
Breakfast time

Ford hobbled into the house, a dressing of fresh bandages under his crutch arm and a clean set of clothes on his body for the first time in as long as he could remember. He was even shaved! 

A chair was pulled out, and he gratefully sank into it, exhausted. Three women now bustled about the kitchen. Two were busy setting the table, and one was holding a plate of scrambled eggs, staring at him with an open mouth and wide eyes.

"Here's our guest, Ford." Seth announced, pulling a chair from another room and adding it to those already around the table. "This is my wife, Sarah, and my mother."

"You can call me Grandma, like most people do," The older woman smiled. "Welcome to our home."

"Thank you, ma'am," Ford tried to keep up his manners as best he could. As long as he was being fed, he'd be as nice as he could.

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