
He who seeks revenge

The agitated exhalations being heard through the streets on a sunny morning was what could be seen by the people walking in those places. Two young men of similar age, about 14 or 15 years old, were running without stopping and being chased by a group of officers.

- What did you do now? - asked one of the boys who had a patch over one of his eyes.

- I didn't do anything wrong...I was just trying to help! - exclaimed the other young man next to him.

- Then why do you have that wallet in your hands?! 

- It's a misunderstanding!

The officers' voices ordered them to stop, but the agility and speed of those young men allowed them to escape without being caught.

About twenty minutes had passed and, under a bridge, the pair were hiding.

- Are you sure they came this way! - asked the senior officer.

- Yes, sir! Even the people around told us that!

Suddenly, another officer approached saying that they had seen the pair near a boardwalk. That group of officers went to that place.

- What's the matter with you, Valentin ... don't you know I have a reputation to uphold? - commented the young man with the eye patch somewhat exhausted.

- Sorry ... I told you it was a misunderstanding.

- So, explain yourself... What happened?


The morning had been uneventful, that young man with straight hair combed in the form of a book or as others would call it, aesthetic, walked with light clothes: a white polo shirt, a light jacket and a shorts. That young man named Valentin seemed to be wandering around the place aimlessly.

- Hahh... I still have to wait half an hour... What do I do now? I already went all around, but I can't go any further ... I'll have to wait for Li ... ... I can't be complaining though, the fact that he brought me along as a tourist is enough. 

While the young man was leaning against a tree on that street, he was watching the people walking by, especially a group of elderly ladies who looked a bit presumptuous as they had designer clothes and branded purses.

- Yes ... those are people I wouldn't even want to see them with. 

However, the young man did not look away, but noticed two young men wearing hooded jackets walking near that group of ladies.

- It may not be what I think it is ... but it's broad daylight.

One of the young men grabbed one of the women's purses when they were distracted.

The scream did not take long to appear.


Only the young man who took the purse ran away, while the other one feigned ignorance.

- Oh ... it seems that this is planned, will they go for the other wallets?

Some men near the place went after that thief, leaving the place a bit deserted; on the other hand, those who stayed behind called the police; however, the other hooded man was still near those ladies as if he was inspecting the area.

- Well, it's not my problem... those women asked for it. - said Valentin.

At that moment, that hooded man grabbed the other bags of two other women simultaneously and started to run away.

- But I reaffirm my passion for justice by preventing this robbery anyway! - exclaimed the young man when he saw the other thief.

The women noticed that their bags had been taken and, as they turned around, they saw two men running. Yes, one of them was Valentin; however, the shout these women gave was an accusation to those two as accomplices.

 - Yes, I saw the other guy leaning against a tree watching everyone. - It was the commentary given by those people that increased the misunderstanding.

After about five minutes, Valentin was able to catch the thief lying on the ground near a passageway where there were not many people.

- Who the fuck are you? - exclaimed the thief trying to get away.

- Someone like you... he doesn't need to know.

Suddenly, there was the sound of police alarms and some voices.

- It's about time they showed up... you've already gone. - commented Valentin confidently.

- There they are, catch the two thieves! - was what the young man heard them say.

- What?

Both young men saw each other's faces and the thief smiled, for he knew that they considered the boy in front of him as their accomplice.

- Damn it! - exclaimed Valentin and ran away without realizing that he had taken one of the wallets.

Unconsciously, the young man was going back the way he knew which led him to a large building where a young man with an eye patch was coming out and behind him a couple of men in black suits.

- Good job," said one of the men. - said one of the men.

- Yes, likewise... on the other hand, where is Valentin? - asked the boy.

- Well, he said he didn't want bodyguards and would be around.

- I see...

In a moment, that young man heard a familiar voice.

- Liiiiiiii, runnnnn!

The patched young man looked to his left and noticed the presence of his acquaintance; however, behind him was a group of policemen; suddenly, he heard the sound of sirens of patrol cars.

- ¿? Hay no, now what did you do? - muttered the boy.

Taking him with him, Valentin and Li ran together, passersby quickly thought they were both thieves.


- Well, the rest is history. - Valentin commented after he had explained what had happened.

- I see, so that's what happened. - Another voice was heard.

