
Chapter 43:Searing for the cat.

On a shallow shore surrounded by water lilies, a man with a toned black-haired body and a beautiful mature woman with greenish skin, both completely naked, were sitting inside the water as they conversed.

"I have to admit that although you are not quite my type and do not embody the various chivalrous virtues I look for in a man, I find your fierce temperament quite attractive."

The lady of the lake continued to draw little circles with her fingers on Viltz's chest as she spoke.

"Oh... I see you're still energetic. Shall we go for a second round?"



After another hour of non-stop moaning and grunting, Viltz got up from the water and put on his clothes.

"Well, I'll see you in five years I guess?"

"I'll be waiting, my dear sharp-tongued sorcerer."

The lady of the lake gave Viltz a kiss on the cheek before dipping her hand into the lake and pulling out a sword.

"Take it, it will come in handy."

"Thank you."

Viltz grabbed the silver sword and looked at it carefully.

"I guess this is the famous Aerondight huh..."

Pulling du own silver sword out of its scabbard, Viltz removed the pommel shaped like two coiled snake heads and placed it on Aerondight.

"Hmmm... It's still missing something."

Waving his hand, Viltz made the two viper heads begin to change, transforming into two roaring dragon heads.

"Much better!" Stowing Aerondight in his scabbard, Viltz shattered the silver sword, transforming it into dust that flew through the air.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in five years." Viltz kissed the lake lady's hand before opening a portal and jumping inside.

The lady of the lake looked at the closing portal and sighed.

"I only hope I did the right thing in trusting him, if fate's guidance turns out to be correct he could be the key to me advancing further on my path..."

As he walked through the streets of Vizima, Viltz remembered the agreement he made with the lady of the lake. In exchange for the information she had about the path of divinity, he would have to get rid of Dagon completely, as well as hand over part of the corpse to her.

"According to my own deductions, the lady of the lake must not even be a demigod, as the Dagon of the games was easy enough for even a sorcerer to defeat. If she were truly a deity level existence, killing that incarnation of Dagon would be as easy as swatting a fly and her situation would not have been aggravated to the level where she had to share territory and followers with him.

With his knowledge of the path of the divine plus my other plans for the future, I believe I will succeed in becoming a god-level existence without being forced to leave the material plane.

Now let's see... What else is left to do?"

As Viltz reviewed his memories, he suddenly thought of the myriad of places he would have to visit.

"Sigh, looks like this year is going to be pretty busy for me, guess I'll have to buy a horse."

After buying some food for dinner, Viltz visited a stable on the outskirts of town, where he bought a stocky looking black horse.

"Hmmm, what should I call you?"

The horse let out a whinny and became restless as Viltz mounted him.

"I think Storm is fine."

Opening a portal back home, Viltz had the horse go through it and then the two of them appeared in the castle garden, which unlike before, was now quite well maintained.

Tying up the horse in a stall in a corner of the garden, Viltz went inside and called Lena to dinner.

Looking at the wolf that was already the size of a normal dog, Viltz sighed.

"Who would think a she-wolf would give birth to a Warg? Here, eat this!"

Tossing him a chicken thigh, Viltz shook his head and paid no more attention to Sasrir.

"Well, when you're done eating it's your turn to give you magic control lessons."

"Mmmmmm!" Lena nodded as she stuffed her mouth with food.

"Don't talk while you're chewing, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"Mmmmmm! Mmmmmmmmm!"

"Forget it." Shaking his head, Viltz concentrated on eating.

After finishing dinner, Viltz went down to the catacombs, where he met with the cat school witcher and without even addressing a single word to him, took out a vial and sprayed it all over the witcher's body.

A horrible itch began to run through the witcher's body and he woke up startled, shaking his body constantly, trying to scratch himself with a wall or something else, but his efforts proved fruitless due to the chains that limited his movements.

The witcher could only scream like a madman due to the unbearable itching.

After fifteen minutes, the witcher passed out and Viltz opened his eyes, placing both hands on the witcher's head, starting to recite the same spell he used on the elven prince.

About fifteen minutes later, Viltz removed his hands from the witcher's head and snapped his fingers, causing the witcher to wake up.

