
Words Hurt More Than You Think

The Scene Of Battle

Bob placed down Levi, and casted a healing spell to stabilize her and Arty. Arty stood over Levi to watch over her. 

"For a being of your instincts, you clearly don't understand the situation you are in. So let me show you exactly what I mean." Bob looked at the earth dragon with his dark blue eyes, though as the earth dragon looked closer, his eyes shifted to a blood red, and his demeanor changed. He ripped off his black suit to just show a black t-shirt to go along with his gray shorts. This showed his well-toned body, with scars across his arms that came from his regular training. His skin was lightly tanned, and his hair went from black, to a red that matched his eyes. He took off the black gloves that he was wearing and threw them to the side.

"Normally I wouldn't go all out right out the gate, to test myself, but you decided to target the one person that I was assigned to protect, and the one person that I care for the most." Bob stood to face the dragon that showed a condescending smirk, but the moment Bob's gloves hit the ground, it caused a crater just from the amount of weight they held. That caused the dragon to lose it's expression. 

"Oh? Don't get scared now. We haven't even started yet." At that moment, Bob released a pressure that was so strong, it caused the dragon to get crushed under its weight. Its face was stuck to the ground, and its body could barely handle itself without its inner organs being crushed from the pressure.

"I'm disappointed, if this is all it takes to knock you down, then you aren't even worthy of 20% of my power. Haah, just die, I'm tired of this, and Madam will need to rest after being harmed by you." One moment, the pressure was let up, so the dragon tried to stand back up, but it couldn't even react when it was looking at its own beating heart in the hands of that monster. 

"I doubt you would have been able to harm Arty or Madam Levi without your stealth abilities to sneak up on them. Although I'm sure that Mrs. Jane and my goddess may be interested in using your soul. This heart, though, would serve as a good meal for me." For the first time in the dragon's life, it screamed, not in triumphant victory, but in fear. It was ignored though, since by the time it started screaming, Bob ate its heart. 

"Interesting, it tastes similar to chicken. I wonder how? Well, time to deliver your body and soul, and bring Levi to safety." As the dragon fell to the ground, a shadow hung overhead belonging to an even bigger dragon.

"Of course another one pops up." Bob sighed, sent a message back to HQ, then teleported both Levi and Articuno to their home with Jewel. 

I'm sure that Jewel can take care of Levi for now, she was fine by the time I healed her, just exhausted.

"Bob The Unstoppable! I have come to challenge you! Face me in combat!" The dragon, with a distinct husky, yet feminine voice spoke as they flew down towards the open area Bob was facing. The dragon itself was pure silver, with glistening scales, green eyes, sharp claws, and had almost an equivalent length to the height of godzilla. When they landed, it caused the surrounding area to be desecrated, leaving behind large amounts of flattened debris. Opening up the area even more to accommodate the dragon. 

"I'm starting to get tired of this. Dragon, whatever your name is, let's just get this over with so I can go home." Bob put on a tired expression that expressed the sentence 'zero fucks given' to a tee. 

"Mine given name is Aletresca and I demand to be respected by being given a proper duel!" The dragon, now named Aletresca, huffed air out that caused an absurd amount of wind pressure. 

"Just fight me already, I don't have time for this." Bob decided that it was that moment that they wanted to take care of the issue. Before Aletresca could blink, she was punched further down into the earth, causing a crater that would make the grand canyon look like a kiddie pool. 

"How…how are you so strong?" Aletresca barely sputtered out those words, as they could feel their broken down body. Barely clinging onto life.

"Hmm? Oh you're still alive? I'm surprised. As for how I got this strong? I train every moment I can when I am not doing my normal duties. That, and I eat my vegetables." Aletresca looked upon Bob in disbelief. 

"Impossible. There is no way that you could be this strong through training. I heard that you were blessed by the golem god himself! That's the only feasible way that you could have such brute force, such speed, and such power to be able to defeat a noble being such as myself." Aletresca continued to delude themselves into thinking that Bob couldn't possibly have done just training to achieve this feat.


