he focused on the Eternal Transcendence Scripture, he guided the energy from the pill to circulate through his body, harmonizing with the essence of the beast's blood being absorbed through his skin.

Hours turned into days as Ling Tian immersed himself in this dual cultivation process.

The energy from the pills and the beast's blood intermingled, creating a harmonious flow of Qi and vitality.

His pores greedily drank in the essence of the refined beast's blood, which seeped into his muscles, bones, and meridians, fortifying them with raw power.

He could feel the barriers at the 10th level beginning to weaken, the combined power of his efforts gradually wearing them down.

The spiritual energy from the pills merged seamlessly with the beast's blood's vitality, creating a potent concoction that surged through his system.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ling Tian felt a sudden surge.

The barrier shattered, and his cultivation soared to the 11th level in both Qi Refining and Strength Awakening realms.

The rush of power was exhilarating, his body and Qi resonating with newfound strength.

"Yes!" Ling Tian exclaimed, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. "I've done it. Now I'm ready to face the dangers of the core zone."

He stood up from the basin, feeling the immense power within him.

His muscles felt stronger, his Qi more potent and refined.

He was now prepared to venture into the Core Zone, where the true challenges awaited.

As Ling Tian journeyed towards the Core Zone, he felt the atmosphere change around him.

The air crackled with intense spiritual energy, thick and palpable as if the very essence of the forest itself was alive and watching.

The trees grew taller and more ancient, their branches intertwining to form a dense canopy that blocked out much of the sunlight.

The sounds of the forest shifted, too.

No longer were there just the chirping of birds and rustling of leaves; now, there were deeper, more primal sounds echoing through the trees.

Roars and growls reverberated in the distance, signaling the presence of powerful demonic beasts.

These were no ordinary creatures.

Ling Tian knew that within the Core Zone, the beasts were of a different caliber.

They possessed strength and abilities far beyond those he had encountered in the Outer Zone.

Here, even the weakest of creatures would be a formidable opponent, capable of testing his skills and pushing him to his limits.

But with greater challenges come greater opportunities.

Ling Tian saw the Core Zone not just as a place of danger, but as a crucible for his growth and development.

It was here that he would face the most powerful adversaries, honing his abilities and unlocking his true potential.

As Ling Tian faced off against the formidable Shadow Leopard, he knew that defeating such a powerful adversary would require all of his skills and abilities.

With a confident smirk, he drew his Tianwu Sword, the blade gleaming in the dim light of the forest.

"Let's see how you fare against my Void Shadow Step and the techniques I've learned in seclusion," Ling Tian said, his voice echoing with calmness.

With a swift movement, he activated his Void Shadow Step, disappearing from sight in a blur of motion.

The Shadow Leopard roared in confusion, its massive form lashing out in all directions as it searched for its elusive opponent.

Ling Tian reappeared behind the Leopard in a flash, his sword flashing as he unleashed a flurry of strikes.

Each movement was precise and calculated, his Void Shadow Step allowing him to strike with unmatched speed and agility.

The Leopard roared in pain as Ling Tian's blade found its mark, leaving deep gashes in its dark scales.

But the creature was far from defeated, its powerful claws swinging toward Ling Tian with deadly intent.

With a quick step to the side, Ling Tian activated his teleportation ability, disappearing from the leopard's path in an instant.

The creature's claws struck nothing but air, its roars of frustration echoing through the forest.

Reappearing behind the leopard once more, Ling Tian launched another series of attacks, his sword techniques weaving a deadly dance of shadows and steel.

With each strike, he pushed himself to the limit, his movements fueled by the power of the space-time cube and his unwavering determination.

As the battle raged on, Ling Tian's skills and abilities were put to the test like never before.

But with each passing moment, he grew stronger and more confident, his mastery of sword and space allowing him to outmaneuver and outwit his formidable foe.

And when the final blow was struck, and the Shadow Leopard lay defeated at his feet, Ling Tian knew that he had proven himself worthy of the challenges that lay ahead.

Ask in the comments if you find something confusing or if I should improve on it.

Primordial_Sevencreators' thoughts