
Something's Amiss

[Denali’s POV]

I sit, holding Rosco’s hand, while Naomi quietly rocks Serenity. Hamilton, who sits in the corner, watches the scene with a blank expression, and I can’t help but wonder how he feels seeing his strong son in such a state. I was sure that despite all their anonymity in the past, this was probably hurting both him and Naomi as much as it was hurting me.

“You have to wake up.” I whisper, squeezing Rosco’s hand. “For everyone.”

“He’s strong, honey.” Naomi assures me. “There is no way he will let something like this take him down.”

“I hope so.”

As much faith as I had in Rosco, I still wasn’t sure if this illness could even be beat. After seeing what happened to the three warriors who had already passed, I couldn’t help but fear the worst.

“Don’t speak so negatively.” Hamilton huffs, getting up from his seat. “That boy is stubborn as a mule. He wouldn’t even let the goddess herself take him from you and Serenity.”

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