Unless... there are exceptions. Those very rare individuals must be studied separately; but generally speaking, it is believed that such cases are related to The Emperor, the greatest existence in history, far surpassing an Alpha-class Psychic in strength. Like the legendary Archangels and Sages, these two Interstellar Warriors known for their demi-godlike spiritual energy prowess.
Now the situation is clear, under normal circumstances, Gu Hang's spiritual energy has indeed plateaued. He cannot ascend any further.
However, he thought of another path.
If it is believed that Grade S represents the highest level of spiritual energy that humanity can wield, and anything higher is beyond what one can grasp as a human, then I won't become... Oh, of course, I can't stop being human.
But Gu Hang does have a unique advantage, which is his grasp of the subspace essence of the Subspace Inferior God.