
Chapter 178: Chances


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"... we didn't want any of this! I was horrified when he started blowing everything up around, but what were we supposed to do?!"

Lisa Snart didn't hide anything under a slight pressure. However, my figure has become quite famous, and I understand her reaction.

After all, I don't want to fight someone who shrugs off bullets, explosions, and everything else and can fix a few streets with a wave of their hand.

Those glowing eyes look intimidating.

I decided to keep them to maintain the "hero" image.

My costume has changed slightly since my initial appearance, but not too much.

The cape remains, and I wear dark-toned clothes, gloves, and a mask covering the upper part of my face.

She told me what happened.

Lisa got Leo out of prison, but he wanted to return for his weapons because they gave him an advantage over other criminals.

She tried to convince him to leave that life behind. 

However, she couldn't persuade him because a strange man came and offered them power and the chance to get revenge on the Flash.

While Lisa didn't particularly desire this, Leonard himself wanted revenge with all his heart.

This power involved them being given the address of a scientist willing to help them, more precisely, willing to conduct an experiment with a genome recorder.

This was the invention of Darwin Elias, a former scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs, who had gone freelance.

In addition to the two of them, that "strange" man brought three more people, and all five of them used this genome recorder with their weapons.

They were lucky that their meta-genes awakened at that moment.

Otherwise, they would have definitely died, but in the end, they gained their meta-powers.

While Leonard was lucky himself and gained cryokinetic abilities, Lisa ... besides her abilities, also developed a tumor in her brain.

She was very scared because of her powers when her astral form separated from her body, and she almost lost her physical shell.

These ribbons were holding her astral and physical shells together perfectly.

The others also gained meta-powers, and Marco just became stronger.

They only had one goal even with all this power and the "strange" man's help and that was to kill the Flash or at least deprive him of the ability to run.

This group agreed, even Lisa because she was slowly dying from the tumor.

He gave them kryptonite and said it would help against Kara or Clark.

"Oh, I've got an unknown admirer wanting my death... that's exactly what I expected, waking up at six in the morning. Without coffee."

Flash muttered while rubbing his temple.

"It was unexpectedly sudden to weaken like that."

Kara said.

"So who is this person?"

"I've heard of him already. He was responsible for the attack on Atlantis. He wanted to finish off Arthur Curry... except he's already dead."

I said while restoring the area to its original state.


Flash asked, appearing beside me in a bright flash of speed.

"Why couldn't you deal with them faster without putting innocent people in danger?"

I asked, looking at him.

"I honestly tried, Strange!"

He defended himself while raising his hands.

Strange is one of the names they gave me after we all gave interviews.

I haven't said my own name yet.

"However, these tapes... they slowed my speed down. It's the first time I've encountered something like this."

"These tapes temporarily reduced your connection to the Speed Force. Alright, what are we going to do with you? But it's clear with you."

I said this as Marco had just left, leaving only three criminals behind.

"Uh, where is he?"

Flash asked nervously while rubbing his hand through his hair.

"He's a maniac, a killer who wants everyone to kneel before him. He wanted strength and wanted destruction. In his mind, he planned to arrange a hurricane in Central City so powerful that nothing would be left of the city."

I said, learning what I could.

At first, I thought his powers affected his mind.. but he was still that bastard.

"Uh... well... is he alive?"

Flash asked anyway.


I turned to him, and he flinched while I stepped back a few steps.

"You're doing a good job, and your heart is really full of desire to save and protect. I know you wanted to give him a second chance... but believe me, it won't help."

"There are people who don't understand this, and it will poison them even more, and innocent people will suffer because of it. My goal is to prevent this."

"Please! I don't want... hm... no."

Lisa cried at the prospect of dying.

"The three of you haven't lost so much yet, and I'll give you one last chance."

I raised them with magic and then released them.

The next minute, a seal appeared above Lisa's head, and she grabbed her head.

"I freed you from the tumor as well as stabilized your meta-gene. Leonard."

I approached him, who was worried about Lisa, and tried not to show it, but he was afraid of me.

He was shaking on his knees.

"Here's your chance at a normal life... I know some people at LuthorCorp who can help you get settled. It shouldn't be a problem for you because of your skills, and you'll get paid well."

I handed him a business card.

"It's your choice whether you and your sister will be happy or not."

I added before turning to Flash.

"Whew, I thought you were going to... do something to them."

Flash admitted, ready to intervene if necessary, but he knew he had few chances.