The two young men looked up at the bridge where a man dressed as an officer was smiling.

- It's you, Ralph... come on man... Don't scare me like that. - commented Valentin.

- Well, someone had to throw them off, didn't they? ... Well, the car is waiting for us, so let's get going. - commented that man named Ralph.

 That day was coming to an end for the two young men, but in one of the rooms of the hotel where they were staying, there was the young man who was mistaken for a thief and, in his hands, there was the wallet he had taken by accident.

The young man, unlike before, was somewhat serious.

- I won't keep this... I'll go return it and clear up the misunderstanding personally. - commented the young man.

- Don't do it ... didn't you yourself say that those women were being conceited ... that's the consequence of their actions. - commented the patched young man who had suddenly entered the room.

Valentin smiled.

- Even so, I won't take the blame for having their belongings ... besides I don't want them to involve you in any way ... I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully knowing this.

- ...don't worry about it.

- Don't say that ... I know there are cameras that could have recorded us ... look, I have several cards that indicate the same place, some kind of factory, I guess they work there or something like that. I'll go there tonight and give them to them.

- If you want to return it so badly, why don't you wait until tomorrow morning and go to a police station to return that wallet?

- Nope ... knowing them they will surely put me in a cell and I'm not going to ask for your help to get me out of there ... I'll do this on my own.

The boy sighed.

- Listen, Valentine; it's not necessary - ...

- Enough, Liam! You know I'm not going to change my mind. - exclaimed the young man.

 The young man quickly got ready at that moment and left, but not before saying goodbye.

- Listen, Liam ... having already brought me to visit this country is too much for me; I don't plan to bring you any more trouble. - Valentin commented kindly.

Liam smiled.

- Okay, but hold this. - Liam said as he tossed him some kind of small black device.

- What is this?

- It's a little help, since I won't be accompanying you. Just keep it with you.

- ... It's okay. - was the last thing the young man said before walking away.

Having said goodbye to the others, the last one he spoke to that day was Ralph.

- Tell Liam not to worry, I'll be back and forth. The place is not far either. - Valentin commented before leaving that hotel.

- So that's what he said ... well, it's not like I don't know him ... after all we are friends since we were born. - commented Liam who was looking out the window of his room and behind him was that man named Ralph.

- He's right, he's always been a bit reckless, but kind-hearted... let's just wait patiently... besides we have the GPS, don't we?

- Ha ha ha... don't tell him.

That night, Valentin didn't return, but Liam wasn't too worried, as it wasn't the first time something like this had happened; however, the next day, there was no report from the young man. His cell phone was turned off.

The afternoon of that day arrived and there was still no sign of the young man, so Liam set out to see where the GPS location of Valentin was.

Gathered in a small room, Liam, Ralph and two more trusted servants watched on the television in front of them a red dot located on the virtual map. That dot had not moved for hours.

- Do you think ... he noticed it? - commented the young maid.

- I don't think so... that device doesn't show anywhere to be a GPS. - said the other servant who was an older man.

- I think he might have dropped it... Valentin has always been careless. In any case, what do we do, young master? - Ralph asked.

Liam was a bit annoyed about the matter and decided to go to where the GPS indicated along with his three servants.

Entering the car, Liam gave explicit orders.

- Valeria, Johan, Ralph... you gave orders to the rest if Valentin comes back, right?

- Yes, sir ... no one will let him escape.

- Well ... then, let's go.

That small group went first, then, behind them, went another group as backup.

It was about half an hour before they arrived; certainly, it was not very far from where they were, but what surprised them was that it was a factory, just as Valentin had said, but it was abandoned.

The place where they were was an industrial zone.

Little by little it began to get dark, but that group did not hesitate to enter that place until they reached where the GPS indicated.

They walked through several places, trying to enter.

- What we are doing ... is it legal? - commented Valeria.

- Of course not. - they all answered.

"Hahh ... what this guy makes me do." thought Liam regarding Valentin as he walked.

They continued walking around the place seeing how to get in, since they didn't know the routes of that factory.

Having arrived after an hour a few meters from where the location indicated, there was a large iron gate in front of them that was closed.

This was the only obstacle to get there; however, they were able to notice a window with the moon broken that would allow them to enter.