I hate it here. Why is it that this dragon continues to delude themselves, and think that I am lying? I should have just ended her, but nooo, I got too curious and decided that such an 'intelligent' dragon might be someone useful to serve Madam Levi. Oh how wrong I was.

"Once again, my name is Aletresca, and I shall give you my body and soul if you would take me in as a student!" Why did I heal her? Why did I bring her home? And why is Madam Levi, Arty, and even Madam Circi giving me a smug look. Wait, when did Madam Circi get in the room?

"Greetings Madam Circi, how may I assist you today?" 

"Hey! Don't ignore me! I will become your student if it's the last thing I do!" I decided to ignore the chuckling that came from the particular princess that I serve.

"Nothing special Bob, I just gained a bit of interest when I heard that you brought back a dragon. Since she decided to take human form, I see that she isn't like the ones we normally fight." That's another thing. After I healed Aletresca, she took on human form, and followed me when I teleported back home to check on Madam Levi. Her humanoid form was reminiscent of her dragon form. With long silver hair, her green eyes with slits in the center, somewhat pale, but healthy skin. Although she was as flat as a table, she had some high quality motion coming from her rear. She was also only slightly taller than Madam Levi.

"You should teach her Bob! I'm sure it would be interesting for you to teach someone, instead of holding yourself up in that cave of yours." Like she could say much considering Jewel's home was made out of stone, but he didn't voice his opinion on the matter. 

"As much as I would love to, I don't believe that she is up for the task. So I will decide on a test, and if she passes, only then will I allow her to become my student." I ignored the fact that both Aletresca and Levi were cheering.



The land of the frost giants was surprisingly not entirely a frozen tundra. Of course, most of what we saw after the five of us left the rainbow bridge has been that. Once we got to the capital city proper though? Somehow, there was an entire ecosystem of farmland just outside the city that grew plants exclusive to these lands. There was a bustling city with giants regularly roaming around. Of course everything was way bigger due to their natural size. The citizens were wary of us though, mostly Odin though based on my observations.

"I wonder what type of food they eat here? I would love to try it once we get everything settled with the treaty." Loki may have been a heavy drinker, but she was also a foodie. Anytime we went out on dates, or spent time with one another, we would try various foods as well. Sometimes she would just want comfort foods too, but anytime she saw something new, she wanted to try it. 

"That might be interesting, but what if anything they eat is frozen? I doubt they cook their food, and if they do, they have to have an alternative to heating." Freya brought up a good point as she pulled along Thor, stopping him from running in a local bar, or trying to start a fight. He may be more intellectually inclined now, but that doesn't mean the battle manic in him doesn't rear its head at times. 

"They do have an alternative. They tend to 'cook' food with frost fire. It produces heat but doesn't at the same time. It's like the ice version of fire. A cold flame that can be used when the giants want to cook food, but keep it cold so it doesn't harm them." I didn't really glean any intricacies on how that magic actually works from what Odin said. So I just nodded my head and kept moving. We were being led by one of the frost giant commanders to the throne of Ymir. Even when we were a good distance away, I saw Ymir, sitting on his frozen throne. 

When we were close enough, an ice table was created in front of us, with six chairs. Each of us took a seat, and Ymir decided this was the time to shrink down closer to our size, but still towering over us at 3 meters tall. The throne room itself was gigantic, obviously to accommodate Ymir's normal size.

"So we meet Odin. I'm glad you decided to speak with me rather than fighting until the end." Ymir almost looked happy as he held out his hand for Odin to shake it.

"I'm glad that you have gained plenty of wisdom over the years. You used to be like Thor over there in the past. Fight first, think later." Odin shook his hand after he spoke.

"I resent that you old coot!" 

"If I'm old, then what does that make you? Ancient?" The two of them went back and forth, throwing insults, but there was no hostility behind it. It was probably the first time ever that this was the case.

"I see that Thor is still raring for a fight, but it seems that he is finally growing up as well. Perhaps it is due to his newfound kinship I wonder?" Ymir smirked at Thor, but he was a sputtering mess when Freya was brought up. She had a similar reaction, but just decided to bury her face into his shoulder.

