
148- Valerie In MSin

"Are we going to the hotel?" she asked Rafael when saw him taking the first turn.

"Yeah. My office clothes are there, and you can meet the kids," she leaned back with a nod.

"You are spoiling them," he just tilted his head at her remark to give her the look that clearly said,

Of course, they are my kids, and they are meant to be spoiled.

"I need to discuss something with you," he said, his eyes scanning the road ahead.

"Yeah. Shoot."

"I have invited a few women to the hotel," he touched the tip of his tongue to his upper lip.

She crossed her arms over her chest, clearly unsettled, "Invited few women? But why?" 

"I wanted to discuss it last night but … couldn't get a chance…" he paused when she nodded at him to continue, "If you find it OK then I want to hire a nanny for the kids."

Marissa got quiet.

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