
Level 8-9

Chapter Six: Chishiki

Alfia Masalis Silence

Level: 7} 8

Strength: D-548} SS-1000(I-0)

Endurance: G-202} A-800(I-0)

Dexterity: S-999} SS-1099(I-0)

Agility: S-999} SS-1098 (I-0)

Magic: SS-1001} SSS-1110(I-0)

Magic Spell Slots:

1.) Satanas Verion: Short-chant magic that hits targets with powerful shockwaves; shockwaves can be made to explode with secondary chant. (Primary chant: Gospel; Secondary chant: Lugio)

2.) Silentium Eden: Short-chant magic that puts a barrier seal on the user; this seal blocks magical attacks but reduces the power of the user's magical attacks. (Chant: Ataraxia)

3.) Genos Angelus: The resolution of magical strength, and the Leviathan's Bane. A devastating strike to bring down even the mightiest of foes.

Chant: The blessed disaster, the curse of birth.

Sin that devoured half of my body resides within,

No ablution, no purification, and no mercy,

The resonance of this heavenly sound is itself my sin.

The trumpet of the Gods, the lyre of the spirits,

Sins I've lived with, embodied in the melody of light.

My fate, loved by the diorama of the world-

Demolish, for I hold grudge against my own presence!

All shall vanish as I atone for my sins,

Hear the Holy Bell Tower!

-Genos Angelus-


[Gia Blessing]: born with a potent decay, this skill activates when the holder enters any battle, draining her mind, stamina, and health at an accelerating rate. When in combat, this skill will afflict Alfia with poison, paralysis, dysfunction, and actively injure her the longer she fights. The effect is mitigated by growth in status.

[Alme]: in both movement of body and mind, the holder has heightened reflex and reaction, beyond the limits of their status. They are as quicksilver.

[Vel Ardore]: having slain the great beast Leviathan, damage done against any foe with either a water attribute or in an aquatic environment will be greatly increased; in return, damage received in similar circumstances will be greatly reduced.

[Saint of Silence]: boosts magical power greatly, as well as all abilities which affect magic in any way.

*New Skill

[Mother Power]: having discovered her nephew alive and well, the holder's maternal instincts have awoken. Provides a boost to all abilities, and further mitigates the effects of [Gia Blessing]. Holder will serve as a final barrier to potential partners for her nephew.

Development Abilities:

Mage C} B

Abnormal Resistance E} C

Magic Resistance E} C

Pleasant Spirit E} C

Supreme Light I} H

*Available Abilities to choose from:

*Healing Power I*

Hestia's eyes were practically spinning as she recorded and looked at the status update before her, cementing Alfia as a new child in her Familia. Having gotten over her previous outburst, she got on with the conversion quickly.

'They said first-class, but even I know this is abnormal! The Warlord Ottar- Freya's kid- is supposed to be the strongest and highest level adventurer at level 7!'

Are you alright, Goddess? the woman asked quietly, turning her head to look at her.

I will be, just… overwhelmed; I didn't expect you at all!

It would be surprising if you had; I will warn you that Horus will likely be even worse of a shock for you

Wonderful- I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, you hear me? I'm very happy to have you both with us. Ah, you have a new available skill, by the way, uh…

Hm, oh! I suppose that would be a question for you; I didn't expect this myself, honestly. Now that I am your child though, I can tell you freely: Bell is actually my nephew. His mother- Meteria- was my sister

Oh… oh! Now I see; ah, I feel kinda bad now. I was worried you were going to try to steal Bell's heart even after what you said

Well, as you can see, Lady Hestia, I only intend to guard his heart, not take it for myself; although, would you keep this a secret for now? I wish to be the one to tell him in my own time

I can do that, Alfia. Now, why don't we head back to the others? I'll get Aedan and we'll wrap things up to make it official! Alfia nodded in response and they left. When they got back, they saw the room covered in awkward silence, her children pale and sweating as Aedan looked on sheepishly.