"Of course! I'm glad that I finally have a chance of leaving my seat in Asgard in good hands! However, let's get straight to things, I don't want any unknown elements interrupting us." Odin took on a serious look when he finished speaking, before bringing out several pieces of paper.

"Of course!" Ymir joined him, also bringing out paperwork. Then the two started discussing peace between each of their realms.

The Throne Room

Odin and Ymir engaged in deep conversation, going back and forth about the terms of peace, and what Ymir was giving out to obtain the peace.

"My people and I are fully willing to share our knowledge, and archives, as long as my people are allowed to learn some things from Asgard. How much or little is determined by you." Ymir threw the ball in Odin's court.

"In that case, we will allow joint interaction between our people. How much or little the frost giants learn is determined by any relationships built with those of Asgard." From there, the two of them went over the finer details of the agreement. The other four at the table stayed silent for the most part. Their presence didn't seem needed, even though it was requested. 

After about an hour or so, Ymir and Odin finalized their talks about peace and were about to sign the contracts, before the entire throne room shook. 

"What's going on?" Loki, who was taking a nap on Retzio's shoulder, stirred awake and yelled out.

"I am unsure, but whatever it is, I need to handle it and make sure my people are safe." Ymir signed his side of the paperwork quickly, then stood up.

"Ah, ah, aaah! None of you are going anywhere." A pitch black portal opened up and out came a creature that looked eerily similar to a beholder. Except for the top hat they were wearing, and the divinity that could be felt from them. 

"You should have taken the deal we offered Ymir. This would have been so much easier if you did." The thing spoke with no mouth, yet sound still came out of it through psychic transmission.

"I will not endanger my people any longer! You disgusting chaos gods have no power over me!" Ymir started to grow to full size, Odin stood up, and readied his spear. Retzio, Loki, Thor, and Freya readied their weapons, took a combat stance, and prepared themselves. 

"You see, that is where you are wrong, Ymir. We managed to find a wonderful item that I finally got out of Nyarlathotep's grasp. Even if I had to steal it before she noticed, it will do its job, and once we have control, she can no longer stop me!" The chaos god yelled to the top of his lungs, before revealing an item. A necklace that had a single eye on it.

"Odin! Take the others and run! That is no meager eye! That is the eye of the first beholder!" Odin started to get nervous, but before they could react, the eye opened, and targeted Odin himself.

"FATHER!" Both Thor and Loki yelled in sync then Odin had a blank look on his face. Soon after, the eye itself fell apart.

"Tsk, I was hoping that it would last long enough to take control of Val's brat too, but oh well." He shrugged, before slowly walking back to the portal.

At that moment, Odin stood back up, grabbed his spear, and before any of them could react, shoved it straight through Loki.



Loki fell down to the ground, sliding off Odin's spear, before Ymir launched Odin away and engaged him in combat, with Thor and Freya supporting Ymir.

She feels cold. Why hasn't she teleported away yet! 

"Have fun dealing with Odin! Also, those rings aren't gonna help ya too much! This portal here is preventing yall from getting out of here, and once it closes, it will lock this space from teleportation." The god almost left through the portal, but I wasn't having that. I applied a healing spell to keep Loki stable, then moved at my highest speed to prevent the Cthulhu knockoff from leaving.

"Domain Expansion!" From that alone, it broke the portal and allowed Loki to be sent away via the ring. 

"Interesting. I see that it was a mistake to control Odin and not you. Not that it matters now, he will decimate the frost giants whether he wants to or not. They have lived out their use." The creature extended his arms out as the domain formed around us to match that cathedral I used against Father all that time ago.

"You see, you made two mistakes in coming here and antagonizing me."

"And what might those be Son of The Golem Goddess?" The tentacle creature adjusted his suit and somehow radiated a smug expression.

"One, you caused chaos during a peace meeting, and two the more important one. You hurt MY LOKI!" I fully released the pressure of my power and let it radiate within the entire domain. 

"Hmm, I see. You might be able to actually give me a good fight. I was hoping to draw out your father instead, but this will do as a warmup. If you didn't already know, boy, my name is Cthulhu, and I will end you so your father will bring chaos across the nine realms." God of insanity is right, this bitch is insane. 

