
Wooden Stick

After two days of walking along side the river, they still haven't found a village or a house.

But they were getting closer to the forest, which appeared strange from the usual forest that Takeuchi knew.

"Do you think there was a monster in the forest?" Takeuchi suddenly asked Nakahara as they drew closer to the forest.

"I don't know, but we better get ready," Nakahara replied. "We don't know what's going to happen."

"As expected, we have to prepare first," Takeuchi said.

"It's not like we're going into the forest," Nakahara said looking into the distant forest, then he said. "But you're right, we can't go anywhere else now that we're here."

"I just hope we're going to be okay," Takeuchi said.

Just as the conversation was over, Yoshihama shouted, making both of them focus on him.

"Alright everyone, let's gather around!"

After they gathered, Yoshihama took a breath in, preparing for what he was going to say next.

"We would go through the forest."

"Are you sure?" asked Nagata, her eyebrows raised in uncertainty. "It looked like it would be dangerous,"

"You know, we haven't prepared anything yet, except for some sticks we found," Nakahara said.

The weapon they found was a wooden stick.

With his knowledge, Kozue made them into spears, one for each one of them, and it was enough for them.

But still, it is not that powerful, and not everyone can use it properly.

"Alright, alright," Yoshihama said, seemingly expecting the complaint. "Everyone knows that the forest is dangerous, but the river went through it, and we didn't have much choice but to pass through it, and there was no more preparation that we could make,"

"Sigh, we still didn't find any animal, it was a shame," Nagata said as she rubbed her stomach.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure we would fix that problem and the good news is that the village is usually close to the forest too, so it would give us great chance to find a village there, ahem, so let's make a strategy about animals inside the forest, I'm pretty sure there would be animals there, if the animals were edible maybe we don't have to be hungry anymore," Yoshihama explained, seems tired because of walking.

"Going to the forest is dangerous, we had to assume that the animals will attack us," said Miya, but then she seems frustrated and said. "But arggghh, I don't know! How about you boys get together and think about our safety,"

"Nope, I would fight back!" said Maekawa, her spirits seeming to rise. "We would hunt them down, even if it meant dying."

"There wasn't anyone to stop you from dying, Maekawa!" Miya said, her voice becoming sharp.

"What are you trying to say, shorty," said Maekawa annoyed because the interruption as her a vein seeming to pop out of her forehead.

"You-you, you muscle-head!" said Miya, shocked to be called "shorty" and then gritting her teeth.

"Oh, I forgot," said Maekawa, her mouth curling up as she pretended to forget and sneered. "You're so short, if you joined us, you would accidentally stomp, hahaha!"

"What do you say?" yelled Miya, her face turning red every time she heard her words. "You would be a virgin forever because of your flat chest, you tomboy!"

"Hah!" said Maekawa as her smile vanished from her face.

"Flat chest! Flat chest! Flat chest!" Miya insulted.

"Now you really have to say that, do you?" said Maekawa as her voice rose.

A spark seems to form between the two as their faces get closer, but Miya seems to be looking up at Maekawa as her height doesn't match up with hers.

Women are scary... Takeuchi thought as he looked at them.

"Alright, alright, let's just calm down," Yoshihama said, trying to mediate between them.

After that, both of them calmed down, although they were still throwing their faces and snorting at each other.

"Sigh, let's make it clear what kind of strategy we have when we encounter animals," Yoshihama said, seeming to lose his energy.

"Why just attack them with a spear, I think that would be good enough," Nagata said, then she looked in Umeji's direction and said. "But some people have more advantage in this situation."

"Let's just let people who are good at it attack," Murakami said lazily.

"You're just lazy, right?" said Nagata as she raised her eyebrows which make Murakami throw his face to the side.

"I'll do it!" Uchimura interjected. "With me as the spear thrower, there would be no monster alive!"

"Yes, we still don't know much about hunting, but it would be enough for now, but it was unfair if some people didn't work," Yoshihama said pondering.

"Yes, and let's give tasks to people who do nothing," Nakahara said.

"That's sound good, anyone disagree?" asked Yoshihama, which was met with silence. "Then it was decided, let's do a training fight, everyone will do it, so we can see who is good at it, and after that, they can trying to guard and hunt, don't worry everyone will get assigned roles," Yoshihama said, ending the discussion.

After that, they were tested at fighting with a spear, the test wasn't that hard, they just have to use the spear to fight some imaginary monster.

I wasn't that good at my physics, but it was enough to kill some rabbit... Takeuchi thought as he thrust forward his spear.

And then finally after everyone got a chance to practice, each of them got assigned roles, and Takeuchi was included.

There were 24 peoples in Takeuchi's classroom, and naturally, they formed their own circles. From Takeuchi's observation of all the time in the class, six people take roles as magnets in the circle. They were Yoshihama, Uchimura, Arakaki, Nakahara, Murakami, and Miya.

Of course, they didn't boss around or anything that make them standing out. But Takeuchi thought it would be easier to remember if there was some kind of mark.

Takeuchi always went for easier, and he thought even if somehow he couldn't get along with his classmates, he would at least remember them.

It wasn't for anything really but only for memories.

Takeuchi was the kind of peoples who always worried about his future, and that is why he worried about his future after high school.

They were in their second year of high school. If not because of the sudden transportation, 3 months later Takeuchi would go on his third years.

That's why he has planned so much recently.

He can't be sure about his third year or even after high school.

If somehow someone asked him about what he was going to be after high school, He would not have been confident to answer it.

But in the end, Takeuchi thought he would trying his best in high school or even in real life, even if somehow result would be disappointed.

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