

"Kim Eunji! Where did you go for the past one hour?" a man with black hair, probably in his mid-twenties glared at the eight-year-old girl who looked down shyly, afraid to meet his gaze as two others, one orange-haired while the other is brown, stood near them, arms crossed.

"I was just looking around Appa. I swear I just took a walk to the park", Eunji pouted and dared to look at the man with puppy eyes.

"Yah, Taehyung-ah. Save her some slack, she's a growing kid, she needs to learn to be independent", the eldest man with the brown hair among them scowled at the black-haired man.

"Hyung, she's a kid, a literal eight-year-old. What if something happened to her? You never know who is lurking around here. She was gone for an hour, an hour, there's no way she's getting out of this", Taehyung said sternly as he returned his glare to the young girl who looked down in guilt.

"Come here sweetie", the third male smiled at the girl who quickly hugged her into his arms as he wrapped them around her protectively. "You know going out on your own is dangerous sweetie", he kissed her head as she nodded. "Never do that without letting anyone of us know, we were so worried about you. We'd feel so bad if anything happened to you, you know that right", the girl nodded again, looking down. "Now apologize to your Appa".

"S-Sorry Appa", the girl sniffed as tears started to fall down. Seeing his baby in tears he instantly dropped his glare as he pulled her into his arms feeling guilty and angry at himself for being harsh.

"Baby, sweetie, shhh. Don't cry honey, Appa hates to see you cry. I'm sorry, Appa's sorry for yelling at his precious baby bear", Taehyung cooed at his baby.

"Eu-Eunji loves Appa", his heart warmed and shattered at the words his baby uttered making him pull her closer as he peppered her face with kisses.

"Appa loves you too baby", Taehyung said, his voice cracking a bit.

"Aww", Hoseok cooed at the adorable pair.

"As sweet as this moment is, we need to close the café. Come on kids, times up", Seokjin ushered them out as he took his keys. Taehyung took his little girl's hand while Hoseok took the other as Seokjin locked the café, the 'closed' sign visible on the glass door. Café Blue Moon towered over them as they made their way toward their street. It wasn't far. It went with the three males humming tunes to the song the little girl so eagerly sang under the night sky, the moon and stars shining over them as stoplights as nature was their audience. The little girl's voice and happy face put their hearts at ease and made their day worth it, worth all the hard work they'd done.

"Goodnight TaeTae, goodnight my sweetie", Hoseok squished the little girl's cheeks as they stood in front of his house, the three males being neighbors. Hoseok was first, to his left Seokjin, and to Seokjin's left was the Kim family's house at the end of the street. "See you tomorrow", he waved as the other got to their porch.

"Sleep well my babies, especially you Eunji sweetie. Nighty night!" Seokjin waved at the others, using his both hands on each side.

"You too Seokjin oppa, Hoseok oppa!" Eunji waved hysterically, her gummy smile showing.

"Sleep well", Taehyung said before ushering his baby inside. He quickly shut the door behind him, locking it to make sure, soon enough they had their dinner and it was time for bed. "Come on baby, let's get you to bed and read your favorite stories".

"Yay!" Eunji ran up the stairs to her bedroom, quickly getting into her pajamas. Storytime was her favorite. In the meantime, Taehyung too changed into his pajamas before knocking on the little girl's door.

"You ready baby bear?" in response the door opened and he was dragged in by his baby girl.

"Story! Story! Can you read me The Princess and The Frog story Appa?" she sat on her bed while Taehyung pulled the blanket over her and sat beside her, leaning over the headboard.

"Sure sunshine. Let's start", he took the storybook beside him, in the drawer. "Once upon a time...".

Soon the little angel fell asleep, slipping into a magical dreamland.

"-and they lived happily ever after. The end", Taehyung closed the book, putting it back in its place before turning to the sleeping beauty. "Goodnight, my angel", he whispered before leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Sweet dreams", with that he turned off the lights, closed the door and went to his room. It's been a long day.

He sighed as he looked out the window as he lay on his bed, the moon and stars looking like diamonds in the sky, reflecting in his eyes but there was something about it. Something dull. Cause it seems like the light wasn't there.

The spark wasn't there in his eyes.

And it hasn't been since he left.

Jungkook woke up with someone banging his door at 7 in the morning. He grumbled to himself, cursing whoever was behind the door with so much distaste.

"WHO THE HEL- Y/N?" Jungkook frowned his brows as he saw his sister behind the door with the happiest expression he's ever seen and mind you, it's very rare.

