
Chapter 647: Hastur

Chapter 647: Hastur

In the pitch-black, desolate starry sky, a black star pulsates rhythmically like a human heart, steady and powerful.

Everything around it—planets and living beings—are reduced to dust with each breath it takes.

When the Lamp God, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Supernova Dominator, the King of Decay, and the Radiant Hunter arrived, the black star continued its calm breathing, unaffected by the presence of visitors.

Above this black star, the Primordial Hunger held the Hall of Stars aloft with the demeanor of a victor, overlooking the five Outer Gods who had gathered.

"Isn't it ironic or perhaps fated that the story of the stars returning to the sky is resolved by us, the members of the Star Council?" The Lamp God spoke with uncharacteristic seriousness.

"Perhaps this is guidance from the stars," the Mother Tree of Desire mused, feeling a mix of emotions.

"The stars have returned, He has come back to the sky, and we are here. Is this the correct destiny for the future?"

"It seems everything will end here."

Only the Radiant Hunter remained silent, his gaze fixed on the black star, as if he sensed something.

"So it's you, the convergence of the stars has brought you here."

The Primordial Hunger was not surprised by this scene. The foolish Fallen Mother Goddess had been led away, and only those atop the Hall of Stars could find this concealed starry sky.

"Primordial Hunger? Or should we call you by another name?" The Mother Tree of Desire asked directly, without pretense.

"I have said before, lies will eventually be exposed."

Seeing that the Primordial Hunger did not deny the Mother Tree of Desire's suspicion, the Lamp God was puzzled, sensing something was amiss.

Does the Primordial Hunger have another name? Or has He been replaced? Who could have done such an astonishing thing?

The Lamp God was shocked but did not ask, instead pretending to understand everything.

"You are indeed not the Primordial Hunger," sighed the Mother Tree of Desire, as its branches and leaves began to spread, forming a black net in the starry sky, ready for battle.

"What an unbelievable truth. Who are you?" demanded the Supernova Dominator.

"Who am I?" The Primordial Hunger, holding the Hall of Stars, seemed amused by the question.

"I have too many identities, so many that even I can't count them all."

"You should know the Yellow Robe Church established by the stars, right?" The Primordial Hunger transformed into a human form, wearing tattered yellow robes and a pale mask. "The King in Yellow they worship is one of my incarnations."

"The Black Star recorded in their scriptures is also me."

"The Nameless One who once wandered the edge of the Primordial Barrier is another of my incarnations. Yes, the one occupying the body of the Primordial Hunger is this incarnation."

"You may call me Hastur, for that name is originally mine."

After speaking, the Primordial Hunger glanced at the Hall of Stars, "Hastur Campbell, the first part is me, the latter is him."

"You are Hastur? The Old One?"

The Lamp God's voice trembled slightly, knowing some information about this being. In the era of Roselle, Hastur was a legendary and well-known Old One.

Also known as the Nameless One, the Lord of the Starry Deep, the King in Yellow was one of his more recognized incarnations.

The Mother Tree of Desire and the other Outer Gods did not fully grasp the significance of the name Hastur, focusing instead on the latter part of the Lamp God's statement.

Old One? Such arrogance, does he intend to dominate all Old Ones?

The Fallen Mother Goddess, God, and the Lord of Mysteries are also Old Ones in essence, but they symbolize the three great pillars, holding a higher status than typical Old Ones.

To dominate them would require being the Primordial Creator!

"Old One, such an ancient title. I suppose it makes you uncomfortable?" The Primordial Hunger chuckled, glancing at them. "But that is the truth."

"The Fallen Mother Goddess's wariness is not without reason. She vaguely sensed something, but her mind is not very sharp. When I suggested we join forces against the stars, she easily believed it."

"If it were God or the Lord of Mysteries, I might have needed to exert more effort to successfully obtain the Hall of Stars."

Though the insult to the Fallen Mother Goddess resonated with him, the Lamp God sneered, "Stop boasting. If you truly had such terrifying power, would you need to greet that fool, the Fallen Mother Goddess?"

