
King Virtya visits Pollow district

"King Virtya is here, make way. You pieces of shit! Get out of the way bastards!" 

"Fuck you fat ass! Get your ass out of the way! Move it quick!" 

It was rouwdy and bustling in Pollow and Virtya could not imagine what he was seeing. 

All the on the route that led from Whiten to this part of Pollow, the roads were all blocked by merchant caravans. The caravans that were coming into Pollow were countless as compared to the caravans that were leaving. This made the always peaceful Pollow district to be noicy just likeWhiten market.

But where were these caravans going to? Of course, all these caravans were heading to Pollow cement plant. Most of the caravans came from the neighboring kingdoms like Litkesh and Ugley which were highly populated and developed as compared to Azuhai kingdom.

On this day, Virtya and his small group were heading to the glass plant to open it for business since the construction of the glass plant had already been completed.

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