
Chapter 145: Ares

Diana fought Ares very honorably, and he even praised her combat skills.

He simply ignored me, as if I were just a fly to him... well, considering that he knows about the Amazons but most likely not about me it makes sense.

He doesn't feel threatened by me, and I keep my aura and "essence" under control.

"I am the God of War! This battle only makes me stronger!"

He proclaimed while stomping his foot, causing the entire hill to shake and a deep chasm to open in the middle.

"That's why I must stop your madness!"

Diana replied while rushing into battle again even though it was clear she had suffered many injuries, but she stubbornly persisted.

"War is much more, Diana of Themyscira. It's trials for mortals, where they can discover their humanity and abandon it! It's the forge through which they build and destroy their civilizations. But like the fire THAT Prometheus gave to mortals, war is always hungry! And no one will stop me! Not you! War will be everywhere, and my power will be boundless!"

"Diana, I think I can join the battle now, right?"

I asked her.

She just considered it her sacred mission, but I had already analyzed Ares, and... well, he's weaker than the gods of Remnant, at least in pure strength.

"Together we can win."

Diana looked at me, and I understood she was grateful to me for allowing her to deal with him through her gaze.

As soon as I stepped forward, laser beams flew at Ares from above, causing him to shield himself with his hand.

In the next moment, Kara tried to ram him... and Ares simply grabbed her by the hand, like a doll, and forcefully slammed her into the ground.

Kara is strong but far from her limits and is young, while Ares is a god with centuries of experience.

"I know about you, aliens who consider yourselves gods. So witness the power of a true god!"

He exclaimed, and his fist met the fist of the incoming Clark.

There was a loud crash, and Clark gritted his teeth as he was thrown back.

He might not be physically losing, but Ares is a god and possesses divine magic, and every blow can be considered a magical blow.

"You are strong... but who are you against a god? The madness of War will control you!"

He tried to influence Kara and Clark with magic to take control of them or simply make them go berserk and attack each other.

He could have succeeded if it weren't for me.

"That's why you must understand magic, not just be physically strong."

I interjected and shielded them from his influence.

"Division! Division! Division!"

Shinoa exclaimed from above Ares.

"W-what, how is this possible? My power... no! War knows no bounds!"

He clearly felt himself weakening and became enraged.

He instantly created an energy structure with divine magic to wrap around Shinoa and pull her towards him.

However, Diana intervened and tied her lasso to his arm just as he was about to strike Shinoa.


Ares yelled in anger.

At that moment, Clark gathered his strength and punched him directly in the face.

The blow was like several atomic bombs, and he knelt down but quickly recovered and swiftly counterattacked, causing even Superman to cough up blood.

Meanwhile, I suppressed all the consequences of such a battle for Athens... otherwise, the city would have been in serious trouble.

Ares was somewhat playful in the beginning, but now he drew his weapon and became serious, realizing it was better not to take risks.

This time, even Shinoa's "Division" didn't work as Ares resisted the effect he had already felt.

"Alright, I hope you see that some problems are hard to solve alone."

I said as a suit of a mixture of Eighth and Ninth Metals appeared on me while allowing me to effortlessly block Ares's weapon as he intended to cut Clark in half.

He already looked beaten up... Well, I think he understood that his strength doesn't work everywhere.

"You should also consider this..."

Shinoa muttered and relaxed.

"Identify yourself!"

Ares shouted while trying to swing his weapon from my grip.

However, I tightened my hold, and... his weapon, like glass, cracked and shattered.

Then, I stopped hiding my aura, and Ares stepped back.

"W-who are you? A god... I still won't surrender!"

He yelled but less confidently when he realized that something was amiss and that he'd better leave while he still had the chance.

"Don't give up."

I said it with a smile and struck.

I was not using all my strength, but Ares screamed in pain as divine blood began to flow from his broken hand.

In the next moment, the reality itself forced Ares to his knees, and he began to feel all his bones slowly breaking.

"Ahh! No! Father! Save me!"

He exclaimed while looking up at the sky... which was now covered in clouds.

Then thunderous roars echoed as if nature itself were enraged... and Zeus peeked because he didn't like what he saw.

"No one will save you, and if you think I fear the wrath of Olympus..."

My divine essence flared up like a star, my "Light" covered the entire Earth, and my "Darkness" intensified on Ares, causing him to scream in agony.

"...then think again."

Then, two beams of light pierced through the clouds from above to dispel the dark weather.

I turned slightly towards where the figure had appeared, even though they shouldn't have been there.

"His death was not meant to happen today."

A familiar pretty brunette with a silver Ankh around her neck said.

"Yet he's still alive."

I glanced at the speaker.

Diana and Shinoa, Clark, and Kara could see her, but it was as if... something invisible stood behind them, and they remained silent.

"But you're going to kill him, aren't you?"

She tilted her head with amusement in her eyes as she looked at me.

"I am."

I replied, and with a spear that appeared in my hand, I pierced Ares's chest, causing him to gasp as if in disbelief... and then he died.

"The death of a god at the wrong time and place will have consequences."

Death suddenly spoke while stepping towards me.

"But I'm glad to see you again and... that you've become a stranger once more and more elusive as if you're here and not here."

"You know, if Death looks like this, I don't mind your attention."

"Flattery. You've become bolder since our last encounter."

She noticed, glancing around.

"The soul of Ares may be useful elsewhere... may I?"

She gestured towards my medallion, where his soul now rested.

"And you're asking for permission?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Let's just say... even the Eternal Ones have something to fear, especially something as inconsistent as you. You may not realize it, but I see your power fluctuating from someone human to someone even Death can't touch. It's intriguing. Ares's soul will help resolve some issues... I'll pass it on to my servant. These problems may seem... not good to you in the future."

