
Dark horse

Alex brought the sleek, black Audi R8 to a stop near the mini stadium just outside MSU. The engine's snarl died, leaving an eerie stillness broken only by distant traffic. The late hour and the location's seclusion made it feel almost deserted.

In the passenger seat, Ethan fumbled with a piece of fabric in the dim light. The car's neon-infused dashboard cast a faint glow, just enough to outline his hulking frame and the bulging vein on his temple. His frustration was palpable, punctuated by the occasional low grunt.

Alex shifted, about to reach over, but thought better of it. He leaned back with a sigh and a quiet chuckle.

After a few more moments of wrestling with the dark, glossy material, Ethan's patience snapped. He let out a roar of annoyance and flung the offending item into the back seat.

He turned to Alex, his eyes flashing. "Why the fuck do I have to wear that?"

His tone dripped with irritation. "The mask is bad enough. Now you want me looking like a fucking clown just to meet some darknet wankers?"

Stifling another laugh, Alex reached up and flicked on the overhead light. The car's opulent interior was bathed in a warm glow, highlighting the carbon fiber dash and the neon piping.

Ethan was a stark contrast to Alex. Where Alex was lean and angular, Ethan was pure bulk, his muscles straining against his hoodie. The zip was pulled low, revealing a sprawling tattoo across his chest. His buzz cut only added to his intimidating aura.

"Ethan." Alex's voice was patient, almost amused.

Ethan spun around, yanking open the glove box and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He jammed one between his lips and rummaged around, his agitation growing with each second. Finding nothing, he slammed the compartment shut with a growl.

"Hey," Alex protested, but Ethan just glared at him, the unlit cigarette bobbing as he spoke.

"You don't say shit when I drink in here, do you?"

Rolling his eyes, Alex dug in his pocket and produced a lighter. "That's different," he said as he held out the flame.

Ethan just grunted, leaning in to light the cigarette. He took a deep drag, cracked the window, and blew the smoke out into the night.

"You're a fucking headache, you know that?" Alex said, but there was no heat in it.

Ethan didn't respond, just kept smoking, his gaze fixed on some point outside.

Alex glanced at his phone. A chat window was open, the screen a sleek black, emblazoned with a neon Trojan horse logo. He sighed and tapped the power button, the screen going dark.

His eyes flicked to the back seat, to the puddle of fabric Ethan had discarded. "You know you've still got to wear that, right?"

Ethan shot him a look of pure disdain. He took a final drag on his cigarette and flicked the butt out the window.

"What's this even about?" he asked, his tone a mix of frustration and fatigue. "I should be in bed after that shower. Not trying to figure out how to wear a fucking Grim Reaper costume."

A smirk played at the corner of Alex's mouth. "Or with Jade," he said, almost to himself.

The communicator in his ear crackled with what sounded like an exasperated sigh. Alex's grin widened.

Ethan paused, studying his brother's face. It wasn't unusual for Alex to keep him in the dark, to bring him in halfway through a plan with minimal details. At first, Ethan had thought it was a lack of trust. But over time, he'd come to accept it as just the way Alex operated. Not that it made it any less frustrating.

"Don't fuck with me, Alex," Ethan said, his voice low and dangerous.

But Alex seemed unfazed. He pulled out his own mask, a leering snowman visage, and dangled it in front of Ethan. "You're not the only one in disguise, brother."

Ethan let out a noise somewhere between a groan and a snarl. He opened his mouth, closed it, then tried again. "Why the bloody sheet? Can't I just wear the mask?"

Alex shook his head. "Your size, mate. You're recognizable. Better to cover it all."

"The fuck does that matter?" Ethan snapped. "No one knows what we look like anyway."

"No arguments, Ethan. It's got to be this way."

For a long moment, Ethan just stared at Alex. There were times, so many times, when he'd wanted to throttle his brother. Times when he questioned why he went along with these schemes, these insane risks.

But in the end, he always did. With a long-suffering sigh, he reached back and snatched up the fabric, managing to wrestle it over his bulk with only minimal swearing.

Alex opened his mouth, a quip on his tongue, but the look Ethan shot him made him think better of it.

Their earpieces crackled to life, Jade's voice cutting through the static. "Movement incoming."

Glancing at his phone, Alex saw a blinking dot on a map, moving steadily towards their position. His eyes flicked to the rearview mirror just as a set of headlights swung into the lot, the glare making him squint.

In unison, the brothers pulled out their Glocks. The sound of slides racking and magazines being checked filled the car.

"Jade, if anything looks off..." Alex started, but she cut him off, her tone sharp.

"I know my job, Alex. Worry about yours."

"Why am I surrounded by hotheads?" Alex muttered, pulling on his mask. Beside him, Ethan did the same, the skull grin stark white in the shadows.

They looked at each other, a moment of silent communication passing between them.

"No mourning," Alex said, his voice muffled by the mask.

"No burials," Ethan responded, Jade's voice echoing the sentiment over the comms.

Weapons tucked out of sight, they stepped out of the car and turned to face the approaching vehicle, ready for whatever the night would bring.

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