
Harry's Final Vow

"Now do you understand why I want a Longbottom guarding my back? You two are quite the team you know."

Neville glanced down and realised he was still holding Luna's hand, it felt so right that he had no intention of letting it go anytime soon.

Since Snape entered the hall until the Potter's rendered him harmless had taken about a minute, but it was a minute that would have major repercussions on the wizarding world.

Hermione Granger had taken out Snape while under the cruciatus curse, Harry Potter had just made Dumbledore back down, add to that the two most bullied people in the school had just demolished the worst bully.

Albus was trying to regain some control over a silent great hall that had just witnessed events thought to be impossible, Poppy was sealing Severus's wounds as the parts removed were blasted to pieces. He asked tiredly, "Harry what do you want?"

"I don't want anything and here's something to save you hours of scheming to try and get me back under your control," Harry took out his wand, "I, Lord Harry James Potter swear on my magic I will never be a student at Hogwarts again."

Hermione, Neville and Luna all took the same magical oath in front of a still shocked and silent great hall, it was with an air of defeat that Dumbledore slumped back into his seat as the quartet headed towards the doors.

Harry and Hermione were trying to appear calm but inside they were bouncing about like two year-olds on a sugar high, though it was adrenalin pumping through their bodies.

Hermione felt no remorse about what they had just done to that evil bastard and her core had just received a permanent boost. To receive the dark mark you had to kill someone in front of Voldemort, torturing him or her first for the Dark Lord's entertainment got you extra death eater points.

The had both read the account of Snape's initiation and the fact that it involved a muggle child of about seven left them both feeling quite sick, the fact that stupid old bastard then employed him to teach in a school beggared belief.

They would have preferred the knowledge that they could ignore the cruciatus curse to have remained a secret for just a little longer, but Harry had acted instinctively as soon as someone tried to hurt her.

Harry was struggling to believe they'd pulled it off, even the part about filling the two hospital beds. He would watch with interest to see what happens to that greasy bastard who tried to hurt his Hermione, he was so tempted to kill him outright but decided to make him suffer, he should go to Azkaban for casting an unforgivable, on a student no less but Harry wouldn't be surprised if Albus weaved some tale and the bastard got off.

The only thing stopping him pushing the situation was without magic he was already being punished and without hands, eating breakfast was Snape's new challenge, he could forget potions.

Even that bastard of a rat needed his body's magic to make that silver hand work. Harry wasn't too worried about Snape looking for revenge, having the knowledge of how to fire a gun wasn't much use if you didn't actually have access to one, far less the means to hold it.

Harry had discussed with Hermione the possibility of turning dark but she had explained lovingly that neither of them could ever stand back and watch someone tortured, far less carry out the act themselves.

They now classed Death eaters as rabid dogs for which there was really only one treatment, both had been brought up as muggles and now wondered how many of those missing persons cases in the news were death eaters carrying on their traditions.

As far as they were concerned having a dark mark amounted to having murderer tattooed on your forehead, their doubts could be put to rest with a quick glance at Voldemort's memories and discovering just how evil any marked individual was.

They were nearly at the doors of the great hall when all their carefully laid plans went tits up, neither Harry nor Hermione could believe who had caused it, Hannah Abbot!


Excerpt from BBC News

The emergency services in Little Whining were called this morning to deal with the most bizarre incident any of them had ever seen. A house in Privet Drive appeared to demolish itself for no apparent reason while the top of the range family car was discovered crushed into the cupboard under the stairs. What was even stranger was the ostrich and walrus that were found in the back garden, both animals appeared to be in a state of extreme distress and attacked anyone who came near them.

A specialist from London Zoo was eventually called in and had to shoot both animals with tranquiliser darts before the situation could be brought under control.

When asked for his opinion the specialist replied, "this really is a strange case, both animals are obviously used to being around humans, in fact you would almost think they knew what a gun was. The walrus couldn't move much due to his size so was rather an easy target, the ostrich though zoomed about for a few minutes before actually trying to hide behind the walrus. As an ostrich only hides its head I was left with rather an obvious shot in the end."

Both the ostrich and walrus are now being held in government quarantine facilities until their origins can be established, and a police search is being conducted for the owners of the property, a Vernon and Petunia Dursley.


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