
Demi-plane things, Rimuru's Speech?

"Whoa... All of that happened in a short time?" Nodding I finished serving Rimuru his food, the bacon and eggs of Milim and Shuna ready and still heated to an edible standard. He was looking at the table in front of him and thinking, no doubt using Great Sage to organise the information.

"Secondly, we need to speak on the direction that we wish to go with the technology of our nation. Are we wishing to make it a modern country? A futuristic one? What do you envision?" He looked up at me as I placed his food in front of him. His expression grew complicated as no doubt he thought of the modern world he came from, one strikingly similar to my own.

"Modern amenities were definitely very good. However, I would never like to go back to a regular 9 to 5. That was a torture worse than waterboarding." I laughed at his analogy whilst snapping my fingers. All of the empty chairs whizzed back enough to allow people to sit down. I would wake Milim and Shuna up now, whether they were tired or not, I had warned them and they ignored me. Slight popping noises resounded from the Lounge room as Milim and Shuna woke up groaning and complaining.

"5 more minutes...!"

"I'll kill whoever did that!"

I furrowed my brows at Milim's words and quickly yelled out.

"Like you did yesterday!? Come on you two, we have a guest! It's not my fault you ignored me last night!" I heard two thuds as they slid off of the couch and fell to the floor.


"Where are you touching Shuna?"

I ignored the two half-asleep gremlins from there as I didn't miss a beat in speaking to Rimuru, his face showing many levels of hilarity and awkwardness.

"Understandable. Now, I started working on Electromagnetic Generators with Kaijin but we need Magnets... I can make the materials with one of my spells but it leaves me with a certain portion of my Magicules gone for a day. I held back on achieveing it mainly due to Charybdis and the fact that Gazel appeared." I took a sip of my coffee to allow him to process all of the information, secretly giving him time to speak through it with Great Sage. Then, lowering my cup, I continued once again.

"Today I will continue with the duties of Ruler, I will give you a spell to easily accomplish the paper work. One of my goals today would be to speak to the woman I met yesterday, Yuna. Another one will be to have a meeting with Kaijin, I will be creating the Magnetic materials and explaining the process of how Electromagnetism works." Rimuru grimaced at the fact he would have to attend what could be considered a class on ruling. Shaking my head I took another deep sip of my coffee and exhaled in delight.

"Speaking of things to do. You will have to speak to everyone in the city to tell them why you have been away, you better have a good explanation... I suggest you do this before we start work... Onto things I will also have to look at today because of you."

I paused for a slight moment and watched the utter frustration and pain on Rimuru's face as he realised that not only does he have to be away from Shizu, he now has to make up for all the time in which he left. He started to inch away from me before I grabbed his shoulders and stepped behind him. The balrog in my ring came out and menacingly hovered behind me.

"Because of your re-emergence I will have to establish the ranks properly and order them with both of us being rulers... The people now see me as one. Next, I will establish a public council or parliament to allow the people to communicate their wishes to us. NEXT, the military will need to know our official ranks so that we have some station amongst the soldiers, otherwise they will degrade the entire structure we have built. N,E,X,T, I will have to have a conversation with Treyni about her meeting you and not informing me." A green light emerged into the kitchen moments later as Milim and Shuna also entered from the living room, their clothes hastily cleaned up. 

"I must apologise Silviana-sama, Rimuru-sama asked me not to convey his location to you, due to the 'unique' nature of his mission." Rolling my eyes I looked at Rimuru, watching him slightly shrink in stature as he giggled like a kid being caught putting his hand in a cookie jar. 

|He most likely met Yuuki...|

'Shit, when you put it that way... I can't really be angry at him, he was doing something useful. I just need to find a way to get the information out of him.'

"Okay, okay... I won't blame you Treyni, you were simply following the orders of Rimuru." He flinched a little once more, his aura crying out for some help.

"I am not angry Rimuru, just disappointed. I know you can well as a leader but you skipped out to be with your girlfriend... Meanwhile, I got married and still carried on in work..." He turned to look at me and seemed really scolded, his aura now sinking to a deeper feeling of guilt. 'Serves you right for ditching all this work on me you crazy slime! Phew... I needed that.'

"Anyway, you are now here, that is all that matters. Treyni, please don't lose your trust in Rimuru he was just scouting out a country for us and happened to go with Shizu."

"Indeed Silviana-sama. Rimuru-sama I wish that your mission was, a great 'success'." A flash of green appeared and disappeared rapidly as Treyni faded in the same span of time. Looking at Rimuru I could see his blush and noted that something must have happened with Shizu. Not having time to deal with that can of worms I hurriedly pulled Milim and Shuna over to the table, serving them their meal and coffee.

