
Talking shit in grounder

"So, you're saying you can't tell me what happened because Damon told you not to tell me?" Jaha asked his son Wells who nodded.

"Damon doesn't want anything that happened behind those doors shared with anyone on the ark right now," Wells said.

"I'm your father you can tell me," Jaha said while looking at his son with puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry but I can't. Ask Damon if you want to know." Wells shrugged.

He didn't dare go against Damon's orders lest he end up looking like that poor boy Dax.

"What can you tell me then?" Jaha asked with an annoyed sigh.

Wells thought for a second before speaking.

"Damon knows what he is doing. He has a plan for when we get to the ground, and he will make sure all of us are prepared. He's a good man but a very dangerous one. I wouldn't go against him if I were you. 

He is very smart and very cunning." Wells said as remembered being in the presence of Damon during the four days of training in VR.

The way Damon could say just a few words and get your adrenaline pumping, the way he could make you feel fear with just a few words.

When he looked into your eyes it almost felt like he saw through you like glass and could read your every thought.

And he hadn't seen Damon fight for real but just by seeing him spar, he could assume Damon was a monster at fighting.

"Thanks, I guess," Jaha said annoyed as he hadn't learned anything he didn't already know.

However, he wasn't that surprised as getting the information on a man who could see the future wouldn't be that easy.

"So, you really think he can see the future then?" Jaha asked still not entirely believing the whole seeing the future thing.

"Absolutely," Wells said with a firm nod

"Really?" Jaha asked wondering why his son was so sure that a man could see the future.

"The way he blends in with everyone despite only just meeting them. The way he knows them and knows things about them even though he just met them gives it away. 

He talks and acts like he's known you for years making you become comfortable with him extremely quickly.

You can't fake something like that." Wells explained

"That's true." Jaha nodded as even he had felt similarly when Damon spoke to him. 

He just came and fit into place so naturally despite no one having even seen him before yet he makes it feel like he had been there your entire life right along with you.

"Don't worry Dad. If there is one thing I'm sure of it's that Damon is truly doing what he can for the best of the people of the ark." Wells said with certainty while looking at Jaha who looked nervous.

"I hope so," Jaha said with a nervous sigh.


The next few days Damon spent every day teaching the 102 young adults how to fight using just their bodies.

It was going well as technically they had already spent a total of twenty days within the VR world, and they were fast learners.

The 100 was full of very competitive people and none of them liked seeing their friends and even rivals grow stronger than them which forced them to train harder and harder.

Another thing was that Damon had to spend quite a bit of time training the 100 to become more disciplined.

They were after all delinquents and people who didn't exactly follow rules, but when Damon gave them good reasons to follow his orders and a good reason to respect him, they began to comply willingly, and their discipline skyrocketed allowing for better training.

Of course, a few fights still happened between hotheads, and Murphy still never learned to shut his mouth but he wasn't complaining as that just kind of came with the experience.

Within the VR world when they weren't learning to fight everyone would play around and tell stories or play games around the campfire.

The 100 loved being in the world of VR as it allowed them to experience the feeling of earth instead of the same cold metal they had looked at their entire lives.

Damon also made sure to keep up their physical training and within five days a noticeable difference could already be seen in their energy and cardio levels.

This was super important as the 100 had hardly done any exercise their entire lives and frankly, a little kid on earth could outrun any of them except for maybe Bellamy and Wells who were pretty healthy.

During the combat training outside of the VR, the 100 had gotten a lot better and they weren't as scared to get hurt anymore and the fights were looking more like fights now, though they still hesitated quite a bit and were holding back their full strength, but he was sure that would go away with more time.

As for learning the grounder language, the 100 were picking it up fast while sometimes they would even speak to each other only using grounder language outside causing Jaha and other adults to look at them like they were crazy.

And of course, Murphy would shit on Jaha in a language he couldn't understand causing everyone to laugh and Jaha to look around baffled.

Finally, on the sixth day, Damon moved on to teaching them how to use cold weapons like swords and bows.
