
Free For All 2

Meanwhile, the duke was not having the best time of his life; he didn't even lose to Jack's strongest summons. He felt irritated by that fact as he looked at the palm of his own hands with anger.

"I swear I'll get stronger," he told himself, trying to stay calm while Jack's match continued. There were a few other eliminations except for the three jacks, as there were four total players left in the arena by now. Jack had the giant Radus standing behind him, but it looked to others as if a god was looking down on the battlefield. Jack had not realized, surviving in a forest full of giants, how much fear a giant could bring to everyone. The remaining three contestants looked at each other before nodding. It was decided that the best way was to take Jack out and deal with it among themselves after that.

One of the contestants ran towards the giant as his body started glowing and expanding. Scales appeared on his body as his arms grew shorter and his jaw grew bigger. A tail appeared while his size grew up to the giant's stomach. Jack was almost amused to watch all this; he was impressed by their abilities. 

The man had turned into a T-rex as he rushed at Radus. In retaliation, Radus tried to swing his axe at the creature, but instead of slicing the overgrown lizard, the axe was caught by the T-rex in its jaw, making Radus annoyed. He couldn't pull the axe out or even move it as the t-rex held onto it. As Radus tried to let go of the axe and beat the t-rex hand-to-hand, another man jumped up. He had pink hair as he swung onto the t-rexes head using a pink rope-like substance. It was stretchy yet sticky, and he shot out that substance all over Radus's hands, making sure he wouldn't be able to move, which annoyed Radus more. Just then, the third person who was pulled up by the bubblegum guy came and ran towards Radus on his head and jumped off. His hands glowed brightly as white light particles from all around the arena surrounded him and created a light blade in his hand. The man holding the blade yelled with all his strength as the blade grew bigger and bigger until it was so big that it pierced right through Radus's heart as he was turned back to white light particles. The giant was defeated as the t-rex, bubblegum boy, and light guy fell down. The bubblegum guy created a landing area so they wouldn't get hurt.

Jack simply watched. Why didn't he do anything? Honestly, he actually wanted to see how that would play out, and it did kind of play out as he would have expected. But they all seemed too exhausted after that battle, so Jack shuffled his deck again to see what he'd get. It landed on 10 of Club. He just felt bad for these guys at this point. But today seemed to be his lucky day, if anything. Before they all could catch a breath, Jack moved at speeds impossible to even see as he hit them on the neck and knocked them out. As to why not kill them? Well, he didn't need to, and even he thought they had earned a living, at least. He had respect for those who deserved it; this was one such case. Anyway, that should be the end of it, he thought. 

[Batch J is the third batch to finish its matches. Your performance will be evaluated accordingly.]

[You have earned the title 'Blackjack']

[Your Devils Deck skill has been upgraded to intermediate grade. New functions have been unlocked.]

[You have won the single free for all]

[15,000 merits have been awarded.]

"Sheesh, that's a lot. I didn't even get to use gigantification." He wanted to check his new skill first, but he thought he could do that after the leaderboard ranking was revealed. He pushed it back for now and waited for the leaderboards to be revealed. He didn't have to wait too long, though.

Suddenly, instead of the usual screen, this time a hologram was shown to all the players in the arena. The hologram showed a green-skinned person with two orange eyes and two empty sockets in its forehead. Except that the facial structure was very human, the creature in the hologram was wearing a blue robe and a green belt, with a pair of metallic white braces on his wrists. As he sighed and spoke with a voice everyone knew, "You all may refer to me as Z. Since I have been responsible for everything so far, I will also be the one announcing the leaderboards. The top 10 players will continue to rule as they would like, but for those of you who failed? Hell, training awaits. Well, you also have another option, but it's better to talk about that after I'm done with leaderboards, so open your eyes and watch closely," and so the leaderboards were revealed. 

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