
Worldwide Effect

Despite having eyes constantly fixed on Ouroboros and all its moves, the world never expected that the company would come up with this kind of technology.

Fully immersive virtual reality is one of the enigmas of technology and it was easier to develop quantum computers than it is to come up with this kind of tech.

Leave aside things like VR headsets going around at this time.

Those are just optics and optical illusions and it still required the use of eyes to perceive what was going on.

There were people who were closer than others like Mr. Musk, but it was still too far from a practical technology.

His company was still stuck at using neuro gear to move a cursor across the screen. God knows how long it would take to use it to operate a computer hands-free. Let alone play a game with it.

But Ouroboros just announced on through all available channels that it was giving away real VR gear and cabins to everyone worldwide.

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