"I'm not a maniac; I'm the leader of the League of Defenders. Some criminals can't be given a second chance. Let's go, Barry, let's talk."

I said while heading towards a nearby cafe.

Kara joined us.

"Oh, right... wait, where did you... um... who's this Barry?"

He tried to act as though he didn't understand.

"If you think I don't know about you, you're mistaken. But don't worry, this information won't go beyond the League of Defenders."

I said without turning to him.

"Hello, we'd like a table for three, please."

We entered a cozy cafe where a girl at the reception desk just kept staring at us.

"Oh, um... sure... please follow me."

She led us to a table.

"I've heard about your exploits. You're doing great defending Central City, but as you can see, enemies can sometimes outnumber us. That's why we're here..."

"Wait-wait! Are you... inviting me to join you?!"

He exclaimed excitedly, quickly picking up a menu and flipping through it.

"Heh, I think Kal-El will like you."

Kara smirked, sitting very close to me on the couch.

"Well... I'm not sure... I just started..."

"No one's forcing you to join us right now. Here, take this..."

I handed him a communicator.

"If there are problems, use it. Or if you decide to join us."

"What about... who hired Snart and the others to take me out?"

He asked.

"I have a suspicion it's someone from an alternate universe who somehow ended up here and is preparing for something."

I said that could very well be true.

"An alternate universe? Wow... and Atlantis too. The world is bigger than I thought, heh."

Flash remarked.

"Um... excuse me... are you ready to place your order?"

The waitress interrupted us.

"Oh, yes, I'd like a milkshake..."

Kara began placing her order, followed by Barry, who finally decided on just a coffee.

"So, why me? I get that I'm super-fast and all... but there's Superman! Or you."

He pointed at me.

"Hmm, maybe it's something else? Have I rubbed someone the wrong way? Damn, I can't remember..."

"The thing is, you're a member of the Justice League in most universes. You could pose a threat to their plans... whatever they may be. So, be on guard."

I advised him.

"Um... sorry... can we take a photo with you?"

A group of schoolgirls approached us.

"Oh, sure."

Kara immediately showed interest in this.

"Were you thinking something not nice?"

She asked me with a slight squint.

"Just thinking how glad I am to take a photo with fans."

We spent some time on that.

"So, are you just super fast?"

Kara asked again.

"I'm fast too, I can fly to the moon in a minute!"

She added.

"That's cool, flying is a neat ability... and yes, I'm very fast."

Flash's hand began vibrating at immense speed.

"Moreover, I can phase through walls by vibrating my whole body and molecules and throwing lightning bolts, but speed is the foundation. And Strange... are you... like Superman? I mean, an alien?"

"No, I'm from Earth. I'm the Archmage, a meta-human, and a god."

I stated casually.

"Oh, cool... a god?"

He blinked.

"Yeah, a god of Olympus."

I nodded.

"Oh, I remember that battle! And the strike from Ares..."

Kara winced as if from phantom pain.

"So you're serious..."

"I am a god, yes. So, if you wanted to say earlier that only a god decides who lives and who dies, then that's exactly how it is. I decided."

I smiled at him slightly.

"Hmm, what a crazy day."

Flash said, finishing his coffee.

"I need to run for money..."

"Don't worry about it."

I raised my hand.

"I have no financial problems, especially since I can get precious metals from space at any moment."

"... envious."

He muttered.

After chatting a little more, he ran off, sparkling with his Speed Force.

"Let's race in Metropolis."

Kara suggested it to me.

"I'm okay with that..."

"Only flying! Any kind of teleportation doesn't count!"

She quickly set a condition.

"As you wish."

I shrugged, and we took off.

It lasted only a few seconds... but at least I could enjoy her view from behind, and Kara herself couldn't help but notice how I was glowing.

"You won. "

I made an obvious conclusion when Kara hovered over the city.


She blushed and hesitated to look at me, even biting her lip.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you? To... to stare at my butt?"

"How could you... doubt me? Of course, everything was planned for that."

I nodded proudly.

"Well... you could have just asked... um..."

She blushed even more.

"Looks like some extraterrestrial alien wants affection?"

I flew up to her so that now I was hovering over Kara, looking into her eyes and at her red cheeks.

"Did you already watch our games with Lena or the other girls?"

"I... I was just flying by... and maybe I heard..."

She tried to explain herself, but I easily embraced her while pressing her deceptively fragile body against mine.

"Let me guess, Old Kara convinced you, huh?"

I asked, and I understood it was true by the look in her eyes.

"And what did she say?"

