
Ice Ice Baby


Someone at The Collective had to be messing with me. No seriously, cause how in the fresh donkey manure does Levi fish out a freaking ARTICUNO FROM POKEMON?! There is no way that this wasn't a joke. The phoenix and drakes, sure, whatever, she fished them up from molten magma. But how do you explain her fishing from THE LITERAL SKY? She fished from the clouds, but potato, tomato. 

I was walking back and forth after handing Sebastian a freakin ultra ball to give to Levi as she is in battle with the damn thing currently. If her closest subordinate didn't warn Sebastian ahead of time, her fight would have caused the rest of her group to be frozen solid. The entire landscape by that mountain turned into a frozen tundra. I'm glad that it is a good distance away from here, but still, there is no way that Articuno isn't way stronger than showcased in the anime and games. 

I need to somehow talk to whatever the fuck kind of soul Levi's partner Tammy developed into. I was pacing back and forth, with Jess and Jane sitting on my bed with looks of worry. The three of us were watching a projection of the fight the whole time. Sebastian finally arrived at the location after several minutes. He couldn't teleport there because Articuno erected a barrier to prevent spatial movement, outside of me directly calling Levi back myself. The only reason I didn't was because the girl was having the time of her life. 

She had a battle crazed grin on her face as she moved at insane speeds across the area, deflecting the ice Articuno was throwing at her, and using her own ice and water back at it. If Sebastian interrupted the fight, he would be caught up in the mix. While I am certain he could easily escape, Articuno was dangerous. 

Levi, I know you can hear me. Sebastian has a tool to capture the Articuno. I know that you saw pokemon on the tv in the living room. He is going to give you an ultra ball. However, you have one chance. Those things are horrendously expensive, and I spent enough to the point that we won't be able to recover from it for months. If you manage to capture it, it will provide you with a powerful companion that could possibly grow to the levels of the heavenly dragons at their peak. 

Levi didn't show any visible reaction, but she definitely heard me based on her knocking Articuno into the mountain and causing a crater, before speeding over to Sebastian, and grabbing the ultra ball. There was no time for words, so she ran back to where it was. Articuno however, just shrugged off whatever damage it may have taken from that hit, and flew out of the crater like it was nothing. 


Tammy had to know something like this was going to happen. Either that, or they were laughing at my expense in excitement. Not that I wasn't enjoying every second of this fight. I haven't been able to flex my full power before. Also, for the first time since I obtained Tammy, I felt cold. That alone was abnormal, and showcased just how powerful my current opponent was. The Pokemon series that I watched in passing talked about Articuno briefly as a legendary bird of ice. 

What I was seeing now might as well have been the ice version of a phoenix. It looked exactly like Articuno of course, but this damn thing was strong. If not stronger than I could sense if it was holding back. The stupid grin on my face didn't leave it though, even when it knocked me through the frozen mountain, causing a giant hole to appear in the center of it. 

Every moment I was fighting this bird for control over water and ice. It was exhilarating. I finally had a true challenge that wasn't my own family. I didn't have to hold back anymore. At that moment I felt something snap, I stored the ultra ball safely, and felt something inside myself trigger. Was it a seal? A part of my soul that Mom put away until I was ready? I didn't know, nor did I care at the time. I just let myself go.

"Domain Expansion!"


Ain't no fucking way. There ain't no fucking way. Was I in a shounen anime? Did I facilitate this? Shit, I may have on one of my many anime binges with Jane and Jess. Still, I do not remember ever implementing something like that in my golems. Did I put it in a file? I pulled up my more recent study files, and sure enough, a file that all of my children looked at for some reason, including Kinami, contained all that I have observed on sorcerers and their domains. 

That doesn't explain how the hell Levi managed to have a freaking domain expansion that froze a bird that is supposed to have full control over all things ice! To Articuno's credit, it wasn't frozen for long, but just the fact that she froze it at all is insane! Did they cut off and supplement a part of their magic to mimic cursed energy? Perhaps their soul? I needed to study this more. I needed to know how, and I needed to know now.


The Creator adopted a different expression when Levi utilized her new technique. It was a dangerous look, since both of her eyes were shining as she stared at the projection with a fervent look, like she wanted to dissect her own daughter. Of course I know they won't, but that didn't mean that the state that they were in was a good sign. It will probably be up to me or Jess to punish Levi for causing The Creator to be worried though, since we could feel it. All of us here could feel it. None of us wanted to know what would happen if something bad happened to Levi.

