
Threes a company, fours a crowd

"What of the other knights?" One of the handmaids piped up, and the others encouraged her around the room.

"Yes! They are all eligible bachelors, and now that the war is over, they can take time to marry." The ladies shared nods, and Artie couldn't have stopped the slow blush if she tried. Even Lady Guinevere seemed interested. She shared a look with the others until she noticed the shade Artie had turned. 

"Wait, has someone made a move already?" She asked, and Artie covered her face with her hands. She sighed, before she nodded. 

"I really didn't think we'd get on this topic." She muttered, and Lady Guinevere grabbed her hands, moving them away from her face. Her blue eyes sparkled as she gazed upon Artie, and Artie sensed mischief.

"You must not be around other women often then. You must tell us who, Sire." Her tone was firm, and Artie but her lip, nervous. 

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