
A Blood Bath and A clue

Yang Chen turned his head to the next target after dealing with the burly man. A shrewd middle-aged man suddenly increased his pace, wanting to strike him before he could land on the ground.

However, Just as he walked into the range, Yang Chen's movement accelerated, and his legs moved down instantly.


'That's two down'

He kicked the back of the gangster's neck.

The sound of bone breaking could be heard even with the shouts of gangsters and platter of rain, but that didn't stop the gangsters from rushing towards him.

Seeing them approach him in groups, Yang Chen didn't fear and remained calm. He landed on the land.

To their surprise, He lifted the burly gangster and threw his body at the incoming crowd. They were pushed back for a moment.

Yang Chen used this moment and took the axe out of nowhere—he aimed and threw the axe at his full strength.
