

Tomura was panting as he looked into the mirror, before he could recover the door to his right opened.

Jean peeked her head through and her eyes came across the panting sweating Tomura.

"I heard a smash" she said as he stared into the mirror infront of him. He took a step forward and ignored the ceramic smashing as tiles fell from the wall.

His heart was beating and blood was rushing through his body extremely fast.

Jean was telekinetically picking up the ceramic shards and put them into a nearby bin, she didn't want any kids to hurt themselves on the sharp edges.

Tomura however couldn't take his eyes off the mirror.

Jean noticed "Are you alright?" She asked.

No, no he wasn't he was terrib- "Yeah, I'm fine" he said as he wiped his sweating brow.

He stood straight and walked through the bathroom door and towards the door.

Jean grabbed his cloak and pulled him the other way. "Wrong way" he turned and started to walk next to her. "Are you sure your alright?" She asked.

Tomuras jaw clenched "Yeah, thanks for asking. But anyway about your nightmares, yeah that's him." He changed the subject.

"That's also a familiar church, it's uh well it's just familiar to me" he said as he avoided any form of eye contact.

Jean nodded "What does this mean?" She asked as she turned to him "The Phoenix, all of it".

"I don't know Jean, I haven't got a clue" he said as his hand brushed through his white hair.

He saw the front door to the Xavier school and sighed a breath of relief. He needed to get out of here.

"You really wanna get out of here that bad?" She asked.

He nodded "The nightmares haven't exactly made this place any nicer to me" something about it just felt wrong.

Jean hummed, she could definitely see how that would be the case. "It's my birthday soon" she said, she didn't really know what else to say and wanted to keep the conversation going.

Tomura nodded as his mind was still elsewhere "Really?"

Jean nodded "That means your gonna have to get me a present you know?" She said as they walked through the large doors to the outside.

"Wait really?" He asked, he actually sounded surpirsed.

Jean nodded "Remember that cloak I bought you" she said with narrowed eyes.

Tomura turned to her in surprise "You want a cloak too? I mean sure then" Her eyes widened, she didn't want a cloak at all "I mean your X-Men outfit is green right? So it's gotta be green" he said to himself as he thought what cloak Jean would like.

Jean sighed, it looks like she will be getting a cloak for her birthday.

Tomura turned to her "When's your birthday then?"

She answered "twenty seventh of October, three weeks away" Tomuras nodded and he hummed.

"When's yours?" She asked.

"Mine, I don't know" he said and she sighed, of course he didn't know.

"Well you gotta pick a day then, and I'll even get you another cloak" she said as she rolled her eyes.

Tomura smiled and nodded "Thanks for leading me out Jean, and yeah maybe I will pick a day"


Tomura was flying through the air with Nomu below him. He kept his eyes peeled as he scanned the sky, he needed to go home and check the lab.

His eyes widened as he saw the labs doors blown open, he jumped off Nomu and burst into the lab.

Sterns was on the floor, he had a hole in his stomach, two destroyed ultron robots were laying destroyed at the door.

He spotted Turrets pointing towards what used to be the threats and a shotgun sat on Sterns legs.

He quickly rushed over to the man who spotted him and coughed blood onto his bloody shirt "I-I did it, To-Tomura I did it" his voice was weak as his arm shakily pointed to a tank filled with a green translucent liquid. "T-The seru-serum"

Tomura didn't even look at the serum for more than a second. He picked up Sterns and ran out to Nomu.

"Nomu that way!" He shouted as he pointed in the general direction of a hospital. "Nomu go as fast as possible!" He shouted in desperation.

It was the longest minute of his life, once he spotted the hospital Nomu dropped the floor and Tomura ran with all his speed into the hospital.

Nurses rushed him instantly and placed the older man onto a bed, Tomura kept pace with the nurses and walked besides the bed as it rolled around the hospital.

"I-I d-did it Bruce" Sterns weakly said "I-I be-beat you" he coughed blood onto his white lab coat.

"T-Tomura" Sterns said and his gamma green eyes met with the desperate red of Tomura. "T-thank you"

Tomura felt his eyes water. "No, no Sterns, thank you, you've been amazing- thank you I can't thank you enough" he rushed out his words almost desperately and was pushed back by a nurse as the man went into an emergency room.

He sat down in a chair outside the emergency rooms and stared at the door, waiting for any news.


Almost 12 hours later Tomura was let into Sterns room. "Sterns" Tomura said to the older man with the abnormally large cranium.

"T-" the man coughed "Tomura" he repeated and nodded to the teenager. "You-you didn't have to wait" he explained to the teenager.

Tomuras mind went back to the first time he met Sterns, in that small house in Harlem. He sat down in the seat next to Sterns bed.

Then his mind went to the state he found Sterns in, the man was lucky to live. Tomura wiped his eyes and clenched his jaw.

"Sterns" Tomura took a deep breath and stood. "Sterns, I will kill the thing that did this too you" Tomuras eyes blazed.

"The serum-"

"Can wait, don't worry Sterns. I'll come back, then we'll use the serum" Tomura said.

He turned to leave but Sterns voice stopped him. "The doctors said-" Sterns voice sounded shaky, Tomuras back was still to the man as he spoke. "Well Tomura I might-I probably won't walk again"

The words rang through Tomuras head. His fists clenched and his eyes burned. "Don't worry Sterns, I'm sure you'll make a serum that can make you fly" he turned his head as he spoke to the man.

"And don't worry about those robots anymore" Tomura left the room and walked out of the hospital in a rush.

He came to the front of the hospital where Nomu was waiting with several policemen surrounding it.

Tomura spoke, his voice was raspy and rage was lacing his tone. "Nomu!" The creature walked towards and before the police could react they had already disappeared.


He walked into the Avengers tower, the place was still damaged from the night before. The place was empty though and a note on the table caught his attention.

'We are in hiding, Tomura keep the city safe.'

Tomuras fist clenched and his eyes blazed a ragefilled red.

Next chapter