
Unveiling the Past

"This really is one of the best parts of being rich," I mused, pouring myself a glass of orange juice while waiting for the plane to land near our destination.

'I finally get why celebrities choose to travel by plane even when you could just drive there.' It was a short flight from L.A. to Colorado, and it was definitely better than driving. 'Even though it's so much worse for the environment, it just saves so much time.'

Thus, I decided to disregard the negatives of the trip and focus on the positive. "And boy, are there a lot."

"Kuzan, here..." My sister tapped me on the arm before proceeding to shove a lollipop into my mouth without my consent.

"WOW, Melissa, I didn't know you'd be so fast." I commended my sister on her skill before walking over to gloat about my victory to the world-renowned scientist who had been outsmarted by a little girl.

'I knew she'd win, but to do so this fast might be a new record even for her.'

It had taken me days of planning to be assured of my victory in the battle of psychological warfare I had played with the Doctor. On the other hand, it had taken mere minutes for my little sister to convince the poor old man to offer up his sweets to her.

"Pay up." I extended my arm to receive my prize from Doctor Payne.

I had made a bet with the old scientist during takeoff that before we landed, my sister would be able to convince him to give up the candies I had conveniently provided.

The old man rolled his eyes and handed me a $100 bill, acknowledging his loss. 'Really, Melissa, I don't know how you do it.'

[10 minutes later]

"So, are the two of you finally going to start talking to me again?" I asked the two 'Princesses' who were still giving me the silent treatment for God knows what reason. Even my sister looked helpless at how they were treating me, refusing to speak a word since arriving in America.

I had even gone so far as to ask Mr. Lander for advice, but all I received in response was a fit of laughter as he pointed at my face in utter disregard for my feelings. 'To think, Uncle Lander, leaving me with your little Princess because you've got some urgent work to complete back in England, you've missed the surprise of a lifetime.'

Of course, I had already told Diana's guardian the reason for the trip, in somewhat cryptic words, but regardless, I trusted the man enough to not make a big fuss about it. His top priority was always his angel of a niece, and he would rather lie about the world being flat than upset her.

Thus, the only residents of this trip to the museum included myself, Doctor Payne, Uncle Albert, and the three little brats. Even Aunt Elizabeth had chosen to decline the trip due to an important meeting that suddenly came up that she refused to tell me more about.

'I would've asked her more about it, but I had a feeling everything would be alright, plus she promised to show up for the tournament, so there's that at least.'

"Maybe what you're about to see might get some words out of your mouths." I disregarded their childish behavior and moved on with the field trip, walking up to one of the workers at the current mining operation.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, sir, they're excavated to the point you specified. I can assure you that it would be safe for your family to go have a look and see. We can also 'dig' them out fully in a matter of hours. However, as you've instructed, we've waited until you're here to get anywhere close to them."

"Perfect," I said, shaking the man's hand to acknowledge his help and straightforwardness. "I'll make sure to let my Aunt know about your team's help and efficiency with the project, especially the amazing work of their manager. Truly, thanks so much."

'Really, it's so easy to earn their appreciation and support.' I spoke my last words to the starry-eyed man before gesturing for everyone to follow me down to the location of the site.

"So, are you ready, Doc? To see the most beautiful sight imaginable?"

"Really, Kuzan, you shouldn't tease an old man so much," the man said, hurrying faster and faster toward his 'precious,' "not even showing me a complete photo of the find, telling me things like it would reduce its 'impact' when I see it for myself."

Despite his constant attempts to 'reprimand' me, I stayed silent to not spoil the surprise. Plus, just to keep up with his increasingly fast pace, I had to pick up both Diana and Melissa with my hands while Xiao Li and Uncle Albert followed closely behind.

Finally, as the minutes continued to pass, we arrived at the tunnel, only to be met by a tarp that was hiding the artifact from everyone's sight.

"Really, young man?" It seemed it was the scientist's turn to be speechless at my antics, not wanting to ruin the long trip for the other guests. 'Really, old man, patience is a virtue.'

"Okay, is everyone ready?" I continued to build up suspense as I made my way over to uncover the sheet. "Sounds good, here goes..."


I finally unveiled the sight of a lifetime under the gazing eyes of the audience, who were struck speechless by the view in front of them. It was just too beautiful.

The 'last' act of the prehistoric man, frozen in time for us to witness... his beautiful battle with one of the most dangerous creatures to have existed.

'No, that's not it. It wasn't a fight.'

'It was a hunt.'

"Behold, the last daring act of the prehistoric mammal known as Pickle, hunting his last meal before being frozen over 190 million years ago. This ferocious mammal, far surpassing the deadliness and ferocity of even the most dangerous of dinosaurs, considering even the Tyrannosaurus Rex as nothing more than its prey."

"So cool!" My sister was the first to break the silence while everyone else was still frozen solid, though not at all similar to the prehistoric man whose bravery we were currently witnessing.

"He looks so strong!" My sister continued, moving closer to get a better look at the man. "And you said that you'll revive him, Kuzan? Is that even possible?"