Milim spat out the coffee immediately, making my eyes twitch. "Disgusting... Phluk..." She made an awful expression that showed her displeasure at the substance as Shuna happily drank the coffee and ate her breakfast. Rimuru was already finished by the time they were half way done and was preparing a speech for the people of the city.

'He's a good ruler once you get the serious him out.'

Feeling that time was better spent upstairs I left Rimuru to prepare his speech and my women to finish eating. I was going back upstairs to finish my demi-plane. Coming back to the white-silver rune, activating it and watching as the door emerged, I quickly stepped into my demi-plane.

As before, it was completed white. A void of pure whiteness and eerily silent. My imagination began to take off as a I envisioned a larger demi-plane. My magicules burst out and incorporated with the space, expanding its spatial dimensions. This was my first plan, now, I would add structures. A certain tower from a DND campaign came to mind at this moment.

Clapping my hands in front of I watched as the laws of the demi-plane allowed me to manipulate the existence of matter within the space. A massive nine sided tower emerged in front of me, all of its countless floors bearing stained glass with a dodecahedron adorning the centre of the glass above the entrance level's door. Naturally I had changed the design based upon my own tastes but I wanted to keep the magical-styled glass and the 'Beacon' art. The tower wasn't just nine floors in scope though as I expanded it up until it was 200 Floors tall, bigger than the Burj Khalifa used to be in my past life.

Not all floors had a use but many were solely dedicated to copying down every book and piece of knowledge I had gained in my life. There were naturally many bedrooms and bathrooms that allowed for guests to stay if i wished. Along with all of those spaces there was also a so-called room of requirement that allowed me to create an item I had seen or heard of before. Now there were rules still and I couldn't take those items out but I could still generate a representation of them using magic, meaning I couldn't break down a TV to see how its components worked either.

Yeah, it was basically all just fluff stuff. There was a kitchen level and pantry level that was dedicated to the staff which came in the form of spectral cats that traversed the inside of the building via conduits within the walls. Yeah, I liked Caleb's cat idea. Alongside the new tower there was also several training grounds that sprinkled the lowest level of the demi-plane, ranging from Obstacle courses and dodging courses to full blown magical trials and gymnasiums. 

Also, at the top most floor of the tower was a gateway room that houses hundred of doors that could be used to connect different runes that I place in the future. Meaning I could effectively place a rune in a separate nation and use the Demi-plane as a form of teleport. My usual teleport spell was good but this would ensure that I didn't need to use my Magicules all the time. The existence of the room still made me wonder about the key I had received but I held back in my curiosities, erring on the side of caution.

Just when I reached the bottom of the tower again I heard Milim and Shuna calling me for work, apparently I had been in the demi-plane for a while. 'Shit, i forgot to turn off the time dilation... Its probably been half an hour to an hour.'


We had just gotten to work an hour ago due to Rimuru still preparing his speech. The first goal of today was to follow Rimuru to the square in front of the Government district where the populous of the city would convene to hear his speech. The word had gotten out through Treyni and she had worked harder than usual to make sure everyone knew.

'Probably her way of officially apologising to me... She's so stubborn.' 

Luckily we were still an hour early from when the speech would start so I began to direct some small issues, such as security and the position of people behind Rimuru. We needed to act as if we were behind Rimuru's decision... Unity was a must.

The next task i accomplished was to read the speech Rimuru had prepared. It was, unique, much like him and sounded authentic, that was good. The people needed to know that he was still himself and that despite his absence he still cared. His reasons for going were rather general but also alluded to grander goals for the nation. Some of them included finding trade routes, making connections, studying a foreign education system to possibly help implement one in the city. It was a good cover. Unfortunately he had to lie to them about the real reason he left but that would be overshadowed by the good he would do for them by progressing the nation.

'And here I am basically acting like the real ruler supporting my replacement... When, in fact, I am also a ruler... I need to speak to Gazel.'

"Benimaru. Come here." I waved my brother-in-law over and watched him change from commanding to smartassed in mere moments. 

"Yes sister-in-law?" I raised my eyebrow before softly speaking to him.

"Can you send a message to Gazel that we wish to host a meeting between his country and ours. Rimuru will be the representative and he will mainly be meeting with Rimuru. Also, inform him that this will be the perfect time to test him."

Benimaru's eyes widened before a large grin appeared on his face, the red marks near his eyes scrunching in happiness as he flicked his head towards Rimuru, his hair sweeping in that direction. I was a bitch, but Rimuru deserved the lessons Gazel was going to give him and naturally the frustration of dealing with an opposing ruler. Luckily in my past life I had worked for a billionaire for a time and was used to making dire and powerful decisions at a moment's notice.

'Fucking rich bastards...' I frowned physically and mentally at the memories before refocussing on the area around me. It would only be twenty minutes until the speech started and my day was just starting...


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Thanks to all these awesome Kijin for their Power Stones!

Also, I am sorry if I missed you in the list!



















Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts