
The cost of an injury taken

"Should we…go to them?" Artie asked nervously, watching over the knights in the distance as they hacked and slashed at the giant, making sure they were dead. Sir Geraint stared at the knights, his expression grim. 

"No. I need to stay with you, and others are already on their way to fetch Sir Gawain." He already knew where her heart was going, and Artie exhaled sharply through her mouth.

"Fuck. I hate this. I just want to be right there." Artie muttered, and Sir Geraint glanced at her, and he smiled. His eyes crinkled at the corners, but his eyes held no amusement. 

"Unfortunately, Sire, you are going to have to get used to watching things happen to us. I know that Sir Lancelot would not tell you this, and I am sure that it is something your previous King would tell you as well, but now, you are a watcher. You have to brace your heart for this. Sir Gawain will survive this. He is one of our strongest members." He told her, and Artie felt her heart jerk. 

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