"... that we need to act sooner... that she also took a long time to decide, and the one she loved was taken from her right before her eyes."

Kara muttered while lowering her head.

"Not a bad piece of advice, but I actually enjoyed seeing your face when I walked in on Lena or Shinoa... you looked so amusingly shocked at first."

"Don't say that!"

She tapped my chest and pouted.

"Oh, someone noticed us..."

She pointed to a building where shouts about her were heard.

We were pretty high up, but people on the roofs of tall buildings could still see us.

I teleported us higher, and we had a beautiful view of the nearby lands, with clouds adding a touch of romance to the situation.

"Now the rumors will start spreading..."

I said cheerfully.

"Well, let them... Clark is dating Lois, so it's about time for me to... find my other half."

"Kara, you're stunningly beautiful, with those blue eyes and blonde hair, every man's dream. You do realize you could have almost anyone, right?"

I finally decided to discuss this moment.

I already understood where it all started.

Kara initially felt like an outsider here, and even Clark couldn't help her with that because he grew up here, and Earth was his home.

As time passed, she still felt out of place, worried about her home and her parents, and decided to do some heroics to relax.

That's how our long acquaintance began, and we became friends with her, Clark, and the Kent family.

Of course, she didn't just fall for any random cute guy because she wasn't that superficial.

The fact that she liked the power she gained from the sun meant that a person had to be stronger than most people.

She has seen my feats and how I beat up Clark even though they were just sparring matches, but quite vivid ones.

She also met many new unusual people, like Diana, Shinoa, and others who could rival her in strength.

In general, she developed a desire to live rather than just drift along.

She really is a beautiful girl.

I often find myself gazing at her.

"Are almost all those boring ordinary people just thinking about money, careers, or 'parties'?"

Kara smirked while turning away from me and flying a few meters to the side as if pondering.

"I... I couldn't be with an ordinary man. I realized that in the first month of being on Earth. Most of my acquaintances are girls... well, except for Clark, and I don't love him like you love Lena... just as a relative. Oh, and there's this Flash too. So my choice wasn't initially a lot, especially... well... I liked you right away even up there in the sky."

She confessed.

"Just liked me?"

I ran my hand through her hair while pressing against her back.

"... my mother wanted to marry me off to someone from Krypton to preserve our lineage."

She remembered her mother.

"I didn't want that... but I do want to see them, to make sure they're alive, but... I'm glad I met you and the others."

"I recently acquired this ring... It's connected to the Green Lantern database, and I discovered that Brainiac was observed relatively recently in the Vega system. So one way or another, we'll find out about your parents."

I told her.


Kara turned around to face me and quickly leaned down, and our lips remained in a kiss.

I've already removed the mask here, so nothing prevented her from doing it.

I wrapped up the blonde and started scratching her butt.

"Do you know that you always excited me in this suit?"

I asked, squeezing her chest.

"That...that was the whole plan."

She licked her lips, and we continued kissing.

I also groped her body, and she didn't really mind.

"What a treacherous lady you are... oh, red panties? Have you been preparing?"

I raised my eyebrows when I noticed this piece of her underwear.

I have already removed her skirt using magic, and I was able to enjoy her butt without any hindrance.

"Maybe... do you like it?"

She bent her back to make her ass stand out even stronger.

"You're beautiful."

I didn't lie, and my hands slipped under her top so that I couldn't remember such small breasts with hard nipples from excitement.

We were still high in the sky, where ordinary people would have trouble breathing, but we didn't mind at all.

Kara's hands also went through my body, through the chest, and stayed there for a long time. 

I could see an excited warrior getting ready for battle through my clothes.

"Oh My... it all feels different..."

She answered with a breath when my fingers climbed under her panties and began to caress her clitoris.

"I hope for the better?"

I asked, raising my hand in her juices to my face.

"Mmm, the Kryptonian scent of a young maiden..."

She became even more excited at my words, even though my actions also caused some embarrassment.

It wasn't long before I created a bed next to us out of solid light using the White Lantern ring... a very worthy use of such a powerful tool.

And as soon as I threw her onto the bed, I stared at her.

She herself was already fully exploring my penis with my clothes moved into the ring.

"Mmm... oh... so hot..."

She whispered, rolling her eyes, her hands clinging to my back, when the tip of my friend began to penetrate inside.

I soon felt resistance.

"Yes, you are very hot too."

Kara's body quickly adapted to my size, and I also helped with magic, so Kara immediately felt pleasure.

I tried to do everything so that her first time would be memorable and, most importantly, enjoyable.



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