We apologize for the lack of warning Alfia bowed her head, aware of the issue instantly; Hestia had shouted quite loudly, after all, but we didn't want to share any sensitive information until we were sure we could join you

Th-that makes sense, but it's still overwhelming Bell was the only one capable of speaking, it seemed.

Ah, well… you may want to hold onto yourself captain Aedan muttered, Actually, do you want to come with Goddess Hestia and myself? I have no problem with my future captain being present for my conversion Bell swallowed before nodding, and they left Alfia in the common room with the others.

… You are, a level 8? Mikoto broke the ice.

It would seem so

Well, congratulations, then! Welf snapped out of his stupor as well.

Thank you

Lili can't believe this, but you did say you were both first-class; thank the gods taxes won't be any higher for your level Lili went straight to the money.

After a bit of comfort returned to the atmosphere, another scream rang out, WHAT THE HECK IS THIS!?

… Ah, I'm guessing he… Welf trailed off.

Yes, Horus is even stronger than I; we were never told his level, but I suspect he is at least on the level that Seraph and Hippolyta were

I'm sorry, who were those? I'm not familiar with those names Mikoto asked, slightly embarrassed at her lack of knowledge.

It is alright; I suspect only those heavily invested in Orario's history know about them, since our defeat was a black stain on the cities past. Seraph- or Maxim Strauss, as he was named- was the captain of Zeus Familia; Hippolyta, her name was Atalanta Bouras, and she was the captain of Hera Familia

You think he is as powerful as your captains were? Lili asked shakily.

I didn't before, when we were all together; after this recent quest with him though, I have no doubt. He may even be more powerful than they were now

Aedan ail DonhUid Horus

Level: 9} 10

Strength: A-888} SSS-1109 (I-0)

Endurance: A-895} SSS-1102 (I-0)

Dexterity: S-905} SS-1098 (I-0)

Agility: S-907} SS-1097 (I-0)

Magic: S-927} SS-1099 (I-0)

Magic Spell Slots:

1.) Solar Flare: an apocalyptic attack which calls down a meteoric firestorm onto an area; the size and potency of the attack is determined by the Mind invested.

Chant: Immortal fire as unextinguished,

That which appears in the ninth hour,

Coming through the Book of Gates,

The Great Asp- the Grand Incendiary One-

As I command you- spit the fires of Hell upon my enemies.

My name is Horus!

-Solar Flare-

2.) Deus Aegis: a stalwart protection which wards against magic and defends against physical attacks. It gradually heals damage and recovers Mind while active, and its effects are boosted if the user is facing serpentine monsters, such as wyrms, wyverns, drake-spawn, and dragons.

Chant: I call upon the holy gift of the Creator.

My power vested by the most High God,

Given over to mortal hands to foil Disasters.

I am the son of Osiris and Isis,

Sealing the mouths of the serpents of the land and sky,

As the lions of the desert and the crocodiles of the river.

Form a sanctuary about my company,

That they may be anointed in the blessings of God.

Neither fire, nor sword, claw, fang, nor fall,

None shall come to harm those under my keeping.

My name is Horus!

-Deus Aegis-

3.) Mimic: Short-chant magic that allows the user to emulate any known skill, ability, or magic wielded by another. The user must know the activation requirements for the copied quality- if necessary- to use them. For example: the chant of a mimicked magic spell. Copied qualities are half as effective as they would natively be; if they consume Mind, they do so at twice the rate they natively would. The user can only copy a single quality at a time. (Chant: Ankh)


[Scion of the Passed over Age]: the lone remnant of his people, Aedan carries with him the skills and knowledge which was- to them- most vital. He is able to naturally use the magics of his people without consuming Mind, and passively holds the developmental abilities Swordsman, Spearman, and Shielder, their efficacy being in scale with his status.

[Blessing of Osiris]: boosts all abilities when bathed in the light of the sun.