"You see, you made a mistake clearly. For one, this isn't my full power, and two…I'M about to become a God-Killer"

"Bluffing isn't going to hel…" Before he could finish, I grabbed is face with one hand, and shoved his head down into the ground, causing the floor to crack under the pressure. 

"You talk too much." 

The Cathedral

Cthulhu stood up, and brushed himself off after getting out of the crater. He felt a bit disorientated, but not enough that it would impede him.

"It seems that I will have to release my true form upon you. Very we…" Once again he is interrupted in his speech, this time, by a kick to the nuts by one of the many assassins created by Retzio's domain. This seemed to do actual damage, if the unhealthy screech that Cthulhu made after the fact was any indication.

"I said, you talk too much." Right afterwards, Retzio released all of the assassins sitting within the cathedral to attack Cthulhu. Some attacked from melee, others casted magic. Cthulhu finally took the hint and started fighting back with tentacles he sprouted from his back. After a few moments, his form melted, and what replaced it was a tentacled monstrosity of a creature. It looked like an alien that had hundreds of tentacles for a mouth, with an egghead, and black eyes, while also still being bipedal. He also sprouted large amounts of tentacles from his arms and legs.

"You are one ugly mother fucker. Actually, that is an insult to mothers out there. I doubt you could even fuck one with consent, nobody would love that face, let alone that insane personality of yours. No wonder you had to steal that eye from Nyarlathotep, otherwise she would have destroyed your ugly mug where you stood." Even though Cthulhu was pushing back the assassins, he looked like he took actual damage when he heard those words. Falling back several steps and taking a knee.

"Why…Why do your words hurt?" 

"Maybe it's because the only type of people who would actually fuck you would be hentai enthusiast that are obsessed with tentacles. Although, knowing you, you would still somehow fuck that up and now get any. The reason nobody can recognize your game is because you never had any in the first place!" There was an actual explosion sound from Cthulhu's chest, and he fell over backwards. Bleeding green blood from his tentacle mouth.

"You can't even lock in and take things seriously. Because if you did so, you would have been locked out from this entire situation, preventing it in the first place. No amount of magic can save you from the fact that nobody would ever want to love you. Let alone like you, be friends with you, or even be acquainted with your existence. The ones that helped you with this probably only did so because of convenience, or they didn't like Nyarlathotep, not because they wanted to work with you." Even the other assassins stopped attacking him because he just fell deeper into a crater. 

Cthulhu's body started to fall apart, he couldn't even speak up due to the pressure from the insults.

"If you wanted to know why my words had some extra oomph to them, two words, Vicious Mockery." At that moment, one of the assassins kicked him in the nuts while he was down. The same one that kicked Cthulhu earlier. 

"What's funny is the fact that you caused Loki to be impaled, but at least my spear has been well used by Loki. You could beg Nyarlathotep to play with your spear, but that shit is gonna rust and fall apart before you even have a smidgen of a chance, and even then, she would probably just beat your ass instead for the insult. That ass beating is probably the most exciting thing you will ever get too!" Cthulhu shifted to move his head, the rest of his body was broken and bleeding green blood everywhere.

"F…uck You!" He struggled to speak those two words.

"Nah, I'm good. You could be the hottest woman in Draconic Deus, and I would still avoid you like the bubonic plague. No matter how good you look, you can't get rid of that disgusting personality, and that innate insanity." If kicking a person while they are down was embodied, then this moment would be it.

"One last thing, I had one of the assassins here record every second of your downfall. I would love to kill you right now, but no, you wouldn't suffer nearly as much from an easy death. Instead, I'm going to seal your power and save the kill for later. Everything should be solved outside by now." Retzio utilized golem magic, and sealed off Cthulhu's magic, and strength. Soon after, he dissolved the domain, but one of the assassins remained, the one that recorded everything.

I don't got much time to reach my goal, so I am gonna kick things up into high gear. Check out my other stuff to support me in my path to become a full-time writer.

Oshimuracreators' thoughts
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