
34| Shy Ashley

After snuggling with me for a bit longer, Zak left the room with a grumpy look on his face. I was glad we were taking it slow. It was definitely not the right time for me to jump into a relationship, even if it was with my fated soulmate.

I tried to get up from bed and winced. Everything hurt like hell. It hurt to move my arms at all, and I had a feeling staircases were going to be murderous if my leg ached this much already. I really didn't want to leave my bed. I was in the slow and painful process of sliding out of bed when the bedroom door abruptly burst open.

I jumped upright, then fell flat on the floor with a howl. I groaned and tried to push myself off the floor, but that used my arms, eliciting another yelp from me.

"What are you doing?" asked a velvety voice that I was starting to resent.

I peeled my face off the ground and glared at Zak, who had come back into the room. "Trying to get up?"