"Hey baby bro, looking handsome", what she meant was he looked like sh*t. Both of them knew that.

"What are you doing here? You ruined my precious sleep, you angry woman so you better have a good reason or I'm throwing you out", he really shouldn't have threatened her.

"What did you say?" Y/N asked in a low, scary voice as she glared at her brother.

"What are you doing here?" he coughed nervously as he went inside and sat on his couch.

"Oh yeah", instantly his sister was smiling like an idiot again. He swears to god she's bipolar or something. "I found this new cutie, and before you say anything, I am hundred and ten percent sure he's my one", this was the thing his sister lacked, she was so into the romantic sh*t that she always fell for first glance. This girl could spew up life philosophies like no tomorrow but still be naïve when it comes to relationships. God save her.

"Okay, great but why exactly are you here?" Jungkook asked again, quirking a brow at her.

"Oh, just thought to let you know that this beauty is going on a date tonight", she flipped her hair while the younger rolled his eyes in annoyance. "And I need to go to the Gucci mall to pick my outfit which you, my baby bro, are going to help me with", she pointed her finger at him but he just glared at her.

"Hell no, take Jimin or someone else. I ain't wasting my sleep time for your another soon-to-be-ex", he said blankly as he got up and went to his room.

"Yah! I'm your sister, don't you love me?" Y/N yelled after him.

"No, now go", he grumbled as he fell asleep again.

"Stupid brother, can't even help his sister's crisis", Y/N muttered to herself and she slammed the door shut and got in her car. "Hmm", after a thought she took out her phone and dialled a number. After a few rings the person on the call end picked up.

"Hello noona. Good morning", Jimin's voice chimed through the speaker.

"Hey Jimin, you up for some shopping?" Y/N asked as she started to drive to the Gucci store.

"Huh, sure but what's the occasion?" Jimin asked, confusion lacing his tone.

"Get to the Gucci store now, I'll tell you when you get here", she said as she parked in front of the clothing store.

Nearly fifteen minutes later a mob of pink haired appeared near the entrance gate. The short boy looked around before spotting the raven-haired girl.

"So why are we shopping at 8 in the morning?" Jimin asked as he stared at the fancy dresses on display.

"Well, I have a date today. Fancy restaurant place thingy one. What do you think will please a muscular bad boy man?" she asked as she looked at the short party dresses.

"Isn't this your third date this week? Whatever, I think you should go red. Men are never disappointed in red", Jimin wriggled his brows as he gave her a cheeky grin. "I don't know if it'll work out between you two but you'll definitely get laid".

"Shut up you horny b@stard. Not everyone dates to get laid", the girl punched his arm lamely but took his advice and started to go through some cherry red dresses.

"Yeah, yeah", Jimin said dismissively before he walked to the men's clothing. Since he's here already when not do some shopping himself, and besides it totally not like he's thinking on finding a cute outfit to impress someone.

Okay, where's a cute outfit?

It was another busy day at Blue Moon café. Seokjin, Hoseok and Taehyung busy ordering in the kitchen as the orders kept piling in. Seokjin was supervising everything, Hoseok was taking care of the cash counter while Taehyung was head of the pastry chefs.

"Another strawberry tart!", Seokjin yelled out as Taehyung got into making. Soon after he finished, he gave it to the waiter, Beomgyu who took it to the customers. Daily work.

"Appa", Taehyung whipped his head to the place where his baby sat, on a chair with a cute, petty pout on her face. "I'm bored".

"Just wait for some time honey", a long time actually. "As soon as I get my break, we'll eat your favourite pastries, till then watch phone or play a game", he felt bad for suggesting it but there wasn't much he could do. The café paid him well and the owner is his best friend but he could never take it for granted.

"Okay", she said timidly as she took out her phone and started playing Candy Crush.

"Chocolate muffins and vanilla shake!" and the orders went on. Every chef busy preparing while the other staff were busy with customer service.

After what felt like ages, Eunji put her phone down, the battery died. She went to the staff room and put it for charging, well, now that she doesn't have anything else for distraction, she's bored. Discreetly she made her way to the front of the café, peering at Hoseok who sat behind the counter taking the money for the bill. She went near him and was in the process of tapping his leg when she saw a familiar face walking on the street lane outside, this time the figure seemed to have covered in black hoodie and mask but she couldn't mistake the hair or eyes.

The stranger danger guy!
