
Time to return and parting

Meanwhile, In the world of Seraphia, The past two days had been very lively as they witnessed a history-breaking incident. The matter about golden leaf city's dungeon 6969 were the main topic of all new channels, radio, and gossip during dinners.

Almost all the medias were eagerly looking for news related to dungeon 6969 and the incident which broke the people's cognition happened on the night of the fourth day.

Previously, there were only deaths among the participants who went to the dungeon 6969 and the Abyssal interface on the sky showed the remaining participants as 98 but on that fateful night and the first time in human history, the participants number actually rose!

It rose by one and went from 98 to 99!

This scared the people as this is only possible if someone who perished came back to life and bringing a dead person to live was considered impossible.
