
Awaken { 1 }

Torn sinews stretched and moved to their former positions, cracked and broken bones moved and mended themselves. The neck muscles and spine fixed each other at a microscopic rate and it took ten minutes until the trachea could allow air back into the lungs. Then air was pulled into the lungs and a green energy pulsed inside the heart and it started beating again. The once still chest began to move and the diaphragm moved along with each breath.

The energy pulse carried on into the blood and restored the decayed flesh that had begun to expire with the body. Color returned to the skin and organs were put back on task. A small sigh escaped the once silent lips and it was obvious that the corpse, was a corpse no longer.

Rick was the first to break out from the shock. He moved to the wall, took his Skillet and moved towards the bed. Raising it, he aimed at Lesley's head, right between the eyes.

Liam was on him in a flash.

" What the fuck do you think you are doing?! " He demanded as he moved the gun away from his cousin and forced Rick to point it at the wall.

" What do you mean? I'm about to kill a corpse. " Rick said pulling his gun back but Liam grabbed it again.

" He's not a zombie, he's breathing. He's alive. Hell he could even have a heartbeat." Liam said looking at his cousin but then Martin spoke up.

" Now hold it. " He moved and slowly put a finger on Lesley's neck, his eyes widened when he felt a pulse.

" He's really alive? " Ross asked in wonder and Martin nodded his head.

" He's breathing and hearts pumping just like mine. " He said with a confused frown," How though? He ain't a zombie."

" I said that." Liam said but Martin wasn't done talking.

" But," he said clearly," He died. We all heard his neck being snapped and now it looks like he's just sleeping. "

" We have to shoot him. He could be a mutant." Rick said decisively.

" If you even try, I'll shoot you." Liam said seriously and Rick gave him a harsh glare.

" One; threatening your superior is a crime and then there's keeping a possible mutant alive...treason. We'll be executed if they find that we let a mutant live. The very thing we were avoiding to begin with. "

" You're commiting murder. Don't tell me about right and wrong." Liam said through gritted teeth.

" He's not human. No one comes back to life when their necks are broken." Rick said," Don't be a sentimental fool! "

" You bloody bastard! " Liam pulled the Skillet away from them and threw it to the side. Then he attacked but this time Rick was ready.

Their fists met and a brawl ensued, one that Martin quickly tried to intervene but couldn't. Ross gave a groan before he got up to help Martin. This was clearly a two person job and he had experience with Liam's temper tantrums.

Unknown to him, as soon as he left, a small green spark appeared from the ceiling and flew towards Lesley's prone form. It floated above his head and gave a luminous glow. Floating and hovering over him slowly, as if inspecting him.Then like a mosquito that had found a being of golden pure blood, it whizzed and flew into his chest.

Lesley skin vibrated with a mysterious energy, pulsing across his veins and arteries. He took a deep breath and his eyes opened all on their own. His ireses, once a deep green, now shone with a vibrant green, like the essence of all life across the world. It was a mysterious light, one that had not been seen in eons and an invisible figure, dressed in a midnight dark veil, stood next to the bed observing it.

Death looked up and gazed at the foolish mortals who were preoccupied with a simple trifle. Little did they know that the moment before them was one that could affect the world...if not all of existence.

She watched as the glowing eyes roamed around the room and looked on at the humans. There they stopped and, seeing them fighting, they narrowed. Lesley's mouth opened slightly and he whispered a single word.

" Sleep."

It was a single word, but it held power beyond belief. As it left his mouth, a wave of energy like the ripple of a pond spread out. Death flinched and raised her hands in defense but the energy passed her by without touching her. Unfortunately for squad 36 they were not so lucky.

The energy went through them and they froze, limped and fell unconscious. The wave did not stop there but went beyond the walls and affected everything alive and undead in the building. Zombies fell to the floor like the corpses they were, bones and flesh dropping like rags. The upper rank was not excluded, just as he was swinging a fist towards Mel, he froze and his face turned to confusion. Then he dropped like a rock before Mel's feet.

" Huh? What... happened?" Mel asked out loud," Did I...win? "

He turned around and looked at the zombies littered around them. Noticably is the fact that not all these zombies were whole. They had been burnt bodies before and lacking some limbs but now there were scattered bodies with obvious damage done to them.

When the upper rank zombie and Mel started fighting the hallway was filed with zombies. When the battle began getting more serious the zombies were collateral damage, being unable to move because the upper rank had deemed it so. Or there was a higher power stopping them from moving. It was unclear.

But one thing was clear; The zombies were nothing but flimsy obstacles in the fight. Although the upper rank and Mel became covered in blood, thick and black, neither one tried to avoid the zombies. Such consideration for the unfeeling dead was not a thought either one of them had.

" I'll go to him now." Mel said softly, looking at the upper rank and walked away from the upper rank zombie. His feet walked on rotten bones and stinky black blood. A pig's slaughter house smelled like perfume compared to that hallway. Then there was the broken walls and furniture. Rooms had been destroyed and the scene looked like the birth from a battle and a horror show. The blood, broken and mangled burnt bodies were bad enough but Mel's appearance was worse.

His grey shirt was smeared in black blood and muscle tissue. He had some cuts and scrapes across his face but he felt no pain. Even the fact that he had no more arms caused him little grief. He walked away, a torso with a pair of legs and a head, but completely armless.

" I'm coming." He said with dead, cold and unblinking eyes. He had a corpse like visage as he spoke and it was clear to anyone; he was still undead.

I'm back my amazing readers and I'm back with passion.

I promise to make up for lost time and I'll try to upload as much as I can. hell I'll try two chapters a day if possible. I owe you all that.

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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