"Yep, don't worry, your great Grandpa Doctor Payne will make sure it happens." I answered her queries while turning to the doctor who was still refusing to take his eyes off the sight in front of him, trying to 'take it all in.'

"Doctor, make sure to let my team know if you require any assistance or funding. The sky's the limit—I just need the man revived without any mistakes. Remember the information in the documents I gave you, as well as the conjectures from my own team."

My statement of support finally snapped the man out of his trance, causing him to acknowledge my help.

"Really, Kuzan, I don't know which scientist on your team was able to arrive at such a thorough prognosis without even having studied the man," he spoke with a mix of respect and suspicion about the findings of the mystery 'super scientist' I had conjured up.

"Even I would agree that Pickle needs to be placed in a controlled environment with the ideal combination of nutrition, stimulation, and temperature for him to possibly awaken. However, already surmising that he'll need to be placed into a solution that almost exactly replicates his bodily fluids, as well as requesting a device that perfectly mimics the cycle and tempo of the tides, is another matter altogether."

"Tell me, Mr. Kuzan, how did this genius scientist of yours figure out that it will take around 90 days for him to be revived, if at all? And—"

"And how did he have the creativity to even consider 'cooking' a portion of his last hunt in an attempt to awaken Pickle when he's in the ideal living condition?" I cut off the old man by completing his own question. 

"It's a family secret. I would love to take you to meet him; however, unfortunately, he's a recluse who's devoted his full time to his field of study."

"He doesn't take any visitors, no matter who. Please understand." I answered the man's next question before he could even bring it up, preventing my web of lies from unravelling.

"Fine, young man. His dedication to the field of science is something I can understand and respect. However, at least tell me what such a great mind has devoted his life to studying?"

I thought for a moment before deciding to give the man a vague but satisfactory answer.

"He's decided to study life."


"Yes, he's attempting to understand the origins of life itself and its evolution through the ages."

"That's c—"

"Can we please go back up?" Our chat was interrupted by the tantrum of a child.

"Why, Melissa, have you gotten bored of the sight already?"

"No, it's just that we're all pretty hungry, you know, after all that talk of yours about Pickle hunting his prey and everything," my sister continued to defend her carnivorous appetite, acting as the sacrificial lamb to bring forward their collective plight.

'I can see it on their faces, wanting to steal poor Pickle's hard-caught meal, licking their lips like hungry hyenas.' Still, the other two hatchlings refused to break their silence, instead squawking to my dear sister to bring forward their claim.

"Okay, fine, let's go back. I've booked us a pretty nice hotel nearby to stay at for a bit. You guys can go back while I continue my discussions with your Grandpa Payne here."

I received a nod in response from my sister before she literally 'pushed out' the still deliberating chicks.

"So, as we were talking about before..." I decided to ignore their antics and turned my attention back to the man of the hour, "I've already sent you all the information I have on hand about Pickle's current state and lifestyle. We'll provide all the funding necessary to make this project a success. You have my full support, Doctor. All I ask is that you stick to the timeline we discussed to ensure his revival."

"Don't worry, young man. If it really takes him that long to wake up as you believe, your concerns would be unfounded. After reviewing the information in the documents from your 'super scientist,' I can assure you that the government will only become aware of the man's existence once he's able to 'speak' for himself."

"Perfect, Doctor," I responded while shaking his hand and asking him one last question before diving into the more specific aspects of the project, "and how long do you believe it will take to dig him out safely under your supervision?"

The doctor considered my question seriously for a moment before arriving at an educated guess about how much longer I'd have to wait before my ascension. "With all the work your team's already done, it shouldn't take longer than a day at most. What about it, young man? Not fast enough for you?"

"No, no, Doctor," I said, trying to hide my delight at his statement, which wiped away any concerns I still carried about the project and its success with the limited time I had left before the tournament.

"That's perfect."

Hope you liked it! The next chapter is the "upgrade" one, and the one after that should hopefully be his arrival back in China and the start of the Tournament arc.

Also, if you're still confused about why Kuzan's going to all this trouble with Pickle, there are a few reasons:

Number 1: It took Pickle 91 days to be revived in the anime. Given Kuzan's mentality of always wanting to be prepared, he wanted to gain "access" to Pickle's data before the American government could get their hands on him and hide him away in some lab.

Number 2: It all worked out in the end for him since he didn't know exactly what he'd need for the gene's synced tab for it to work, or any of its parameters before unlocking it, so he decided to go with the safe approach of gaining full "access" to Pickle for when he unlocks that aspect. And for once, his preparedness all worked out in the end. Without it, he wouldn't have been able to gain even a drop of Pickle's blood.

Number 3: All of this prevents the tragedy of the original Pickle (if you know, then you know what I'm talking about) and all of the hate he received, plus the work it took to get Pickle to the underground arena in the first place. Kuzan just saved everyone's, as well as his own, time with all of this.

Number 4: With all of Kuzan's involvement, who knows what ripple effects that can have on the original "timeline." Thus, to ensure Pickle 'comes back to life,' his intervention was needed.

The next chapter will explain some of these reasons in it, but I just wanted to put this in here in case anyone's curious!

The_HonorableGhostcreators' thoughts