
Morning Revelations

Hruday woke up to the familiar aroma of instant ramen wafting through the air. He quickly opened his eyes and saw a big bowl of ramen in front of him. With some hesitation, he took a bite, savoring the warmth and flavor.

Michael, noticing Hruday, chuckled. "Oh, look at you, eating food without even brushing your teeth."

Hruday sighed, feeling slightly guilty. "Wait, where is Mr. Perfect, what about your routine?"

Hruday said, "Are you taking revenge on me because I tried to help you?"

Michael replied, "What revenge? I was helping you to be healthy and strong, that's why I told you to wake up early."

Reluctantly, Hruday finished his morning routine, all the while keeping an eye on the steaming bowl of ramen, worried it might be eaten by someone else. He skipped his usual exercise, making excuses that he would be practicing parkour later. Once done, he eagerly dove into the ramen, savoring each bite.

After finishing his meal, Hruday gathered his friends to discuss the plan he wanted to mention the previous day. "So yesterday, Tyler and I had a discussion. Basically, there is a chance..." he continued explaining the details, but before he finished his last sentence.

Michael cut him off, a look of concern on his face. "Dude, that's dangerously scary and risky. Are you sure about this?"

Roy joined the conversation, his voice tinged with frustration and worry. "What do you mean 'Are you sure about this?' Are you guys out of your goddamn minds? Can't you imagine this? We are in an apocalypse. We won't be going there on a bus. Goddammit, why do you always take such risks? Why, man? I just can't understand anymore. Everything is styled and safe. Why are you jumping into a pit of fire yourself?"

Hruday chuckled. "So that I could kill the hellfire before it grows and engulfs us all in its flame. I will face the tide before the tsunami so that I won't die when the tsunami comes."

Roy screamed, "Ahh, you delusional f*ck! You have gone crazy speaking motivational stuff. This isn't the insta reels world; it's the real world. Wake up!"

Roy, calming down, said, "You just need some sleep."

Hruday said, "Have you ever heard this quote? You have to be crazy to be successful and be different to be different."

Roy said, "I don't care, you idiot. We are not coming, and you are not going either." Roy looked at Michael. "Dude, say something. Have you finally realized that you shouldn't have supported him?"

Michael pulled Roy aside. "Just come here for a second." After going to a different room and locking the door, he whispered, "Roy, I wanted to tell you something. You might think I'm crazy, but hear me out and promise you won't act mad."

Roy said, "Act mad? Dude, he's the one that is mad, not me. He wants to go miles and miles away just to get a fucking mask, and too on the word of a shady new guy."

Michael asked, "Promise me you won't act like this."

Roy said, "Yeah, okay man, I really can't understand him. We have everything we need. Can't we settle? Why does he have to go outside when he himself said he fears this new phenomenon?"

Michael gave him a look, understanding. Roy shut up. "Okay, go ahead, convince me of this new fed-up thing."

Michael said, "Hruday might be a returner, like in Manhuas."

Roy looked flabbergasted. "What the hell? Have you gone insane too? Dude, I'm losing it. You guys really need to get your shit together. You're going insane and making me too."

Roy continued, "Tell me, I'm waiting."

Michael shook his head thinking. "No, no, I shouldn't tell him that without concrete evidence."

Michael said, "Ahh, I think he is sure that he will turn into one of them. Look how he can't seem to control his rage and hallucinations and always wakes up late."

Roy, flabbergasted, "You told me you didn't believe it."

Michael replied, "I still don't, but for him, that's all he needs. And you know how he overthinks, right?"and to add on to that he saw a nuke only to see no signs of it 

Roy asked, "So now what?"

Michael replied, "Look, I understand you, man. But Hruday has a knack for sensing danger before it happens. Remember the first day when he was reluctant to go to the teachers like that how many times he save us? I think we should trust his instincts, even if it seems crazy."

Roy scoffed. "So what, we join him?

Michael said No, no, he himself isn't sure, man. That's why he was asking. Let's agree a little and sway his decision."

Roy said, chuckling, "Let's agree to disagree, my friend."

Michael shared a chuckle. "Yeah, we just need to do that. Keep him so busy that he either gets the time to realize or doesn't have a minute to think about it."

They came out and saw Hruday trying to hear their talk by putting his ears to the door. Hruday said, "I heard it all."

Michael replied, "You didn't hear anything. Stop acting, we won't tell you."

Hruday said, "Man, you were the only one who said no secrets. Now look, you are the one who is breaking it. You know I hate being in the dark too."

Michael winked, or at least he tried to as he didn't know how to wink, it was more like blinking.

Hruday's face brightened. "Alright, so what do you think, Roy?"

Roy said, "Okay, I am convinced a little. It is still dangerous."

Michael chimed in, "By the way, you guys did some experiments. Did you find something?"

Roy shook his head. "It's all confusing."

Hruday said, "No, I found something, but we need to do some real experiments."

Michael said, "Shall we do it today?"

Hruday was surprised and thought for a moment, then smiled. "sure, let me think of the detailed plan i will go to train first you guys bring Mark,shopia ahh and bring nick too Micheal Noded but what about the experiments hruday said We will discuss there don't forget to bring my black colored and green color dairies too 

Hruday went towards Tyler for his training. Tyler asked, "Did you talk to your friends? Did Mark say he will come?"

Hruday said, "I have, and they are considering it, but they seem positive. I know that you just want Mark, but we will discuss what is better later after we do the second round of experiments on zombies. So, teach me some basics."

Tyler said, "How good are you at yoga?"

Hruday replied, "You mean stretching?"

Tyler replied, "No, I mean yoga, not just your lazy stretching."

Hruday replied, "I don't know."


To be continued in the next chapter...

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