
Harry Vs Weasleys

The whole room went deathly silent during her tirade and everyone looked at her as if she had lost her mind. When they glanced at Harry, they could see he was bright red but weren't sure if it was from embarrassment or anger. When they saw the cold, hard look he was giving her, they had their answer. Harry started speaking back to her in a very low voice that everyone had to strain to hear despite there not being a sound in the room.

"Mrs. Weasley, I appreciate the times you have allowed me to come to your home but a few weeks do not give you the right to act as my mother. You will not order me to do a damn thing and if you ever insult my Megan again, I will rain holy hell down upon you and your family. My problems with your family were confined to your younger children and that massive git Percy until you opened your mouth today."

She stood there gaping like a fish that Harry would speak to her like this. In her anger, she slapped his face. Harry straightened back up and gave her a hard glare. It was then that Molly realized what she had done and her hand went to her mouth. "Harry, I'm so sor…"

She never finished as he stepped away from her and approached Mr. Weasley. "Mr. Weasley, you have always had my respect and it was my intention to sit down with you in the near future so that we could talk things through. I however did not want that day to be today. It was my hope that you could understand my point of view and I would have given you a promise that I would never do anything to harm Ginny in any way."

"When you invited me into your home and made me feel welcome, it meant a lot to me and I began to see your sons and daughters as the siblings I never had. I guess I've lived in a fantasy world where brothers and sisters may fight but they were always there for one another. They turned their backs on me Mr. Weasley. Ron even told me he hated me at one point. I… I won't make the same mistake my father did."

Arthur said "I am sorry Harry. I hold myself to blame for this. If I had been a better father, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Harry then did something that surprised everyone. He pulled Mr. Weasley into a hug and said "It's not your fault. Ever since I met you, I've always thought of you as the perfect dad. You don't yell and scream and you guide your family with a loving hand. Since I grew up without a father, I use you as the example of how I hoped my dad would have been and how I want to be with my children one day."

He released the hug as tears were flowing down Arthur's cheeks. Harry looked up to the older redheads and said "I assume you are Bill and Charlie, it's a pleasure to meet you after I've heard so many great things about the cool older brothers. I'm just sorry it's under these circumstances.

Bill shook his hand and said "Me too Harry."

Harry stepped back in front of Molly and noticed tears were also in her eyes. "Mrs. Weasley, I want to thank you again for what you have done for me but I don't think I will ever be able to return to the Burrow. The truth is that I will not feel comfortable there again no matter what you say or do."

He looked at the next couple and was confused for a minute before he made the connection. "Hello Harry, I'm Martin Granger and this is my wife Miranda. We didn't want to intrude but after talking with Arthur, we felt this may be the only chance we get to speak with you. We want to apologize for what has happened. You didn't deserve to be treated that way after what you have done for Hermione. I…I served in the SAS and I'm sure you are aware of that organization. We value honor above everything and I thought I taught my daughter my values. I…I'm sorry. I really don't know what to say."

Harry closed his eyes for a second and nodded his head. He started to walk away but was stopped by another voice. Miranda softly asked "Don't you have anything to say?"

Harry looked at her and said "What do you want me to say Mrs. Granger? That the girl I thought I was in love with ripped out my heart and spit on it? That the girl I fully intended to ask out this year and hopefully start a long term relationship was only with me to earn money for books? That I risked my own life to save hers so that she could make me look like a fool? I don't know what to say. I don't blame you; Hermione is a smart girl and makes her own decisions. I've heard the Dumbledore coerced her defense but you forget, I KNOW HERMIONE! She doesn't do anything that she doesn't want to do."

He stepped back and said "When it all first happened, I hated all of them but two friends showed me that all hate will do is eat you up inside. I forgive all of them for what they did but I never want to have anything else to do with them. I've moved on and suggest they do the same."

Harry then stepped in front of Professor Lupin who had a dog beside him. When Remus made a move to approach him, Harry held up his arm where he could see the silver knife sheathed. As he stepped back, Harry said "You lost the right to even speak to me. The fact that you chose Dumbledore over me is the biggest betrayal of all after all the promises and apologies you made about my life. In my eyes, you're no better than Peter and if we meet again, I will treat you as I would him."

Harry faced the others in the room and said "I apologize for detracting from what should be a happy occasion with your families. It seems that the drama surrounding my life seems to follow me wherever I go."

In his hurry to get away, Harry went to the door and quickly stepped through. Megan broke away from her mother's embrace and raced for the door but once she opened it, he was gone. When she turned back around, everyone could see tears running down her face and rage bubbling up to the surface. She stalked over in front of Harry's so called family and yelled "WHY? Why did you have to come here today of all days? You knew it wouldn't go well but you came anyway."

Molly said "We only wanted to show our support."


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