
Chapter 295: What Is the Use of Sun Mushroom After All?

There's this dish made with pig's blood that's known as pig's blood balls. In some places, it's also called pig's blood mush or blood mush tofu and is a part of the Hunan cuisine.

Chen Ze remembered having eaten it before, but he couldn't recall the specifics.

"But I don't have any fresh pig's blood..." Chen Ze was a bit bald-headed, the pig's blood balls sounded simple enough, but the preparation was quite meticulous.

For example, pig's blood is generally used fresh, uncoagulated, and then you have to use local tofu, selecting only the softest kind.

That's not all, the other ingredients also need to be carefully chosen, and then from preparation to baking, it also takes over twenty days. Hurrying the baking process or skimping on it wouldn't work, as you wouldn't get the best state of pig's blood balls.

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