
Chapter 3: Reunion and Escape

Chapter 3: Reunion and Escape

Ryan and Bryan had ventured outside the safety of their dorm room, seeking a brief moment of normalcy amidst the chaos that had engulfed their world. The once lively university campus now lay in ruins, its halls echoing with eerie silence broken only by the occasional shuffling of undead footsteps.

As they wandered through the deserted corridors, a sense of unease settled over them. The distant moans of zombies served as a grim reminder of the dangers lurking around every corner.

"We shouldn't have come out here," Ryan muttered, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement.

Bryan nodded, his grip tightening on a nearby metal pipe—the closest thing to a weapon they could find in their rush to leave the dorm.

Their caution proved warranted as they turned a corner and came face to face with a small group of zombies. The creatures, once students like themselves, now roamed the halls with vacant eyes and insatiable hunger.

"We need something to defend ourselves," Bryan said, his voice tense but determined.

Ryan nodded, his gaze darting around for anything they could use. That's when he spotted them—abandoned broomsticks lying in a janitor's closet nearby.

"Over there!" Ryan pointed, and they hurried towards the closet, their footsteps quickening as the zombies shuffled closer.

With a sense of urgency, they grabbed the broomsticks, snapping off the bristles to create makeshift clubs. The wooden handles felt surprisingly sturdy in their hands, providing a modicum of reassurance in the face of impending danger.

As they turned to leave the closet, the zombies closed in. Ryan swung his makeshift club, connecting with a zombie's skull and sending it stumbling backward. Bryan followed suit, fending off another zombie with a well-aimed strike to its chest.

The struggle was intense but brief. With adrenaline coursing through their veins, Ryan and Bryan fought with desperate determination, each swing of their makeshift clubs driving the undead back.

Finally, the last zombie fell, its lifeless body crumpling to the ground. Ryan and Bryan caught their breath, their hearts pounding in their chests as they surveyed the aftermath of their impromptu battle.

"We need to find Keith," Ryan said, his voice echoing with urgency.

Bryan nodded, his grip on the makeshift club tightening. "Let's go. We can't stay here."

Their encounter with the zombies had left them shaken but resolute. With makeshift clubs in hand and a renewed sense of purpose, Ryan and Bryan set out to reunite with their friend, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls of their once-vibrant university.

Keith, on the other hand, moved stealthily through the shadows, his senses on high alert for any signs of danger. It wasn't long before fate intervened, bringing the trio together in an unexpected reunion amidst the ruins of their once-familiar surroundings.

"You're alive!" Bryan exclaimed, relief evident in his voice as he spotted Keith emerging from the shadows.

Keith nodded, a small smile breaking through the tension. "I'm glad to see you guys too."

As they caught up on their respective experiences and exchanged worried glances at the deteriorating state of the world around them, a group of zombies stumbled into view, drawn by the noise and movement.

"Stay together!" Keith shouted, raising his wooden sword in preparation for the impending confrontation.

Ryan and Bryan, however, had only makeshift sticks to defend themselves.

"We need better weapons," Ryan muttered, eyeing the approaching zombies warily.

Bryan nodded in agreement, his gaze darting around for any potential weapons nearby.

The trio fought valiantly, using whatever means they could to fend off the undead horde. Keith's wooden sword sliced through decaying flesh, while Ryan and Bryan jabbed and swung with their makeshift sticks, buying precious moments as they strategized their next move.

Their coordinated efforts paid off, and soon the zombies lay defeated at their feet. Amidst the chaos, they noticed a glint of metal and wood among the fallen undead.

"Look!" Ryan exclaimed, pointing to a novice sword and a baseball bat dropped by the defeated zombies.

Keith examined the items, nodding in approval. "These will be useful. Bryan, take the baseball bat. Ryan, you take the novice sword."

Bryan picked up the baseball bat, testing its weight with a swing.

Baseball Bat Attack: 8-12 Durability: 120/120 Description: A sturdy bat. Can be used to smash zombie heads effectively.

Ryan picked up the novice sword, feeling its balance.

Novice Sword Attack: 2-5 Durability: 100/100 Description: Use it wisely and you have a high chance of surviving the game.

With their newfound weapons in hand and their bond strengthened by the trials they faced, the trio continued towards the school gate, their determination unyielding.

As they approached the gate, a familiar sweet voice rang in Keith's mind:

=You have reached level 3. You have 5 points to allocate. Choose where you want to spend them.=

-Strength 3 points, Intelligence 2 points.-

Keith felt a surge of power as his stats increased. He glanced at Bryan and Ryan, who were catching their breath.

Bryan and Ryan, still catching their breath after the intense fight, suddenly felt a strange sensation coursing through their bodies. Unlike Keith, they didn't receive a system notification, but they could feel their strength and abilities enhancing.

Bryan's Stats:

Bryan (Male) Level 1 ➜ Level 2 Health: 1 ➜ 2 Energy: 100 ➜ 110 Mana: 100 ➜ 105 Damage: 15-18 ➜ 17-20 Strength: 5 ➜ 6 Stamina: 10 ➜ 11 Intelligence: 10 ➜ 10 Endurance: 10 ➜ 11 Agility: 10 ➜ 10

Ryan's Stats:

Ryan (Male) Level 1 ➜ Level 2 Health: 1 ➜ 2 Energy: 100 ➜ 105 Mana: 100 ➜ 110 Damage: 15-18 ➜ 16-19 Strength: 5 ➜ 6 Stamina: 10 ➜ 10 Intelligence: 10 ➜ 11 Endurance: 10 ➜ 10 Agility: 10 ➜ 11

Bryan and Ryan exchanged a look, clearly feeling the changes but unable to explain them. Keith, recognizing their confusion, briefly explained his system notifications and the level-up process.

"We might not get the same notifications," Bryan said, flexing his fingers, "but it looks like we can still get stronger."

As they approached the gate, a chilling sight greeted them—a massive creature unlike any they had encountered before. Its presence loomed ominously, blocking their path like a guardian of the unknown.

"What is that thing?" Ryan muttered, his grip tightening on his novice sword.

"It doesn't matter," Keith replied, his voice steady with determination. "We have to get past it."

Bryan nodded, his eyes focused on the creature. "Let's do this."

The trio braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation, knowing that this creature was the key to their escape and the beginning of a new chapter in their fight for survival.

With weapons raised and hearts pounding, they charged towards the creature, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.