

Leticia's sudden pallor alarmed Jacintha, whose eyes widened in distress. "Shit," she muttered, before asking, "You had no idea? Brother Devon never told you?"

Leticia shook her head, still reeling. "He never mentioned it." The revelation stunned her: Cecil, Devon's son? It seemed impossible. They didn't share a resemblance, nor did they act alike. But then so are Seraphim and Quynn also. Even still. 'Soon I'll hear that Luis is Declan's grandfather,' she thought wryly.

Jacintha's anxiety was palpable. "Oh dear, I didn't mean to spill it! Brother will murder me! He's always warned me to keep quiet..."

Leticia set aside her own turmoil, offering Jacintha a reassuring smile. She grasped Jacintha's hand. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he understands. It's not your fault."

Jacintha's tension eased, replaced by gratitude. "Thank you, Leticia." She sighed, then brightened. "Let's have that pie now." With a gentle tug, Jacintha pulled Leticia along.


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