
36. Nobles are Bonkers

Sarah and Zion just stared at this girl in front of them with bewilderment all over their faces.

Sarah was the first to recover as she frowned, immediately her face going cold as her cheeks puffed out in annoyance, "He's not for sale. And besides, I have a pet contract. Unless I willingly give up the contract, he will stay my pet." She crossed her arms.

Celine smiled and flicked her hand, pulling out a strange scroll suddenly, "This is a special pet contract scroll. It allows the transfer of a pet contract between two willing people. In other words, it can transfer the contract you gave with the fox to me. I came prepared. So how about now?"

"You completely missed the point. He's not for sale!" Sarah huffed softly.

Zion frowned more at the girl as he Analysed the scroll in her hand.

[[Item: Contract Transfer Scroll.

Rank: A

Description: A scroll that can transfer a slave or pet contract from one person to another.

Weakness: Both parties must be willing for the transfer to happen.]]

'Well, she told the truth, but like that will happen.' He shook his head, and, ignoring the girl, turned and returned to his food.

Calie was a bit annoyed seeing the fox ignore her, but she looked past it, finding him too cute to resist.

She looked up at Sarah's angry and annoyed expression, then smiled, "How about 4 Silvers?" She was thinking, 'There's no one who doesn't give me what I want. I'll have this Fox.'

Sarah scoffed and turned to sit back down with the others. They all chose to ignore the group.

Calie seemed shocked as they completely ignored her, 'Did... did they just ignore me?!' Her cute face finally turned red from anger, and she stomped her foot, "Don't be so mean! I want this fox, and so I will have this fox. You must give it to me!" She angrily whined.

Once again, she was ignored, leading to her letting out a shout of anger, "I'm telling on you!" She turned and stormed off with her group of kids following behind her.

Zion watched them leave and shook his head, 'Nobles sure are bonkers... I'm glad I ended up with Sarah and not someone like her.'


Calie stormed off to a teachers room and stormed in "Uncle Eric!" She yelled.

The man sitting at the desk in the room, looked up at her in surprise, "Calie, my dear. What's wrong? Why are you so upset?" He frowned as he watched Calie flop down onto the small couch in his office.

Calie looked at him with a pout on her face, "I wanted a cute little fox pet that one of my classmates have but she wouldn't give it to me, even after offering her 4 Silvers for it. I want it!" She whined.

Eric frowned slightly as he walked over and sat next to her, "There there, it's alright. How about I speak to the owner of the fox, hm? I'm sure I can convince the child to pass over the beast." He smiled at his only niece.

In the Dream family, there was two siblings. A brother, Eric Dream who had become a teacher and his sister, Isabel Dream. While he himself was married, he only had 2 sons and his sister had 3 sons and 1 daughter, Calie. Due to being the only daughter of the Dream family, she was doted on, which led to her becoming a spoilt brat.

Calie calmed down after hearing her uncle say that and she look3d at him with expectant eyes, "Really? You can get the fox for me?" She asked excitedly.

Eric smiled and pat her head, "I believe so. I'll come to your training tomorrow and you can show me which fox you want." He nodded at her.

"Yay! Thanks uncle Eric!" Calie got excited and as quick as she entered, she skipped off happily.

Once gone Eric frowned coldly, "Whoever this little brat who turned my daughter down even after such a generous offer... I'll make sure they give over that fox!" He harrumphed then returned to his desk to continue the work he had been working on before.


The next day, the skies had turned dark and muggy, making the area feel a bit gloomy however, that wouldn't stop the training.

This time, Ivan had them practising with magical automated dummies. Once activated with mana, you could say the name of the weapon you use and the dummy would grab a weapon for itself and fight you in a way that would be hard to defend against.

Even Zion managed to use a dummy to train thanks to Ivan organising a special one for him. Since Sarah didn't use him as her main fighting way but he could fight, Ivan decided to let him train with permission from both Sarah and Zion of course.

Zions dummy was attacking with duel daggers, focusing mostly on agility. The dummys agility was higher then his due to the fact that he always relied on his high agility to attack so he was faced with something where his agility wouldn't completely work.

As they all fought, Ivan walked around to watch them fight when he noticed another teacher walk towards the group. He frowned softly then called out, "Alright, everyone take a 10 minute rest." When he called out, all the dummies immediately halted their movements then returned to a default standing position and went still.

The students all let out various sighs of relief and sat down.

Zion turned to walk towards Sarah when his vision was suddenly filled with black hair and arms grabbed around his neck, followed by childish giggling, "Yay! Got you alone pretty fox!" An annoyingly familiar voice spoke into his ears.

Zion growled at her as his ears lowered and his pupils narrowed into slits, 'She's completely crazy!'

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