
chapter 43 It's my birthday part 2

April 20 Marienburg Castle

...As we dress for dinner in our dress uniforms, I endure my partner Fähnrich's jokes about how in a sea of guys I managed to get us all the dates. Silently pushing Karl aside, I inform him of the consequences if he is not a complete gentleman while he escorts my sister tonight. A message that the Commander emphatically reiterates for all of us just before the nurses arrive.

After the usual introductions and greetings, Karl and I had drinks for my sister, Christine, and us. Stepping aside slightly while the Commander lights the embers, I ask Christine, "So, how's my sister doing in college?"

"You should be proud that Erika made the dean's list last semester and she is on track to do it again, no easy feat for a freshman."

"Just like you, Christine, don't deny it." Erika deflects.

"Erika, Mom must be very proud that you are doing so well, as am I. She is glad that you are doing so well and you will be happy to know that after the summer your studies will be fully paid for as part of my officers pay."

"Wait really, how does that work?"

"Soldiers get an additional dependent stipend that applies to you like my brother. There is now a new program for all officer dependents that will pay their full educational costs, and since I will be commissioned as an officer after graduating in two months, this It will also apply to us."

"It's true that my father told me that he would cover my studies too, he was very pleased about that now that my brother will start at the Technical University in September." Cristina reaffirms.

"Is your father in the Wehrmacht?" both Karl and I asked at the same time.

"He has a reserve commission as Oberfeldarzt (1), but he wrote that he is being reactivated to manage one of the hospitals for one of the new bases."

"It probably means that he will be promoted to Oberstarzt first, do you know on what basis?" Asked.

"He mentioned Seefeld, that it would be good since he is so close to Innsbruck or Mistelbach, that it wouldn't be so bad if he were a little further away."

"Hmmm, both are panzer bases that I was hoping to be assigned to Seefeld. It would be nice to visit my house on the weekends."

"Mom would really like that, what do you think your chances are?"

"Actually, quite well, the top 10% of graduates usually get the position of their choice, and his brother aims to graduate at the top of his class so he can become Oberleutnant in one fell swoop." Carlos responds.

"Wait, isn't that two ranks above your current rank as Oberfähnrich?" Erika asks.

"Yes, but you get an automatic promotion upon graduation, usually from Fähnrich to Oberfähnrich. Which in normal procedures is a rank they give you for a few months when you get your first platoon, after this probationary period you are promoted to lieutenant. However , the top three graduates in the class get an extra promotion, so they start as lieutenants right away." Karl explains.

"But since this great ape is already an Oberfähnrich, he would jump to Oberleutnant, I see. So, will you graduate at the top of your class, brother?"

"If I study hard and have a little luck, then yes."

"Yes and lucky you, he says, you have a bad streak of false modesty. This "great ape", as you say, is writing tactical documents that are being read by all the Panzer commanders in the Heer. Both Generals Manstein and Guderian responded and agreed with his article in 'Militärwochenblatt'(2), no, unless we lobotomize his brother before the final exams next month, he will be the best in the class."

"Yes, and you will be the second, apparently we are all brilliant people (3). But I see that the first batch of food has finished, shall we join the line?"...

...After we were all satiated, we sat on the grass, with a good view of the upcoming proceedings. Just at the moment when the sun descends behind the castle, from the valley come the thirty thousand Boys marching in formation with torches held high. As they sing their marching songs, they make an impressive sight as they pass below us. Forming a powerful river of flickering light, they stop just before the castle, where they stand in total silence awaiting the Führer's arrival.

But first, on the hill in front of us, two thousand drumsticks (4) flash illuminated in some special way, the drums lighting up the moment they are struck. Delivering an eight-minute bravado of synchronized percussion and a light show that will stay with me until the day I die.

When the drumming ends with a roar, total darkness and silence surround us until a single trumpet calls to arms. Suddenly, rays of light descend from huge zeppelins towards the podium above the entrance door, where the Führer himself stands. And thirty thousand guys go absolutely crazy, but I too jump to attention screaming "Sieg Heil" until my lungs feel like they're on fire, plus me all the nurses and officers scream just as loudly.

Suddenly, the Führer raises his hand and, as if a switch has been turned off, the crowd falls silent once again. Then he begins to speak, "I have a dream, that one day..."

(1) Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical branch

(2) Military weekly

(3) Men send to Spain where everything is first class

(4) Think about the Chinese Olympics
