
Chapter 143: Allura

[Anthony's POV]

"You're an immoral, selfish, eccentric, egotistical, and overconfident magician who thinks there will be no consequences for his actions."

Zatanna reprimanded me.

"I disagree with some of those words, and the last two are pretty much the same."

I said this while running my hand along her back.

"Why are you so worked up?"


She looked at me, then at the bodies around us.

Lena was hugging my arm, her head resting on my chest.

Shinoa was lying very close to my groin, and Cortana had already awakened with her gaze suspiciously lingering on my tool.

"Well, you just walked in at a bad time."

I justified myself.

"I... well, you're right about that."

She admitted being dejected.

"But you're still a jerk."

She turned her head away.

I had to squeeze her soft breasts and kiss her.

"You're very cute when you're jealous... but you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

I said confidently, knowing how much she liked Shinoa's caresses.

"You're such a scoundrel. I'm trying to start a fight here, and you..."

Zatanna sighed and just relaxed.

"He's always like that."

Lena said.

"It's impossible to stay mad at this rascal for long; he finds a way to lift your spirits... or just screws you senseless."

Lena said it nakedly, rising slightly.

"So, what about Allura?"

I embraced both Zatanna and Lena.

"She's sealed in Paracelsus's sword. I put it in the Hall of Artifact Storage after Father disappeared… that witch was always right under my nose!"

Zatanna exclaimed while calming down as I hugged her tighter.

"I decided to look for my father's artifacts that could maintain a dimensional passage and heard his voice. At first, I was happy because the voice said it was difficult for him to contact me, and he could only do so through the last artifact he held... which was the sword. However, the longer I talked, the more I felt a deceit, like a demon's words. After some magical analysis and a few questions, I was sure it wasn't my father…"

"Then the voice admitted it was a friend of my father's... and I didn't really believe it either. Eventually, Allura started yelling at me. It was part of her plan to think I'd get angry and free her just to smack her. That's when I decided to contact you right as you returned… and you dragged me into an orgy."

She finished, catching her breath.

"I successfully did,"

I smirked and boldly kissed her, then Lena, who was slightly jealous of such a display of affection.

However, I showed that Lena was just as important to me.

After we all got up from the bed, I was about to head home with the sorceress, but before that, I decided to talk to Lena.

She was in her office in the LuthorCorp building.

"I told you I can sense emotions, and you're in a strange mood,"

I approached her.

She stood leaning against the wall and looked out the window with a view of the entire Metropolis.

"I was just thinking about our relationship and everything that happened... maybe I should write a book, 'My Favorite Brother, the Magician'?"

She looked at me and happily changed her position to lean on me instead.

"If you want, anything you wish,"

I kissed her on the temple and gently buried my face in her soft neck.

"You've just arrived, and you have a lot on your plate... an angry witch and the god of war,"

She said it thoughtfully.

"I'd like to help, but... you're doing just fine without me, it seems. I don't want to get in the way..."

"Hey, what's this?"

I turned her face towards mine.

"You're not in the way, and you're making my life brighter. There are plenty of problems in the universe, and I don't stick my nose into all of them... that's why I agree with Shinoa about the team. Clark can handle many of the planet's problems, and the main thing is to show him. In the meantime, I can spend time with you..."

"And with the others,"

She put her hands on mine.

"I'm not that much of a bitch to ignore the feelings of Shinoa... she adores you. Zatanna may act bitchy, but her feelings for you are quite real even Diana asked me about your past..."

"If you're afraid of being left in the shadows, let me assure you... no one can replace my dear sister."

I lifted her chin with my finger and gently kissed her.

"Do you want to see other worlds?"

"Can I?"

Lena's eyes sparkled.

"Of course... I'm sorry I left you alone here so often..."

"Don't explain. I understand, silly."

She said it with a chuckle.

"I know you worry about me, and that's why you gave me the Aura and those powers like Kara and Clark. I'll just wait for you like I used to. We're not going anywhere from each other,"

She expressed herself, prompting me to lift and spin her around.

This conversation made me realize that.. keeping Lena safe and in the dark about chat won't work for long.

I saw in her eyes what I noticed in mine at first... a desire for adventure.

Lena is a strong-willed person and can stand her ground when needed... but that's for later.

I headed to Zatanna's house for now, where she showed me the sword... but it was more like a gladius or just a short sword.

It was a beautiful sword, untouched by time and emanating quite an intriguing magical power.

"Your father begged me on his knees not to touch his little girl!"

The magical telepathy from the sword conveyed these words, clearly displeasing Zatanna.

"And it's always like this,"

Zatanna turned to me.

"I've already prepared a holding circle in the basement of the house, but I decided not to risk it without support."

"Well, look at you, all grown up."

I smiled at her.

"Before, you would have tried to do everything on your own."

"Oh, come on. Let's hurry up and interrogate this bitch."

She hurried.

I could see her eagerness to learn about her father.

A lot had happened in her life in the past year, and someone who cared about her and could help her showed up.

However, she still wants to know about her father which is quite understandable.

"As you wish, milady."

I bowed and took the sword in my hand, which immediately tried to influence my thoughts but failed.

I took it downstairs, where Zatanna had already created a magic circle.

It might not look very powerful, but it locks the being in three dimensions in this world.

It can't move or escape to another plane of existence and suppresses all "special" abilities.

