
A Lower Demon (6)

Seung's eyes narrowed to the left, a radiant smile gracing his face as the piercing wails of the wraiths thundered in his ears. His voice emerged in a soft, almost overconfident tone, shoulders raised slightly.

"Take care of them for me." He turned left. In an instant, a purple glow from a portal engulfed him, and his body vanished in the blink of an eye.

Where he had stood now stood three ghostly clones, their ethereal forms perfectly complementing the wraiths' dark nature. Each clone wielded a sword wrapped in swirling, milky red light.

Simultaneously, the clones and wraiths charged at each other. As the first clone neared a wraith, time seemed to freeze, only for that clone to suddenly be in the midst of the dark horde, leaving several wraiths vanishing into thin air behind it.
