
Chapter 133

— We've already expended quite a bit of chakra, and they're still fresh, — I noted.

I wonder why he's so bloodthirsty? Did he lose comrades in the war with Iwa?

— Moreover, — I looked up, ignoring the rain, — it's starting to get light, and in a few minutes, we won't have such a significant visibility advantage.

The Jonin grimaced in annoyance but agreed with my points.

— Then let's move on. We still have at least four hours before we need to find shelter to avoid being spotted by the locals.

Well, if we must, then let's go. We've almost left the foothills behind, and running on relatively flat ground covered with grass has become much easier. Soon, we'll reach cultivated lands and roads, allowing us to move even faster and leave any potential pursuers far behind.


Quickly leaving the dangerous area with enemy teams behind, we abandoned stealth and, channeling chakra through our bodies, accelerated to a running speed that not every Jonin can maintain. Although the sky was just beginning to lighten and the rain was still pouring like a bucket, it allowed us to see the surrounding terrain more clearly.

I sighed with relief as I reduced the chakra flow to my eyes, which were starting to ache from overuse, compounded by the headwind and water... Unfortunately, the channels in such delicate parts of the body need to be developed very cautiously, even with the advantages of the Uzumaki clan's excellent Keiraku-kei.

Unfortunately, I hadn't thought to work on this earlier for such a case of poor visibility. Usually, a small amount of chakra to the eyes is enough to clearly distinguish the environment even in scant starlight, let alone moonlight. I need to remember that.

About five minutes into running, my partner and I emerged onto a stone-paved road, which was clearly the one Hyuga had been aiming for, and we continued along it, fortunately heading in the right direction. Such direct and reckless behavior (key roads are usually much better guarded) can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as running into well-hidden traps, but only if you don't have a Hyuga clan member with you, whose eyes can spot small details from several kilometers away.

So now, with our main concern being speed, it made sense to use more convenient routes without additional obstacles in the form of terrain. Given that the overwhelming majority of enemies, surely gathered from the entire guarded area, were left behind, and in such an early and murderous time and weather, no local would be out on the street, we could not fear detection for at least another couple of hours, slipping past cultivated fields and small villages where farmers lived like two silent shadows.

About an hour into our run, we had to make a wide detour around the governor's castle — although shinobi weren't expected in the settlements, Hizashi had detected several chakra users at Chunin level and decided to err on the side of caution. After all, the courier might change the route if a message about detected enemy activity arrives in Iwagakure. We definitely don't want that.

To be honest, I had no idea about the change of terrain and current orientation, just following the Jonin, who was clearly able to distinguish the right direction from any other. Even though the map shown by the commander had more or less detailed information about the enemy territory we were crossing, when you can't see more than a few hundred meters in any direction, all the marked landmarks become useless, especially at such speeds.

Working my legs monotonously and trying not to leave traces of chakra use on the stone road, I almost missed the sign from the guide indicating a change of course. Following the suddenly slowing and turning Hizashi, I caught up with him and, with a few signs, inquired about the reason.

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