
She knows..

Madeline found herself in a kitchen, not just any kitchen, but his kitchen in the mansion. Seeing the revelation of his true nature, she wasn't entirely surprised that they had teleported to this place.

The realization of who he was, however, still scared her to the core. Draven's breathing was soft, as if he had slipped into a slumber or was merely resting. Either way, it was a welcomed change from his pained growls back at the cave; he seemed to be breathing more easily now.

Tears continued to fall from her cheeks as her hand tenderly ran through his ruffled hair, soothing him like a mother would a child.

Madeline and Draven sat on the kitchen floor, with Madeline looking at a carved wooden counter where vegetables and carrots were half-chopped. A black iron pot sat over blazing fires, creating embers, indicating that someone had been cooking. Despite the sweet aroma of the food filling the air, Madeline was too focused on Draven to notice.

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