"Alright, everything's fine. Now, release this witch."

I stood next to Zatanna and nodded to her after checking the circle and ensuring its quality.

She smiled slightly and raised her hands to release Allura.

She now looked like a strong sorceress worthy of even her father being proud of her.

Zatanna managed to free her like her father who sealed Allura.

The sword began to vibrate while emitting clouds of black smoke, and soon, the dark sorceress appeared before us.

"The smell of freedom... almost,"

She noticed that she couldn't do anything while standing in the circle.

Allura looked at us and wanted to say something, but Zatanna slightly flicked her finger, and Allura received a telekinetic slap...

"This is for my father,"

Zatanna said.

"Someone's touchy... just wait until I get out, and I'll show you the depths of despair!"

Allura's gaze expressed all the anger she felt at that moment.

"Calling for help, afraid you couldn't handle it yourself?"

"What a sharp tongue... Where's Giovanni Zatara?"

I asked, and she immediately smiled.

"Oh, so that's how it is..."

She closed her eyes.

"He's in another dimension, release me, and I'll be able to guide you to him."

"Your plan is crystal clear since both my father and I are cursed. The meeting will result in one of us dying in agony."

Zatanna said.

"Remove the curses, or else..."

"Or else what? I can't do it. I poured all my hatred and all the magic I had at the time into that curse... so I can't lift it."

Allura smiled while enjoying Zatanna's horror.

"So you're useless to us, and I'll learn the coordinates of the dimension from your soul."

I said that and took a step forward while releasing my aura.

Allura's eyes widened significantly.


Perhaps she wanted to offer something, but reality wavered, and her body turned into mist along with her soul and ended up in my medallion.

There were also the almost bare cores of the souls of two dragon gods and the First Vampire from Shinoa's world.

There was Allura along with them... and if we don't count the Dragon of the God of Darkness, Allura had a ton of sins.

I literally saw it.

"You sealed her?"

Zatanna realized this while looking at the medallion.

"Yes, she's a powerful sorceress close to the Archmage, and our approach to her should be cautious. She felt her curse on your father, which means her soul will show us exactly which dimension he's in."

Zatanna said nothing and clenched her fists, her eyes darting around the room as if unsure of what to do next.

"What's wrong?"

I gently took her hand.

"I'm just... we're getting closer to finding my father. But... I don't even know what I'm feeling. I'm happy, but also confused... and I still want to torture that witch."

Zatanna's gaze fell on the amulet.

"First, let's find the coordinates of the dimension where Giovanni is, and then do as you please. Are you sure you're okay?"

I embraced her and gently ran my hand through her silky hair.

"Yes... let's move on to how we'll extract information from her soul."

I had a solution to this problem, and it didn't take much time especially given the simplicity of the artifact compared to the Sacre31d Gear.

I created a compass from Eight Netal and placed Allura's soul inside it... and she struggled in every way possible.

Still, she was a somewhat skilled dark sorceress who defeated the Archmage, Zatanna's father.

She didn't know Giovanni's exact location since she was cut off from the world after being sealed, but she had a connection to the curse.

"It's working,"

Zatanna smiled later in the evening after analyzing the compass.

"Of course, I made it."

I added a touch of pride to my words.

"If you need help with Ares, let me know. My father had dealings with the gods, so... I'll help if needed."

She reassured me.

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of the Greek pantheon anymore."

I reassured her.

"When's your next performance?"

"In three days in Central City, so I expect you to be there," the brunette informed me, poking me in the chest with her finger.

I left... with that, but not without kissing her first.

Cortana had already gathered information from Talia during the days I was absent, and she had also shared everything they had learned about the terrorist groups accumulating nuclear weapons.

As expected, all leads pointed to Athens, specifically to the Areopagus, the hill where the terrorists had gathered.

"We can't wait, and the gods are waiting for results."

Diana said this after we explained what we had discovered.

"They can wait. I don't like the idea of the God of War having a stockpile of nuclear warheads. We need to deal with this regardless."

I replied.

"I'm ready to help, Administrator-kun."

Shinoa said it with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of leaving Barbara alone?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, she's a big girl now. She's shown herself quite capable over these months, and a day without supervision won't hurt her."

She shrugged.

"After all, opportunities to battle a god don't come often."

"You and Kara will deal with the warheads and the terrorists."

I pointed at her.

"What about Clark?"

Supergirl looked at Superman, whom I had decided to invite.

He had been eager to help with the god... Well, I think he deserves to feel a divine punch to the face.

Apparently, my punches during sparring aren't reaching him.

"The three of us will deal with Ares. He may have divine minions. Diana mentioned that Aphrodite warned her about Deimos and Phobos, his sons."

I explained.

"Yeah, Anthony, I... nevermind."

Diana wanted to say something to me but decided against it.

"Then I'm ready for battle."

She raised her sword and shield.

"Justice League, assemble!"

Shinoa exclaimed, prompting me to look at her.

Apparently, she's been reading comics...

"Justice League?"

Clark asked.

"Well, we could also call ourselves the Light Team... or the Team of Good? Super Team? League of Justice?"

Shinoa listed names.

"Although if it weren't for Administrator-Kun and Clark, we could have called ourselves the Super Beauties League... that's it! We need a separate all-female superhero team!"

"Let's focus on the task... We can think about the name later."

I stop Shinoa's musings.



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