"Then take it."

I shrugged.

It wasn't like I needed his soul all that much, but turning it into a Sacred Gear wouldn't be bad.

"Until we meet again..."

She leaned towards my ear.

"Call me Dee-dee."

She vanished.

I still felt the presence of the Phantom Stranger nearby, but he quickly disappeared... when sensing Death and deciding not to show himself.


Diana regained her composure.

"It's better not to ask that question."

I interrupted her.

"Is everyone alive and well? Kara, how are you holding up?"

I approached her who was clutching her side.

"He was strong... very... even stronger than that Ghost."

She whimpered, so I ran my hand over her body but not in a lewd way, and healed her.

"Yes... that's better. Thank you."

She smiled at me with her ears slightly reddened.

"And me? I feel like I got much worse."

Clark joked when noticing how Kara blushed.

"You're almost two meters tall, injuries suit you."

I slapped him on the sore side, causing him to wince momentarily.

"But alright..."

I healed him too.

"Thanks... It's been a crazy month, and I've been beaten up twice already. Once by an alien, and now by a god... considering I never even saw my own blood before, this doesn't please me."

He chuckled.

"We did it."

Diana said, still looking up at the sky.

"But... I think Zeus will be angered by this turn of events."

She glanced at me with concern.

"We need to talk to Aphrodite; maybe she can say a good word for you."

"I'm not worried about the Olympian gods. If anything similar happens to them, I'm fine."

I pointed to where Ares's body had been that had already disintegrated due to the split.

Of course, I took his blood for analysis, just in case.

"If you didn't notice, Ares immediately knelt as soon as I entered the fight, and I hadn't even exerted myself yet."

"My administrator-kun is hot."

Shinoa remarked, running her hand over my chest.

"What about the Ares' sons?"

Kara inquired.

"I would have killed them to avoid any problems..."

I caught the tense gaze of Diana.

"However, I think it's better to let Diana tie them up and send them to Aphrodite. Well, if they don't get a second chance."

I moved them and placed my hands on their heads.

They were gods but... very weak, and I embedded seals into their energy structure that overlaid their souls.

They would now feel pain just by thinking about revenge... and they might even die if they decided to act on it rather than just think.

"The mission of the gods has been successfully completed, and my duty as an Amazon is fulfilled."

Diana spoke as Kara and Clark dragged the terrorists and lined them up.

Cortana had contacted the local authorities, and everyone who needed to be there was on their way.

It was hard not to hear the gunfire and explosions happening here, and the sound barrier didn't hide it.

"Yes, you did well, facing the God of War head-on."

I praised her and her skills.

"What will you do next? The task of the gods is fulfilled, and Ares will no longer be the cause of innocent deaths."

"I... don't know..."

Diana looked at me, then frowned, a moment of hesitation crossing her face, but only for a second.

"I remember promising you for your help before, and you went above and beyond."

Wonder Woman's words coincided with her step towards me, and she licked her red lips before kissing me.

I was a bit taken aback by such an assertive move but quickly regained control of the situation and began kissing her.

Diana's tongue was gentle and good, and her strong body only enhanced the picture.

This time, we kissed for about fifteen minutes, and I freely roamed my hands over her without feeling any objections.

"Aphrodite interrupted us last time."

I recalled that once our lips parted.

"And she influenced me... but now my feelings are one hundred percent real."

She smiled while reaching for another kiss, and I didn't oppose.

She knew how to get what she wanted, and now she was getting the man who had caught her eye from the first encounter.

"Ahem... I guess I'll wait then."

I heard Talia's voice and almost felt the rising black jealousy in her, but it quickly subsided, and she regained her composure.

Meanwhile, I held Diana close to me by her waist, running my other hand down her thigh.

"I think we need to have kissing sessions more often."

I said, looking her straight in the eyes.

"I agree."

She replied, licking her lips.


There was a brief rumble in the sky, but this time... weak and hidden.

"It seems the gods want to meet with me?"

"Maybe they're just busy with an orgy, and Zeus accidentally threw his lightning bolt in the wrong direction?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know, but I still have to face them. I'll hand Ares' sons over to Aphrodite."

"Then I'll wait."

I said, still not letting go of Diana while gazing into her eyes, and she did the same.

"Oh, have your relationships progressed?"

Shinoa's voice sounded as she landed next to us.

"I saw how Diana looks at you, Tony-kun. And she'll make a good sister."

"I... have to go."

Diana's eyes darted around as if she were a little girl.

This whole saga with Ares was over.

If I had previously been worried about Greek gods, I could deal with each of them and wipe them out completely now.

It's that I wanted to, but if I had to... After all, even Zeus in the comics did many crazy things.

As for Death's words... perhaps that was how she sensed Gacha or what I could get from there.

I still couldn't understand Death even after reading the books of Archmages and Gods and having assimilated many people.

Thus, it's best not to think about it too much.

The Athens authorities would deal with the terrorists, and our team would once again make headlines, but without me.

Magic simply made me invisible to them, and I wasn't worried about that... although I wasn't exactly hiding.

After all, plenty of witnesses saw me in the suit.

The Compass with Allura inside still hadn't found the right dimension.

I decided to return to the topic that interested me when various gods weren't looming overhead.

The one Zodiac Crystals that I obtained from Orm's trident, the son of Atlanta.

I would also need to visit them and check if any problems have arisen again.

There were only twelve Zodiac Crystals, and they provided access to the magical energy of the entire planet together.

One of them could already flood the shores of America, and that's without any training, just raw magical energy.

I now had some free time and one of the crystals, while finding the rest wouldn't be so difficult.

These artifacts could be useful not only to me but also to the people I trust.



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