Jess was still regularly checking with Sebastian over messages to make sure that he would save her if there was even the slightest chance of Levi being in danger. Thankfully, Levi wasn't in danger, at least not anymore. She managed to come to some type of agreement with the legendary ice bird, and it bowed to her as she tapped the ultra ball to it's head, and released her domain. My heart almost jumped out of my chest for a second, and if it weren't for Jess, The Creator would have teleported to her right at that moment since she fainted. 

It was a good thing that Sebastian was nearby, since he caught her, and teleported home with the rest of her group. We couldn't hold The Creator for much longer though, since they sped past us to Levi's room. We just followed closely behind, hoping for the best.


When I brought back Levi and placed her on her bed, to say I was concerned would put it too lightly. Mother storming into the room, and immediately pushing me aside, as she casted several different analysis spells to diagnose Levi's current condition didn't help my current mood either. I did relax a little since Mother was taking things into their own hands. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I looked over to see Miss Jane smile at me. 

I took that as a sign to crumple into a chair nearby, and she did her best to comfort me in place of Mother while she worked. 

"Everything will be fine. There is nothing that your mother cannot solve ya know? I'm sure that Levi is just tired." She shook my shoulders one last time, before taking a seat near Mother, beside Miss Jess. I felt tired for the first time, so I assigned my work to a few subordinates, and closed my eyes.


I paused, completely stopping in my tracks as Miss Frigga was giving me a tour of Asgard with Loki at my side. 

"Retzio, are you okay? What happened? Why did you stop?" Loki was the first to react, then Frigga turned towards me, but I didn't hear their words. I only looked over a video that was sent to me of what happened just a few moments ago. 

"Retziooo? Hellooo? Are you alive in there?" Loki continued to try and reach me. It was only when she pulled my face close to hers that I finally reacted. 

"My sister Levi, she fainted after a long battle. My Mother is watching over her and working to heal her." I didn't know what expression I was showing, but Loki brought me into a hug in an attempt to help me calm down.

"Are you speaking of The Leviathan? What kind of being would cause her to fight to that extent?" Miss Frigga had a look of surprise on her face when she heard the news. 

"Regardless of what it is that caused this, I do not believe that I am currently at capacity to continue this tour, I do apologize Miss Frigga. While I will continue to be staying at Asgard, I believe Circi has already teleported back home to check on things in person. I will have to retire to my room." Frigga nodded her head, and I teleported back to the guest room provided to me with Loki by my side. 


Ya know, I never felt what they called, 'Motherly Instincts', until the turbulent emotions I felt when Levi passed out. Me sporadically going through and using such a multitude of magical spells just to heal her when she was just experiencing mana exhaustion. I still erred on the side of caution of course, and stood by her side until she woke up. I felt relief the moment I realized that she wasn't in any danger, then decided to study her magic while she was resting. 

I managed to finish a thorough analysis of her magic, and log it for later, before she started to stir awake. She didn't get a moment to collect herself as she was pulled by Jane into a hug, and Jess held my hand as we stared at her.

"As much as I would love to congratulate you on beating Articuno, did you have any idea how worried I was about you? Sure, you may not have been in any true danger with Sebastian there, but so what? You could have put your group in danger if it weren't for one of them warning Sebastian ahead of time. How do you think they would feel if they found themselves frozen solid in their last moments by their own leader?" As I laid it on thick, Levi showed a more exasperated and fearful expression with each word I said.

By the time I finished speaking, she was curled up into a ball in shame on her bed. 

"I have already satiated most of my curiosity about your domain, but you will be showing me every detail of it in the future. For now though, you will be grounded until you learn how to properly lead your group, and keep an eye on their safety, along with your own." Levi looked like she took physical damage when I said that. After I finished, I got up and headed back to my room, with Jess following me. Jane stayed behind, most likely to talk to Levi further.


I am fueled by spite and community support, so if ya want to, please comment/review.

Outside of that, check out P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/Oshimura for up to five chapters ahead of the scheduled release!

K.o.f.i: k.o-fi..c.o.m/oshimura

Discord: discord .gg /vFb9ZcajzY

Also if you see any spelling errors be sure to let me know! I'll fix them up since I don't have an editor.

Thank you for reading and hope to see yall next chapter!

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