[Longevity]: increases lifespan commensurate with status.

[King under the Mountain]: increases all abilities when belowground, inside mountains, caves, or the Dungeon.

[Agamemnon's Magi]: increases the effectiveness in creating magical items. It is a passive skill which formerly granted the use of the Mystery and Mixing development abilities, now it gives the use of their advanced forms: Enigma and Synthesis, their efficacy being in scale with the status of Aedan.

[Mantle of Responsibility]: greatly increases magical power, efficiency of Mind usage, and boosts any abilities related to magic.

[Grandmaster]: greatly increases efficacy of developmental abilities.

*New Skills

[Dragon's Bane]: increases damage dealt to all dragon-type monsters, and reduces damage taken from them. Makes finding dragon-type monsters easier.

[Giant Slayer]: boosts abilities when facing any foes larger than the holder.

Developmental Abilities:

Swordsman -

Spearman -

Shielder -

Abnormal Resistance A} Immunity I

Mage S} Sage G

Hunter S} Predator H

Enigma -

Synthesis -

Magical Resistance B} S

Spirit Healing S} Soul Aegis H

Diving D} B

Willpower S} Dauntless F

Strong Defense B} Bulwark I

*Available Abilities to Choose from:

Crush I

*Strong Body I*

Weaponmaster I

Bell shook as he held the status sheet, having been handed it after Aedan himself had a look. He didn't notice, but his Goddess was staring off into space as he muttered to himself, Ten… level 10? What is- how is this possible? What…

His mind was reassured by something, though; he had never known of anyone else able to break higher than 999 in a stat before. He had asked, of course, and only people he trusted, but everyone had thought he was crazy for thinking that it was even possible to get any stat above the S rank.

Bell a calm voice pulled him out of his own spiral, drawing his attention to Aedan, do you remember what I said before? This doesn't change any of that. When I said I would follow you, I acknowledged you as my captain. I did that knowing I was a level 9 at my peak. It doesn't matter what level I am or how powerful I become; I will be a member of Hestia Familia and I will follow you

B-but this- this is… you're level 10, and I'm level 4; I'm just a second-class adventurer, but you are beyond first-class

Bell, listen to me he waited until the boy's eyes were focused on him again, You have come very far, much farther than many ever manage to get in their whole lives. You pushed yourself nearly to first-class status mostly on your own, and you've done it in an unheard of amount of time: less than half a year. Before you, getting to level two in a year would have been a high accomplishment. Can you guess how long I've been at it to make it to level 10 now?

Um, a really long time, I guess? Decades, maybe

Try centuries kiddo The man kept quiet that he hadn't nearly spent that whole time trying to get stronger and level as quickly as possible. Once he had risen to level 5, he allowed himself enough license to see to other things such as training other and personal research.


That's right, I'm older than old. I've been alive longer than most gods in Orario have been down in Gekai. Before Zeus, I was in Osiris Familia, and he left Orario ages ago. So when I tell you that it has taken me over 600 years to reach where I am, know that the first forty of those years are what it took before I managed to grow to level 5.

If you're a high level 4 after six months, imagine how far you could go in just a few years, or a single decade! I don't want my status to discourage you, Bell; on the contrary, I want to see me as a goalpost; as someone who will be watching over our familia from now on, and one who will teach you all I know, I want you to surpass me; do you think you can do that, captain?

He held his silence, and would wait for the boy to give his answer when he was ready.

… I will, I'll do it

What will you do?

I'll become stronger, stronger than anyone else! Stronger than my rival; I'll surpass you, and become a hero so that I can stand beside Aiz!

That's the spirit, Bell! Although, the last bit was a bit of a surprise. Is this 'Aiz' a girl you fancy? he couldn't help but chuckle at how quickly the boy's face flushed red when he realized what he'd said.

'He wants to be a hero, huh? Kid, if you keep this up, you're gonna be the hero'

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