
Chapter 286 What is the initial state of the Room of Requirement?



As he cast the spell over and over again, Andy's understanding of spells had a qualitative change.

Magic Burst is the simplest form of spell casting.

Whereas, our learning of spells is a process that ranges from the simple to the complex.

Whether it's the theory of spells or the techniques of casting spells, the essence is to strengthen the influence of the power of the mind on the magic power, to bring up the power of the spells.

But in the end, we still have to turn complexity into simplicity, so that everything returns to the most initial, that is, the most ideal state - the magic burst.

But that could only be an ideal.

Because of the stability of the magic, even the wizards at Dumbledore's and Voldemort's level, also need a wand to channel the magic as well.

Andy suddenly had some expectations.

If he raised all three attributes of mind, thinking and will to seven points, what kind of changes would occur in his magic?

It's just a pity that ...

Although he was looking forward to it, this kind of thing could not be rushed.

[Potential Points] also need to be saved bit by bit!

So Andy could only choose the most favourable way of adding points for himself at the moment.

Besides, all the attributes were going to be added anyway, so Andy was not in a hurry.


Andy muttered the incantation of the Engorgement Charm, but the spell that was cast as Andy waved his wand was his new big bullet spell.

The golden flying bird had become as big as a volleyball as well.

Time passed, little by little, and Andy became more and more skilled at this combination.

Although the number of golden flying birds was much less, their size was getting bigger and bigger. From a certain point of view, the power of the spell was actually considerably greater.

Most importantly, the upper limit of the combination magic was extremely high.

When he became skilled, Andy could also try different combinations, even combining three magic spells or four magic spells.

Especially, the Blasting Curse could be added to these Bullets!

The intercontinental missile is under development now.

After finishing his practice, Andy opened the system panel as usual and checked the growth of the red liquid.

"Not bad!" Andy nodded with satisfaction.

The red liquid growing meant that it was a valid exercise, and it also meant that Andy's strength had increased once again.

Walking out of the Room of Requirement, Andy came to the great hall on the ground floor.

"Andy, how's your combination magic practice going?" Hermione asked.

"It has achieved initial success."

Andy smiled, "How about you? How was the afternoon's gain?"

"Nothing much." Having said that, Hermione didn't look the least bit discouraged.

Andy and Hermione had discussed combination magic, and Andy had said what he thought about combination magic: combination magic was the path of Lady Rowena Ravenclaw's magic.

So the young witch had recently rekindled her passion for exploring the Ravenclaw library.

In Hermione's words, if Andy could find the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, she could discover the secrets of the Ravenclaw Library.

The result was well ... of course nothing.

"What do you want to do this evening?" Hermione asked abruptly.

Andy said, "I'll go to the library to recharge my batteries. After practising magic all afternoon, it's time to rest for a while."

Hermione nodded, "That's just right, I want to visit the Room of Requirement. I think you have a point, if the Room of Requirement was built by Lady Ravenclaw, then there's a good chance that the Room of Requirement has some connection to the Ravenclaw Library."

Intrigued, Andy asked, "What do you want to do about it?"

Hermione turned her head to stare at Andy and said in a mysterious tone, "Andy, do you want to know the most initial appearance of the Room of Requirement?"

Andy: "!!!"


The Room of Requirement could transform into different rooms, but what did it look like in the beginning?

I bet not many people have seen it, right?

Hermione continued, "If our suspicions are correct, perhaps we'll enter the Ravenclaw library through the Room of Requirement."

"I'm coming with you!" Andy said.

Hermione snickered, "I thought you weren't interested?"

"Who said that?"

Of course, Andy wouldn't admit that he had said such a thing, "I'm always interested in secrets like that. But ... Hermione, it would be best if we waited until after nightfall."

"Why?" Hermione froze.

Andy explained, "I have a hunch that we might discover Hogwarts' biggest secret. It's better to be careful with this kind of thing."

Hermione thought about it and nodded, "Alright, I'll listen to you."

After dinner, Andy went with Hermione to the library to check out a few books, then returned to the Ravenclaw library and found a seat to look at them.


As he was looking at the book, a pearly white figure flashed past Andy's afterglow, and Andy looked up.

"Ms Gray?"

It had been a long time since they had seen this ghost.

Hermione turned her head to look as well at that sound, "Ms Grey, long time no see, good evening."

Ms Gray didn't say anything, she just looked at Andy with some complexity.

"Erm ... Ms Gray?" Andy was a little uncomfortable by the look.

"I want to thank you!"

Ms Gray said, "Although you destroyed the diadem, you also prevented it from continuing to be tarnished by dark magic."

"You're welcome, I was just trying to save my friend."

Andy exchanged pleasantries, then asked curiously, "Ms Gray, a thousand years ago, did people also consider dark magic to be evil?"

That era a thousand years ago was not a society with the rule of law like now, that era was much darker.

In an era like that, there should have been a lot of wizards studying dark magic, right?

"Dark magic is evil in any era!"

Ms Gray explained, "It's just that different times have different judgements on dark magic."

Andy nodded in understanding!

Hermione asked at this time, "Ms Gray, do you know who built the Room of Requirement?"

Ms Grey gave Hermione a look and explained, "In the beginning, it was just a room for the Lady Ravenclaw to study magic. It only became the Room of Requirement as times changed."

Andy nodded thoughtfully.

The Ravenclaw dormitory, the Ravenclaw Head's office, and the Room of Requirement were all on the seventh floor. It would actually make sense to say that a thousand years ago Rowena Ravenclaw was studying magic in the Room of Requirement.

Plus, the way Aunt Rowling's plot is set up ...

Ravenclaw's diadem ended up back in the Room of Requirement after going around in circles.

All the clues point to the fact that the builder of the Room of Requirement was indeed Lady Ravenclaw.

Thinking of Slytherin's chamber of secrets, Andy suddenly asked, "The four founders of Hogwarts should all have a room dedicated to studying magic, right?"

Ms Grey: "..."

These two have a lot of questions.

Thinking that, she had already thanked Andy and answered a few of his questions. Ms Gray leisurely turned around and disappeared through the wall.


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