

Everyone one  are wearing black,full on black by holding lilies and Rose's,as sun shines town people are in fear of death and greif over 8 people blood flowed through the town, crying and people screaming over their family and friends death sounds so hard even it tears hearts of Judith and Nexy. Judith have  to attend funeral this time so that no one will  suspects her. Imagining Spencer, tears filled through her eyes,Madison places hand on her shoulder.

"Don't cry over their deaths,witches curse killing them it won't stop here.God i wish witch daughter should be found and dead."

Her eyes almost widened with anger as she hears

"I'm worried what might happen to you."

Eyes, calm down.

"Me too, I wish the witch's daughter would leave you alone. You are a good person."

One of Edward's friends, Roberto, is sobbing so hard. His sobbing voice is loud, filled with fear and remorse.

"It doesn't matter if she's good or not. The whole town is responsible for Alan's death. Maybe we are paying for our sins."

Judith eyes straight no response at all,Nexy from bushes watching everything calmly, everyone turned aside to him,Edward stepping forward to him, grabbing  collar, in sense of Agression.

"Just shut up you prick. Don't say a word."

Setting Edward hand free from collar, pushing edward a side

"Yes,I'm prick  that's the reason my daughter paid for my sins,so does your son and Charlie daughter."

"Don't don."

"Don't stop me,don't forget we are the problem for all of this. If we didn't used her private property for our drinking alcohol and seeing her personal secret and creating rumors  was what made all of this."

Judith's eyes widened in shock, and Edward displayed fear and aggression through multiple reactions on his face. He controlled his tightening jaw and teeth-biting habit with a strong grip.

"Just shut up. We alerted the townspeople about the witch, saving the town from her."

"Sorry we simply love to share gossip with the town and ruined her life and daughter's over our gossip fun."

Roberto heart pounding in full despair.

In shaking and trembling voice.

"If we didn't used property and spread rumours nothing would have happened. If witch wants to harm us we never think why would she stay in town with her teenage daughter and avoid  us. She would have silently set fire to our houses one by one by using her fire power what we saw right. Second she had no intention to harm us but now her daughter has all intentions to murder us."

Judith eyes tearing drops, rubbed it quickly,eyes again hateful,cold look.

The whole town laid down their heads, regretfully crying at the spark moment. The town is full of fear and regret about what they did. Edward is seriously biting his teeth, clenching his fist, shouting,

"Idiots, don't be fools; we have to stay strong."

Other guy"Don't act like you didn't feel regret I saw you begging mercy by imagining Alan yesterday and you said some one name Sam."

Judith eyes widened opened.as she widened her eyes Madison  took a leave

"Hey i need to go Judith".

All  foots stepping away from cemetery,whole cemetery become abandoned.Judith alone  stand in silence and death in cemetery, suddenly hand placed on her shoulder.

"NEXY,just leave me alone."

"Judith,calm down!don't get confused those town people may  feel guilty about your mom death for a little while  from now but that doesn't make them any less guilty or innocent from their crimes."

"Yeah,I know but still I feel wrong for first time now in my life.What if my mother never wanted it."

"It's natural for thoughts to dwell in times of despair and confusion. Don't shift from  actual goal because of it."

Judith heads down, shaking in little confusion of so many unwanted thoughts in her head.

"I can't think right now, this is the first time I saw them feeling guilty over it. Idk, this change may be Spencer wished for us to get together in a better world in the next life."

Eyes filled with tears, sobbing.

"Now world is accepting witches as good may be this is the start."

As she turned her head back, no one there, all trees and 🪦, dead silence air, turning head left and right, deeply exhaling, sobbing.


"Nexy Nexy .."

Within a moment, her eyes are glowing so red, and an instant change of climate turns it dark and normal again.

Fig:Judith at cemetery

From trees behind her, a little far, two eyes are looking at her—glowing blue eyes. She took her mobile out of her pocket, dialled, and called:

"Hey, Adamson, sir. I'm Father Jonathon. You were right about her and the demon. What do you want me to do?"

Judith stormed into her room, deeply exhaled.

"Nexy Nexy .."

"Mr shadow guy.."

Shadow ASSASSIN stormed in quickly.

"What is it, miss? It looks like you were in tension."

"Yeah right, there is a lot going on right now. There is one thing I heard that seems suspicious at the funeral."

"What is it?"

"I heard Edward whispered my name, 'Sam,' yesterday. To be honest, many people in town don't even know my mother's name properly. He said 'Sam,' my name. To be honest, people in town don't even know what I look like either. That's why they didn't kill me along with my mother that day."

"He might have known more than what you are looking at right now?"

"Keep an eye on him, can you?"

"Yes, I am an assassin; spying is a common theme for me."