- Hey, don't look up. - commented Valeria as she was carried through the window by one of the men.

Later it was Liam who entered and once inside the place they only noticed dusty machinery and large cloths on the floor.

- Did Valentin really come all the way here? Why? - commented Valeria.

As they walked carefully, the place was dark and they could not see well what was in their way; therefore, the servants turned on their cell phones' flashlights and, before they could check where the GPS was, they saw in the distance something like a clearing in the middle of the place.

They immediately observed that this place was where the GPS indicated; therefore, they went to check it out.

The surprise was shocking, that clearing was actually the body of a woman.

- Why is there a body here?! - exclaimed Valeria.

- I don't know ... she may have ventured to this place. - commented Johan.

They each made their own hypotheses, but one statement left them disturbed.

- This woman ... is dead. - said Ralph.

Everyone was shocked to hear him.

- W-Why do you say that? ... She may just be passed out. - said Valeria.

- Take her pulse, but don't turn her over.

When they did this, they certainly realized that she was dead, and not only because of her vital signs, but also because her body was totally cold.

- W-What happened here? ... And, moreover, where is Valentin? - Johan commented with great concern.

"I'm not liking this ... I hope it's not what ..." thought Ralph before a noise and a groan disturbed his thoughts.

- J-Young master... please come back. - commented one of the backup men standing next to Liam, while another was lying on the floor watching all of these at the entrance which was sealed.

- What are they talking about? - Ralph asked.

It was at that moment that he saw the place where Liam had shone the flashlight on his phone; it was the big iron door, but the disturbing thing was what hung on it.

The body of a dismembered and naked young man tied to iron ropes hanging from the ceiling and the iron door as he bled out was the sight they could all see. Upon closer inspection, they all realized that yes, it was Valentin. Behind him were strange blood marks covering the door.

- W-Why? ... T-This is ... - commented those present.

Ralph, Johan and Valeria were totally disturbed, but then their thoughts turned to wanting to know how Liam had reacted.

- Lower the body. - was the order Liam gave, the tone of his voice was monotone and indifferent. He did not turn or show any feeling.

The men did as he had ordered, but the three trusted servants were worried.

Valeria wanted to go and hug Liam, but before she could do anything, the young man, with a cold but tearful look, spoke.

- We will also take that woman's body ... treat her with care.

Another group went as ordered.

- L-Liam ... a-are you ...? - Johan commented in dismay, but was interrupted by the boy.

- Look, Johan ... you can see there is writing on the door ... the ink was his blood. - commented the boy indifferently.

Everyone paid attention to what Liam was referring to, then the last thing that left their hearts in despair was the written message.


Next time, don't play the hero.


Upon taking the bodies, the men reported that there were strange markings on the faces of both corpses. It was a symbol that joined the letter L and F. No one knew what this referred to.

As Liam approached to see where the woman had been, there was a small piece of paper on the ground. Reading it, there was writing.


We found them operating in an abandoned factory in Madrid. The address is this ...

It appears to be ... ... ... known as Le Front.

Be careful.

The Observer.


This message was read by the others and then understanding the initials of that name, they could understand that those marks on the face of the two bodies.

At that moment, as if it was a voice that came suddenly to his thoughts, Liam remembered those words: Tell Liam not to worry, I come and go. The place is not far away either.

The boy's tears welled up even more and, falling to the ground, he began to cry while laughing.

Everyone present was worried about the child and the only maid went to hug him without anyone stopping her.

- Don't worry ... everything will be all right. - Valeria was trying to comfort him.

- Ha ha... I come and go, huh? - was the only thing that could be heard the boy said repeatedly.

Everyone hurried to leave the place without any delay.


- Hey, Liam ... are you listening to us? - heard the boy who seemed to wake up from hypnosis.

The young man who was on a bus heading to Madrid turned his eyes to see who was calling him.

- Hey, it's your turn... tell us something about your life. - Glen commented.

The boy realized that the eyes of the rest were on him.

Liam smiled.

- If you guys tell me what you're hiding first, then I'll talk.

- Oh, come on... don't be like that...

The youngsters were somewhat frustrated by that answer. That being the case, it was less than two hours until they reached their destination.

Next chapter