
The Opposite Effect

[Maverick’s POV]

I stare down at Rosco as his face goes redder and redder with rage. Although I knew even giving my age would piss him off due to my relationship with his daughter, I didn’t want to hide anything either. Hiding things was what caused him to dislike me so much, so it was time to turn over a new leaf.

“And since that is clear, should we should work on coming up with a plan to defeat Ezekial, don’t you think?”

Growing quiet, I wait as everyone stares at me like I’ve grown a second head, but when Ellie’s lips twitch into a small smile and she nods, I know that she is on the same wave length as me.

“I think that would be best, Samuel.”

“Samuel?” Jose repeats, frowning. “Who is Samuel?”

“Me,” I respond. “My name before waking up in Emerald Moon was Samuel. However, I would prefer for everyone to continue calling me Maverick, as Samuel died long ago.”

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