
The Price of Abandonment

"What?!" It was Mockridge's turn to shoot out of his chair. "Are you sanctioning this… this… crazy stunt, Dumbledore? I know the boy means well, but isn't it about time we faced up to our responsibilities?!

We can't let a young man, almost a child still, fight our battles for us! I've read the reports, you've let him face the dark lord for the years he was attending your school, and it's a miracle Harry's still alive. No, there must be a better way to deal with him than letting a child duel the most feared dark lord in a century!"

"We have no choice." Dumbledore looked up, his eyes shining with regret that came too late. "There's been a prophecy, and with the revelation of current events, it ties in with a newer one that you both should hear."

"A prophecy?" Mockridge asked, and Dumbledore explained to him the one made by Sybil Trelawney. When he was done, Mockridge was pale.

"You mean, Harry's the only one with the power to defeat the dark lord?" He shook his head vehemently. "I refuse to believe that. He's just a boy, and it isn't right that we settle him with this burden just because of the words of a crazy woman who happens to think she's a seer!"

"There's more. Shortly before… Harry's trial, there was another prophecy made, one that said North's heir shall be taken to his dominion, where his heritage will manifest itself. The long forgotten power will wake, and Ice's armies will flock to him. Traitors will quail before the betrayed, and will be reckoned with. Voldemort's fate will be decided by he who holds the Black Rod. "

Before Dumbledore could continue, Harry nailed him with a glare that would have killed any lesser man. " That was why you were so quick to condemn me? Some other lousy prophecy?" Harry laughed bitterly. "Let me guess, you all figured that I'd finally cracked what with a dark idiot after me for years, and because you thought that whoever inherited the seat of Lord Polairix would get rid of Voldemort for you, you figured you didn't need me anymore. Is that about right?"

The mage's silence was more than enough answer for both Harry and Mockridge. "Figures," Harry snorted. "You're just like everyone else. Using me, and when you don't need me anymore, you just dump me to whatever fate is most convenient. I'm sorry I ever believed you meant well."

"Is that true?" Mockridge asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence, his tone icy, and his eyes hard. Dumbledore merely nodded and slumped in his chair.

"Guess you didn't count on the fact that I turned out to be the heir of Polairix. Guess that put a mighty crimp in your plans, didn't it, old man?" Harry chuckled darkly.

"Let me tell you right now, I intend to fight and win this war, no matter what you've done to me, but I'm not doing it for you. I'm not even doing it for the wizarding world in general. I'm doing it for myself. Voldemort owes me. He owes me for the lives of my parents, he owes me for Sirius.

He owes me for everything he's taken from me and my family, and I'll make him pay, if it's the last thing I do. If you know what's good for you, you'll get your little, insignificant Order and get the hell out of my way, because if you get between me and Voldemort, then you're going down along with him, is that understood?"

"I don't believe it!" Mockridge shouted angrily when Dumbledore nodded again. "Harry was right, you just threw him away when the chance arose, just because you thought he wasn't your savior anymore - how could you? How could you let a child carry this burden for years, without support, without help, without friends and allies?!

How could you just leave him in Azkaban, abandon him without a proper trial? Are you truly so blind, or are you just an idiot, Dumbledore? With people like you and Harry's alleged friends around, it's no wonder the dark lord is winning!" The Minister leaned forward, slamming his fists into his desk right in front of the headmaster.

"It wasn't enough that you let a child do an adult's job, it wasn't enough that the entire war effort rests on a young man who's suffered more than any of us, no, you had to go and do more! You used him when it was convenient, and you threw him away when it wasn't, without ever bothering to check on what you actually did to him! I read through the transcripts of that farce of a trial you gave the boy, Dumbledore, and that's all it was - a joke!"

"We had conclusive evidence-"

"Evidence?" Mockridge and Harry echoed, both of them glaring at the old man. "Circumstantial evidence that could be easily explained had you bothered to check, circumstantial evidence that could have easily been refuted by a questioning under Veritaserum, but you didn't even give him a chance to defend himself!

Granted, Fudge was always an idiot when it came to Harry Potter, but I would've thought you had more common sense, Dumbledore. I mean, the boy attended your school for five years, for Merlin's sake! You should've known better, you should've known him .

Were you that eager to get rid of him the instant you found out about this new prophecy that you thought you could just… just dump him away and be forgotten about? Do you think you're above the law that you can just use him and then abandon him without even a proper trial?"

"At the time-" Dumbledore tried again, only to be cut off as the Minister rounded his desk to roughly pull the old mage to his feet. Harry seemed to be content to just stand to the side and watch as Mockridge continued his tirade.

"I'll be bringing this before the Wizengamot, Dumbledore, you can be sure about that. Whether you're important to the war or not, I'll have you stripped of your rank and locked away in Azkaban if it turns out that you were so quick to abandon a child to the nonexistent mercy of the Dementors on no evidence at all!"


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