Now the whole town is filled with people having drinks over grief and guilt. The bar is playing sad melodies, and people are slowly taking sips of alcohol, mourning the dead and fearing an uncertain future. Ricky and Edward are not present on the scene; they are having drinks at home.

Madison, as a bartender, serves drinks to everyone. She hears such a pleasant, charming voice:

"Hey, miss, everyone looks to mourn over the dead ones. Why not you?"

"I don't have any family,my family already died when I'm 12 on accident i came to town due to my inheritance.So idk any dead people that much to mourn except my close friend Spencer."

"Oh that's sad,I'm sorry."

"It's ok, what can I do for you?"

"I need Scotch two glasses."

"Ok, my pleasure. It looks like you are not from town. Who are you?"

"My name is Nexy."

Straightly looking at eye to eye with a flirty gaze, flirty smile, holding a glass straight to her.

Madison's eyes turned pale with an astonished face and a sense of humor.

"Nexy, what kind of name is it?"


"Let me guess your parents put some old name to you.So you convert it into some kind of comical name right,man."

NEXY Slightly gives devil glance and smiles.

"Yes!you look like intelligent one."

Smiles out of shy,chuckles.

"Yeah I got high IQ in my school aptitude tests."

"Well ,that's great."

Inside whispers.

"Wtf is attitude exam means? Is it some thing to measure attitude?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing,I just think how hot and beautiful you are."

Looks at eye to eye with flirty gaze,fingers getting closer to Nexy fingers one by one slowly,in slow voice.

"Well dont think just find out."

Madison and NEXY both are in room, kissing each other.Madison took of jacket of Nexy, t-shirt.He holding her waist kissed her so hard,took of her t-shirt,took of her bra both looking eye to eye. She low moaning voice.

"Just fuck me."

He pushed her in bed,top of her both are naked on top of her riding so well..ah ah ah ah..

"Fuck me Fuck me harder.."

"Yeah yeah .."

"Omg you look so better than my ex I love you."

This voices all passing through Judith ears as she stepping in to Madison room,slowly taking steps forward to Madison room,hands shaking,deeply exhaling inner whispers.

"Yeah I have to tell my best friend truth may be she will understand me."

Slowly taking step forward forward...

"She's having sex this is not right time to do I'll wait for few minutes."

Both got exhausted after few mins,moaned loudly in end,he placed hand at her shoulder.

"I hate that my girl freind not accepting me she's thinking about her dead boy freind still."

With flirty voice,temptingly.

"Ok who is that idiot?She left such a hot and handsome guy over some dead cock ?"

Judith eyes widened open out of curiosity.Just stormed in with no second late,her eyes widened opened in jealous.

"Nexy WTF,Madison you WTF."

Madison screams

"Wtf Judith do you know him?so she's  that girl freind than"

Simply serious gaze

"Yeah iam that idiot who don't want to leave dead boyfriends cock."

Nexy smiles

"You forgot to mention hot handsome guy over.."

Both seriously faced towards NEXY.

"Shut up."

NEXY gives such a clueless silence.

Both got dressed,Madison took Judith out.

"Ok your new boyfriend look so hot just accept him girl.He look like a nice guy."

"Hey,I'm here to talk you about something important idk how you will.."

Broken glass sound comes to both of their ears,Madison faced that side, rushing towards that direction.

"Hold it girl,I have to see!"

NEXY gives regretting look inside, looking at broken glass.

"Oops I'm sorry Maddy,I just dropped it trying to have my drink."

"Hey slow down dude,we just fucked up for one night don't call me Nick names like you are my fucking boyfriend."

"Ok sorry miss Maddy."

Both Judith and Maddy:-

"Shut up. "

Nexy looking eye to eye on Judith signalled her to come out.both went outside of Maddy house premises.

"Hey what are you doing? Nexy you fucking my best friend."

"Fucked. I don't have anything to say to you when you are still hold down to your dead boy freind cock."

Slaps his face,Nexy eyes turned red,demon roars so loudly like a beast.

"I'm the one who had your back always to kill town people don't ever forget that."

Uhuh loud heart beat,dropped box  🎁,

Both faced towards that direction.delivery boy from town Edward batch member.Widened  his mouth,hands are shaking.Both eyes are widened,Nexy about to take step forward..

"You are the bloody witch! who's been doing all this you little bitch.Wait I'll tell everyone in the town."

As he face back rushing outside almost opened mouth and gonna scream  flag pole took a exit from  mouth. Bleeding lot from mouth. His dropped body down on own blood with 3 metres flag poles  laying half one side half other side to head.

Judith pointed palm towards him straight. Red glowing eyes,hands down gives devily smiles.Nexy staring at Judith face continuously.Judith devily smiles, eyes glowing darker red and comment in badass women voice.

"Look like one bad gossiper down rest are waiting."

Next chapter