"Joining forces, huh, an Old One is nothing special." The Supernova Dominator spoke with disdain.

"I once said, crossing the cosmic boundary comes at a price, especially when the residual consciousness of the Primordial Creator was still strong at that time."

"This led to a long period of slumber, allowing someone to use my name to reach the Hall of Stars first."

"Hastur Campbell is indeed a fitting name."

The Primordial Hunger spoke leisurely, showing no urgency.

"You and the stars come from outside the universe?" The King of Decay couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, this universe already has the Fallen Mother Goddess, God, and the Lord of Mysteries as its three pillars, stabilizing the entire universe. Could it still give birth to beings like the stars?"

The King of Decay asked no more, believing this explanation, as it matched his own suspicions.

"Does anyone else have questions? I'm in a good mood now and can satisfy some of your curiosity."

The Outer Gods present could feel the Primordial Hunger smiling behind the pale mask.

"He's stalling for time." The Radiant Hunter observed the Primordial Hunger like prey.

"Eager to act? Don't you want to hear the story between me and the stars?" The Primordial Hunger remained unfazed, smiling. "Miss this chance, and you may never learn the secrets of the stars."

"Do you take us for fools?"

The Lamp God interrupted the Primordial Hunger, launching golden chains of rules like countless tentacles!

He wouldn't give the Mother Tree of Desire and the Supernova Dominator time to think, mixing things up was the most correct approach.

The Primordial Hunger snorted coldly, extending a tentacle from his tattered yellow robes to support the Hall of Stars.

Behind the pale mask, eyes that overlooked everything appeared. He drew starlight from the Hall of Stars, concealing himself and the black star, creating a star river that divided the starry sky into two.

The Lamp God's attack was blocked on the other side of the star river, unable to penetrate, let alone harm the Primordial Hunger.

The Mother Tree of Desire, the Supernova Dominator, the King of Decay, and the Radiant Hunter all attacked simultaneously, their grand momentum once again destroying the already desolate starry sky.

But their offensive was completely intercepted, as if the Primordial Hunger's current position was separated from them by a universe.

"He's using the power of the Hall of Stars!"

"He hasn't fully mastered the Hall of Stars!"

The Radiant Hunter and the Supernova Dominator both realized the Primordial Hunger's state; he had been stalling for time to refine the Hall of Stars.

Now he possessed part of the Hall of Stars' authority, allowing him to use its power to block attacks from this universe.

"An Old One, yet you're pretending to be a big shot here."

The Lamp God scoffed, continuing to assault the star river that seemed to divide two universes.

Since he was in this universe, he must be subject to its limitations, otherwise, he couldn't remain here.

The Mother Tree of Desire and the other Outer Gods understood this and weren't intimidated by the previous scene.

This is the universe of the Primordial Creator, who is the true master here!

Any power exceeding the universe's boundary would inevitably awaken the Primordial Creator's consciousness, rebooting the entire universe.

The commotion quickly attracted the Fallen Mother Goddess, the High-Dimensional Overseer , the Ring of Fate, and the Unquenchable Murmur, among other Outer Gods.

With a glance at the chaotic scene, they decisively chose to join the Mother Tree of Desire's side temporarily, targeting the Primordial Hunger together.

The starry sky collapsed and shattered in large sections, and the star river drawn from the Hall of Stars began to show signs of breaking under the pressure.

Cracks appeared on the pale mask worn by the Primordial Hunger, but he continued to hold the Hall of Stars aloft, covering the black star below.

"Why doesn't he learn from the High-Dimensional Overseer and escape first? Is he stubbornly holding on here for the sake of the Old One's dignity?"

Listening to the Lamp God's deliberate taunt, the Primordial Hunger merely sneered in silence.

If he could escape, he wouldn't have wasted so much time talking.

The black devourer still incubating, and Hastur within the Hall of Stars, were fully occupying his attention.

He couldn't take away the black devourer and the Hall of Stars, which were almost rooted in this starry sky.