"Okay, let's get started.

Your name?"

"Brehen of the Cat school."

"Describe to me the formula for the mutagenic potion of the witchers of your school."

"I don't know it..."

"Do you know anyone who does?"

"Yes... Our maester, Treyse."

"Treyse... I remember that in a few years he would settle in Hertch, an area of the kingdom of Kaedwen. I remember he would collude with the king of Kaedwen to try to kill the witchers of the wolf school but the king of Kaedwen would end up betraying and killing him.

What a sad guy, he tried to act smart and would only succeed in digging his own grave."

Scoffing inwardly, Viltz asked Brehen about Treyse's whereabouts.

"He accepted a mission a month ago to assassinate a baron in southern Poviss."

"Well, you're no longer of any use to me."

Untying the man, Viltz conjured a portal that teleported him to the nest where the pair of fiends slept.

The pair of monsters were awakened by the noise and immediately pounced on Brehen, devouring him alive.

Riding on Storm's back, Viltz conjured a portal that took him to the outskirts of Lan Exeter, in Kovir, and from there he began to ride at full speed throughout the night.

At dawn, Viltz saw a village in the distance, so he ordered Storm to slow down and walk slowly.

Upon entering the town, Viltz headed straight for the local tavern, where he left storm in the stable before entering.

In the tavern there were only two drunks asleep on the table and the innkeeper cleaning out the tankards.

Approaching the innkeeper, Viltz unobtrusively cast a spell on him.

"Tell me the names and locations of all the southern Povis barons you know."

Five minutes later, Viltz left the tavern.

Leaving the town, he galloped back at full speed south.

A few hours later, Viltz arrived in the vicinity of a mansion.

Removing his black tunic, Viltz exposed his armor.

Conjuring an illusion spell, he caused the design of the armor to change to the design of an eagle and the royal emblem of Poviss appeared on his chest.

Placing a black mask over his face, Viltz urged Storm to speed up.

Arriving in front of the entrance to the mansion, Viltz found two guards in worn leather armor sitting lazily.

Seeing him stand in front of them, the two guards quickly straightened up and grabbed their weapons nervously.

Viltz's armor, along with his mask and horse, gave him a mysterious yet intimidating air that made them both startle.

"Relax, I'm from the royal guard, I'm here to see the baron, go and give notice of my arrival!"

One of the guards immediately turned and ran off inside the mansion.

Two minutes later, a butler with a long mustache came out to welcome him.

"My lord, I welcome you to the domain of Baron Laxent."

"I know who you are! I have no time for formalities, this is urgent and your lord's life could be in danger so take me to him right now!"

The butler flinched at Viltz's words and began to stutter.

"B...But my lord n...is not in the right condition to..."

"Look, I don't care what your lord is doing right now, like whether he's having an orgy in his chambers or torturing some wretch for fun, my time is limited and I'm not going to waste it waiting for your lord to finish his little games."

Viltz tossed two crystal talismans with the emblem of Poviss' realm carved on them to the steward, who caught them barely, not noticing a small worm that scuttled inside his sleeve.

Viltz unfolded an exquisite-looking scroll and spoke solemnly.

"Listen to me carefully! A very dangerous assassin, a foul mutant witcher of the cat school, is after the lives of the southern barons of Poviss with the goal of destabilizing the kingdom. We, the royal guard, have been tasked to get the message to all the barons and get them prepared. His majesty the king has promised a large reward of 20,000 for whoever captures the assassin alive. If they capture the assassin, they must break the blue emblem and in a maximum of three days the royal guard will come to take him to the royal capital, but if unfortunately the assassin manages to kill the baron and escapes with his life, they must break the red emblem."

Finishing his words, Viltz turned his horse and rode off in a hurry.

"I just hope this works out and those idiots don't end up ruining my plans."

Looking at the list in his hand, Viltz crossed off Baron Laxent's name and looked at the other three names on the list.

Two days later, Viltz had visited the other three southern barons and relayed the message to them.

Although some of them had their doubts, it was their lives that were involved so they took things seriously, especially if it was the master of the infamous cat school.

After finishing his work, Viltz stayed the next few days in an inn in a southern town until he received an alert.

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