
Chapter 166: Finally Petting Little Antigo's Head

As he spoke, Amon's mind was racing.

By now, Amon had basically determined that Libert Abraham was an unknown Ancient God, but one thing particularly caught Amon's attention—why was Libert, as an Ancient God, acting as Mr. Door's son and not taking action during the previous "punishment"?

Amon was never foolish; on the contrary, he was a very intelligent King of Angels. So after a brief thought, Amon came to a hypothesis: Libert Abraham might indeed be an Ancient God, but his condition was evidently not good.

Amon had to admit, this was a relief.

An Ancient God in a poor condition was always easier to deal with than one at their peak.

Besides this, what concerned Amon more was Libert Abraham's attitude.

The other party was clearly targeting him because of Medici, and the reason the other party hadn't taken lethal action, but kept toying with him, was likely because of Sasrir.

Maybe I should ask Adam, that lunatic might know something about this... Amon thought, though he kept a calm exterior.

Lynn didn't care what Amon thought or whether some Adam might know of his existence; after all, he was just playing his part in this disguise.

Therefore, Lynn looked at Alista Tudor and smiled, "If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave, Your Majesty Tudor. I look forward to our next meeting."

"By the way, the tea was nice."

Even though he used respectful terms and didn't have any mocking tone, coming from a teenager, the words sounded inexplicably infuriating. This time, the chair under Tudor turned to powder, but as a dignified Sequence 0, he naturally didn't fall to the ground, still maintaining his original posture, just sitting on air.

"Your Majesty, I beg my leave as well," Bethel spoke up then, naturally not intending to leave the young man alone, following him instead.

"You all get out!" Tudor finally spoke, his voice as cold as ice, sharp as if mixed with knives.

"I will compile the important details of this visit to the Balam Empire and present them to you later, Your Majesty. Goodbye." Amon adjusted his monocle and then disappeared into the air.

Of course, no one knew how much Amon was left in the air at that moment.

"Then I'll take my leave too. Goodbye," Antigonus, naturally not intending to stay under these circumstances, still remembered Lynn's promise to pet his head, so he dared not leave directly, following behind Lynn and Mr. Door instead.

Incidentally, the servant whom Lynn had taken along hesitated for a second before firmly following Lynn.

Soon, the small garden quieted down again. Alista Tudor sat there silently, the air around him gradually filling with a faint smell of rust.


Lynn and his party quickly returned to the Abraham family residence.

The butler had already been waiting at the door. Upon seeing Lynn and Mr. Door return, he sighed in relief, smiling with joy. His gaze then fell on Antigonus beside them, showing some vigilance and confusion.

It was evident that the superficial camaraderie between Antigonus and Bethel wasn't a recent development.

"Mr. Butler!" Lynn greeted the butler cheerfully, then pushed the shy-looking servant next to him forward, smiling, "This is a servant His Majesty Tudor gave me. What's your name again?"

Lynn suddenly realized he didn't know the servant's name and turned to ask.

"Doug Jones, my name is Doug Jones," the servant quickly replied.

"Doug Jones? Interesting name," Lynn mused, stroking his chin, then continued to the butler, "Mr. Butler, can you find a job for Doug Jones? Preferably one by my side!"

The reason Lynn took the servant was twofold: one, considering Alista Tudor's personality, he would likely kill the servant to silence him, so Lynn took him along to save him; and two, he found this person somewhat interesting.

Someone who was so clearly cowardly, yet managed to stay by Alista Tudor's side without fleeing during a crisis, was quite intriguing.

Lynn thought that having such a person around might bring some amusement in the future.

As for whether the servant would betray him out of loyalty to Alista Tudor, Lynn wasn't too concerned.

He believed in his ability to win people's hearts.

Since birth, anyone Lynn wanted to win over, he managed to.

Lynn knew he had a peculiar talent in this area.

A servant given by His Majesty Tudor?

Hearing this, the butler's gaze immediately scrutinized the servant, clearly uneasy and prejudiced against a servant given by Tudor.

But the butler didn't argue with Lynn's request. Smiling, he said, "Of course, Master Libert, I will arrange something suitable for him."

As a butler, he knew his duty well. Since the young master wanted this servant by his side, he wouldn't oppose it. However, how to investigate and ensure that this potential threat to the young master became a loyal guard dog was his concern.

The servant, who had been deeply bowing his head, suddenly shivered for no apparent reason.

Lynn naturally noticed the butler's thoughts and, sharing the same concerns, didn't intervene. He then looked at Antigonus and said, "Let's go to my room later. I know you're scared, so we'll make it quick."

"... "Antigonus wanted to say he wasn't scared, but ultimately didn't speak, only nodding stiffly.

After witnessing how easily Lynn subdued Alista Tudor, the violent Blood Emperor, Antigonus naturally feared Lynn more.

At this point, he almost equated Lynn with his deepest fears, thinking only of returning to the Nation of Evernight as soon as possible after Lynn was done with him. This time, he would stay hidden for a good ten years or more, unless absolutely necessary.

Hearing their conversation, the butler was puzzled but didn't inquire further.

Bethel, meanwhile, rubbed his temples and said, "Take this guy away first. There's no need for you to get involved in the rest. I'll come to you later about the family's affairs. Be prepared."

"Yes, Lord Bethel," the butler responded respectfully and left with the bewildered Doug Jones.

Lynn, Antigonus, and Bethel quickly arrived at Lynn's room. The human-shaped Antigonus disappeared, replaced by a large wolf that looked even bigger than an adult... ahem, Demonic Wolf.

Lynn finally got to pet Antigonus's head.

In his subsequent diary, he recorded the event as follows:

"X Year X Month X Day, today was a good day. Not only did I thoroughly beat up Alista Tudor, but I also got to pet Antigonus's wolf head.

I must say, Little Antigo's head feels much better than Evernight's. The fur is especially soft, like a puppy's fluff. I suspect Little Antigo adjusted the feel of his fur intentionally; very considerate.

Though he trembled a lot. Seriously, just because I considered turning him into a pet dog, he gets this scared.


(End of Chapter)

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